
AGITATOR interview

2 mins read

We conducted this short interview with Pat Voytko of Philadelphia straight edge hardcore band AGITATOR on December 26th, 2011.

Thank you for taking this interview. Please, introduce yourself.

Pat Voytko, I play guitar.

Please describe Philadelphia’s local music scene.  What are your favourite and least favourite aspects of living there? How many of you come from Boyertown?

Philadelphia has one of the best music scenes on the east coast. I don’t live in the city anymore, but when I did my favorite aspect was the food. Lots of different cultures and restaurants, tons of variety. Least favorite is probably the crime and poverty, but that comes along with any major city. Two of us are from Boyertown, one from Doylestown, and Tyler is from Delaware. Our original drummer was from Boyertown also. We represent Philly because thats where we go to shows, play shows, and the scene we align ourselves with.

Can you recommend 3 extremely interesting places in Philadelphia?

If you’re looking for good eats I’d certainly recommend the italian market. Cultural maybe the art museum. For just walking around I’d suggest the china town area, lots of small crazy shops and eateries. South St. if you want to shop.

Can you tell us where you grew up and your childhood? How did you get involved in hardcore scene?

I was always into punk and metal in middle school. By checking out the thank you sections in bands records I eventually discovered hardcore. You tend to rotate towards people with similar interests when youre younger, so that just kind of led to me and my friends starting bands and going to shows.

How was This Is Hardcore Fest 2011? Will you be hitting its stages in 2012?

It’s always an honor and privilege playing This Is Hardcore. We had an early spot Sunday which is a tough spot to hold down, but I think we had a great set regardless. I hope we get asked back in 2012, but if not i will be there regardless.

Please name your favourite modern hardcore bands.


Besides hardcore/punk, what music do you listen to these days?

I got the smiths re-issues so thats been taking up a lot of listening time. I pretty much like everything so when I’m at work I will be on Youtube all day streaming all sorts or crazy shit.

Where have you been traveling? What countries have you been to?

Canada, Mexico and we’ve played about half the United States. We’ll be going to Europe in July, so that will expand the list quiet a bit.

What are your future recording plans?

A full length on Six Feet Under Records in 2012.

What’s your opinion on politics in America? Are you planning to vote in the 2012 Presidential Election?

I’m disconnected from politics. I’ve never voted.

How is your tour with WRONG ANSWER going?

Our first date was yesterday in Barnsville, Ohio and it was amazing. Hard to think there will be a show that will top last nights experience. We’re in the van tight now on out way to Cincinnati.

What’s your opinion on today’s flood of hardcore bands’ reunions?

I don’t really care. It’s cool for kids to get to see bands they love that they were late on or never saw. That being said, the new DYS record is embarrassing and VERSE sucks.

Do you celebrate Christmas? How was it this year?

Yeah it was awesome. Shout out to my B9 secret santa for hooking it up! Mom and dad for holding it down under the tree and my girlfriend for the keurig.

What are you most looking forward to in the future as a band?

Europe mainly. I think once that happens the hardcore “dream” has been realized.

Feel free to tell our readers anything you want.

Be responsible for your own actions as that is the only thing you truly have any power over. Shout out to Sic Feet Under Records, Harvcore, Philadelphia hardcore and the straight edge.


AGITATOR live at The Barbary, Philadelphia, PA, November 12, 2011:


Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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