Portland, Oregon’s AMERICAN ME and Graz, Asutria’s GIVE’EM BLOOD are booking their European tour for September.
Contact the band via office@distortion-bookings.com.
Here’s the conditions raider:
Travelparty: 12 People
Accomodition: hotel, privat as longs as it s dry, warm and comfortable and not 100km away
Catering: for 12 people according to rider (sandwiches etc upon get in plus hot meal and drinks)
Backline: The Bands have their complete backline with them which can’t be used by the other bands, exapt amps, symbols, stands, sticks, instruments
Tech rider: info will soon follow. Expect the usual … All local crew ( sound , lighting etc ) has to be provided by promoter.
GIVE’EM BLOOD – “Contaminated”:
AMERICAN ME – “Black Malicious Lie” video: