GhostxShip by Samm Aversa
GhostxShip by Samm Aversa

Syracuse hardcore crew GHOSTxSHIP recall their journey, discuss new track “Ties That Bind”

5 mins read

GHOSTxSHIP has stormed back onto the scene, dropping their first new music since 2014. Their latest track, “Ties That Bind,” hit the airwaves on May 1st, and it’s a straight up banger!

This Syracuse, NY-based band, known for their straight-edge hardcore ethos, has captured the attention of old fans and new listeners alike with their raw energy and uncompromising sound. The track, a product of More Sound Studios and engineered by Jason “Jocko” Randall, showcases the band’s growth while staying true to their roots.

Formed in 2009, GHOSTxSHIP quickly established themselves in the hardcore scene with their debut LP “Cold Truth.” Their relentless pace saw them releasing a split EP with NO ZODIAC and two more EPs, “Carry the Flame” in 2013 and “Cold Water Army” in 2014.

Despite a decade-long hiatus, the band’s reputation remained strong, bolstered by past appearances with heavyweights like MERAUDER, COMEBACK KID, KNOCKED LOOSE, CRUEL HAND, and CODE ORANGE. Their return in 2023 was marked by explosive performances alongside HATEBREED, EARTH CRISIS, and GIDEON.

GhostxShip by Samm Aversa
GhostxShip by Samm Aversa

In our exclusive interview below, guitarist Sean Mott shared some insights about their return. “We were asked to play a hometown show with EARTH CRISIS and ONE KING DOWN. Once we got in a room together and played one song after eight long years, it felt so natural. We picked up right where we left off and decided to keep playing shows together,” Sean explained.

“Deciding that we were going to continue to play shows, we thought we should release new music as well. ‘Ties That Bind’ came from an idea Keith had to start the song with vocal cues. I wrote the intro riff off his idea, and as a band, we crafted the rest of the song.”

GhostxShip by Samm Aversa
GhostxShip by Samm Aversa

Ties That Bind” holds personal significance for the band. “It encapsulates what the alternative music scene is. Things in life will always change, but music is a constant. Relationships end or fade away, but common bonds formed through music are unbreakable. That’s what brings us back together,” Sean emphasized.

For an in-depth look at GHOSTxSHIP’s return and their reflections on the past and future, check out our full chat with Sean Mott below.


What inspired you to come back after a decade-long break? What was the driving force behind creating “Ties That Bind”?

We were asked to play a hometown show with Earth Crisis and One King Down. Once we got in a room together and played one song after eight long years, it felt so natural.

We picked up right where we left off and we decided to keep playing shows together. Deciding that we were going to continue to play shows, we thought we should release new music as well.

Ties That Bind came from an idea Keith had to start the song with vocal cues. I wrote the intro riff off his idea and as a band we crafted the rest of the song. Song writing since reuniting has felt so genuine to who we are as a band and we can’t wait to get more new music out there.

How do you look back on the early days of GHOSTxSHIP in 2009? What stands out the most from those times?

I joined the band in 2010, right when Cold Truth was released. Joining the band gave me my first taste of touring, which is something I will never forget. When I was younger, getting to play shows was the only means of getting to travel and see new places.

How do you think the hardcore scene has changed since you first started? What do you think about the impact of digital technology on the music scene?

The hardcore scene is definitely way more in the pop culture zeitgeist than it used to be and I think that definitely correlated with the rise of social media. Bands like Knocked Loose, Drain and Kublai Khan TX are doing something extraordinary for heavy music as a whole, something in my opinion that’s never been done. Reaching mainstream success, but not compromising their sound to fit the mold of radio music.

GhostxShip by Taylor Rambo
GhostxShip by Taylor Rambo

What were you guys up to during the hiatus? Were you involved in other projects or taking a break from music altogether?

Getting married, having kids, starting businesses, that’s really what all of us were up to. But music was always still there in varying degrees.

Keith played some shows with Architect. Kyle and Chris joined the band Snapmare for a bit. Chris was in Trail Of Lies for a few years and later joined Carried By Six and Mushmouth. Matt has a few other bands currently: Colder Weather, Hell Yeah So What, Violet and Caverns. I filled in for Lionheart for a few tours and festivals, played for The World We Knew for their 15th anniversary shows, but mostly was a break musically for me until the band reformed.

Funny enough in the same week we decided to play a show again I joined the cover band Career Mode that I still play with and agreed to fill in No Bragging Rights for some hometown shows and a tour last fall.

GhostxShip by Samm Aversa
GhostxShip by Samm Aversa

What does “Ties That Bind” mean to you personally? How did you capture the energy and evolution of the band in this new track?

Ties That Bind perfectly encapsulates what the alternative music scene is. Things in life will always change, but music is always a constant. Relationships end or even fade away, but there are those common bonds formed through music that is unbreakable. That’s what brings us back together. Whether it’s days or years down the road. That’s a really special thing.

Can you tell us about the process of working with Jason “Jocko” Randall on this single? How did his engineering and production influence the final sound?

Working with Jocko was the perfect decision for this song. Keith has worked with him in the past on Architect records, but it was the first time collaborating with him as a band.

We had a sit down discussion on how we wanted the song to sound. We wanted the recording to capture the energy of our live show and Jocko more than delivered on what we were envisioning. We will be working with him from here on out 100%.

GhostxShip by Samm Aversa
GhostxShip by Samm Aversa

What’s it like playing live shows again after such a long break? How does it feel to connect with old fans and reach new ones?

It’s incredible. Live shows are our favorite thing. Feeling that energy in the room with a live band and crowd feeding off each other is nearly indescribable. That’s what this band is all about.

Reconnecting with old friends has been almost nostalgic in a lot of ways. Reaching newer, younger fans has been great. It’s amazing to see this newer generation of show goers blend in with the old heads. That’s what this is all about, right?

GhostxShip by Samm Aversa
GhostxShip by Samm Aversa

So what are your thoughts on the current state of the Syracuse hardcore scene? How has it evolved, and what excites you about it today?

There’s a group of young kids carrying the torch for the DIY hardcore scene and After Dark Presents opened a new venue called The Song & Dance, which I think is the best venue the area has had in years. The Syracuse area hasn’t had this big of an influx of new bands in a very long time and it’s really cool to see.

GhostxShip by Samm Aversa
GhostxShip by Samm Aversa

Are there any specific moments or experiences from the past decade that influenced your new offering?

Us reuniting was the spark that lit the match. But all of us collectively over the past decade have grown a lot as human beings. All of that factors into how we write music now and I believe it’s only made us better as a band.

GhostxShip by Taylor Rambo
GhostxShip by Taylor Rambo

What’s next for GHOSTxSHIP? Any plans for a new album or tour dates we should keep an eye out for?

We plan on releasing singles for now, expect more new music later this year.

We have some really cool shows in the fall we can’t wait to announce.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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