Live Videos

Bathed in plants, French shoegaze rockers LUNATION FALL premiere enthralling live performance video; share beloved live sessions

2 mins read

LUNATION FALL is a French shoegaze quatuor based in Lyon. Their music emphasises the contrast between heavy sound, full of distortion and fuzz, and sensitivity and delicacy of dreampop melodies. In their songs, served by soft and complementary voices, they use spatial metaphors to express their vision of love and time. In this new mesmerizing live session the band perfomes an intro following by “Precious Time” and “Mydriasis” recorded at Aux Plantes, Lyon, and we’re stoked to give you its official airing above!

The session is co-presented by French label Stellar Frequencies, who offered the following commentary: “Through our live sessions we strive to put forward bands and places with stories to tell. We are shedding different lights upon spaces by taking them out of their usual context, reimagining them and using them as stages for live performances. The Stellar sessions are also a trans-media project, using a variety of formats and techniques: photography, audio, cassette, vinyl, print, and text. The collective works with artists who experiment, make the project theirs and offer their own vision to make it live.”

“We were very glad when our friend Cédric asked us to be featured on the Stellar Frequencies label he created with his bandmate Joan.” – says the band. “We were even happier when they told us that we would be the first band to be filmed for their series of live sessions! The guys at the label do an amazing job in communication for us as well producing amazing merch for the bands. Their handmade tapes look like little gems!”

Lunation Fall badn 1 min

“The live session was a first and great experience for us, being filmed playing music in a plant store is really something!” – they continue. “We had to work fast because of the shop schedules but everything went very well. All the staff was really prepared and managed to make beautiful shots! We really love the sounds and lights of the final work.”

Lunation Fall was formed in late 2017 in Lyon due to the meeting of singers-guitarists Celia and Thibaud who started shaping the first notes of the band.

In January 2018, they were joined by Ludo, former guitarist in the post-punk band After Track, who took the bass in Lunation Fall. His presence reinforced the formation’s identity.

After writing the first tracks, their first drummer had to leave the region. They then meet Julien at a Motorama gig the following October. Previously the drummer for the stoner rock band Stone The Crow, his powerful drumming helped the band shape the wall of sound they were looking for.

Following the first concerts in their city and two demos, they joined the Stellar Frequencies label in early 2020. In their rehearsal room on the slopes of the Croix Rousse, they write, compose and play. In the same year’s Autumn, their debut album, Near, released in 2021.

The band music emphasises the contrast between heavy sound, full of distortion and fuzz, and sensitivity and delicacy of dreampop melodies. In their songs, served by soft and complementary voices, they use spatial metaphors to express their vision of love and time.

To celebrate this great event, we asked LUNATION FALL to share their top live sessions and we’ve got a nice set of their awesome performances below!


Slow Pulp – Full Performance (Live on KEXP at Home)

Blankenberge – Disappear | Somewhere Between @ Radiogaze Live Session


The Garden (live) – Release Party – ARTE Concert

Radiohead – In Rainbows From the Basement (April 2008)

Veronica Falls – Full Performance (Live on KEXP)


New Order – The Perfect Kiss (Official Music Video)

Placebo Live Black Sessions 1997 – Evil Dildo


Slowdive – Sugar For The Pill (Live on KEXP)

Kurt Vile – Full Performance (Live on KEXP)

Huun‐Huur‐Tu – Full Performance (Live on KEXP)

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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