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BREAKING POINT interviewed by Rocked Up, April 2012

1 min read

Last Thursday (April 26th), Rocked Up conduced an interview with BREAKING POINT‘s singer Louis.

How would you describe your sound in three words?
Straight Edge Southern Rise Hardcore. Shit, that’s five! I’ve failed!

How has 2012 been for you so far and what are your plans for the rest of the year?
So far this year has been awesome. All the shows we’ve played have been crazy. We haven’t played many shows so far cause we been mostly writing this new record, also I’m finishing up with university so its been a bit hard. Aside from that we got a few things happening that I can’t really divulge, but rest assured we got some cool shit coming up.

You’ve recently been added to Ghostfest for the second year running, looking forward to it?
Yeah definitely, last year was a lot of fun. There’s always friends of ours playing, we just turn up and get ignorant and its cool.

Can we expect a follow up to “Judgement” any time in the near future?
We start recording the next record in a week. its gonna be called Life Sentence and its gonna be coming out on Purgatory Records. Purgs have been real good to us and they’re friends so its awesome that they wanna keep putting us out.

What are your main influences?
The main influences for the new record has come from like early 90′s All Out War and Hatebreed, shit like that.

What is your opinion on the current UK hardcore scene?
UKHC is sick right now. Theres a lot of bands doing it correctly with a lot of different sounds and loads of really good shows. And there’s UK bands getting recognition abroad too, its a great time for hardcore right now I think.

Do you have any bands you think everyone should take the time to check out?
Most of us are in other bands. Dan’s also in Abolition an Iron Curtain. Fisher’s in Basement and Max is in Wayfarer. So back those bands. Our boys in Final Rage and Inherit. There’s some real cool up coming bands. That Anguish band is fucking hard. Nibiru out of Ireland are on some cosmic Life of Agony/Peal Jam vibe. Tremors are tight. A lot of bands outta Ireland are killing it right now. Back everything that comes out of Purgatory, CTW, Hemlock 13 recs. and the London Wolfpack.


Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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