
Robert from Refuse Records keeps punk ethos and DIY culture alive

24 mins read

Poland’s Refuse Records is a one man project of Robert, who’s been running the business since you were a child! ;) Estimated in 1993, Refuse has been supporting a bunch of amazing bands such as REGRES, ANCHOR, MINDSET, COKE BUST, GOVERNMENT FLU, ZLODZIERJE ROWEROW, THE TANGLED LINES, TZN XENNASEEIN’ RED, APRIL and a lot more!

In this interview we discussed Refuse Records’ history, straight edge, lots of amazing bands and zines, feminism in punk scene, and much more.

Dive into the story of European hardcore below.

refuse 2

Hey, Robert! Cool to have you here. What’s up? Everything cool?

Thanks so much for having me. All is fine, we can finally start the interview.  Thanks for your patience!

 [laughs] No problemo, I’m used to it [smiles].

To start off, please tell us about the beginning of your activism in the hardcore scene. When and how did you get involved? Why did you find it necessary to create a label?

I started listening punk rock and then hardcore in the late 80’s as a young punk kid. It became my new obsession. My first show I ever attended was in 1989 when local bands like TRAGIEDIA, POST REGIMENT, DUSW, AWD, EJ POLEJ and bunch of others others performed. I went with my older sister to this show and she knew the promoters so somehow I end up with helping out with selling some zines and cakes and doughnuts [laughs]. Then there was more shows on a regular basis and I became more active around 1992-1993 as I found that the very active scene in Warsaw was on a downturn. There were almost no shows left since Qqryq  (the main active local promoters) became more active as a label and stopped booking regular shows. They brought lots of great bands to Warsaw before (FUGAZI, VERBAL ASSAULT, NOMEANSNO, PRESIDENT FETCH, CHAOS UK etc). Also, some local bands split up and it seemed that people were leaving the HC scene. There was a general sense of apathy. As I was very influenced by the shows, bands, zines of this time, I decided to start my own activity and start booking the shows, work on a small distribution and on my own fanzine. It was literally like passing the thing to next generation as the first two shows  I did were with the guys from Qqryq. Stasiek (who passed out in July 1994), Pietia and Zbyszek were very supportive to me and they were always patiently answering questions about how to do this or that. When I started working on a zine and have no clue where to find money to print them, Stasiek from Qqryq asked me to work there so I did and I was doing  their mailorder section for a while. Their office was in Hybrydy club, in other room there was a rehearsal place for DEZERTER, POST REGIMENT, and some other bands. It was like Cbgb‘s of the local scene [laughs]. A great meeting place of the local punk/HC crews. I’ve had a chance to meet lots of people there from different generations. Some of there friendships have remained to this day.

So, no surprise that first punk/HC shows I booked in Hybrydy and the first one was in March of 1994.The first issue of the “Refuse” fanzine came out in the summer of 1994 and since the beginning of 1993, I was already doing small distribution wih tapes, zines and a couple of records.

As for the label – the idea to start the label came in the summer of 1994 when I was spending holidays in Kałuszyn (outside of Warsaw) with Jarek and Siasiek from KTO UKRADŁ CIASTKA and a bunch of other friends. KTO UKRADŁ CIASTKA was a raging HC/Punk band from the suburbs of Warsaw (Kałuszyn, Legionowo, Nowy Dwór Maz.) from the early 90’s and one of the few in the area who played fast Hc / Punk with a strong pro-straight edge and pro-vegeterian message. They never released anything and as they had some live recordings left from the show in Zambrów (actually, Jacek – singer of  ZŁODZIEJE ROWERÓW  – booked this show so you can see all this early connections) and some reh. stuff, we came to conclusion to release it in a small quantity of 100 copies under Refuse Tapes. At the end we did 500 copies and since CYMEON X already split up and there was some quality live recordings left, we had another idea to publish their live tape as well. So, at the beginning it wasn’t very ambitious, just to do some releases of the defunct bands of my friends. It wasn’t really my intention to start a serious label as there were plenty of solid labels around and especially to release new active bands… until members of ZŁODZIEJE ROWERÓW came to me with their demo in their hands asking for the show and helping out with a possible release. The rest is history. They split up many years later in 2010 and they were the most loyal band to Refuse Records ever.

At the beginning I tried to do Refuse as a collective effort, mainly with Jarek and Hoody (both KTO UKRADŁ CIASTKA) and occasionally some other friends. It was all about supporting the DIY Hardcore Punk scene, promoting vegetarianism/veganism, progressive politics and straight edge.

I envy you participating in those times, man. Tell me, as a label, what were your biggest, both the best and the worst, moments in the 90s and 00s?

There were many great moments, hard to pick up just a few. Friends, hangouts, shows, tours, new releases, new possibilities were always exciting. The worst are definitely stupid gossips, backstabbings, problems at the Czech border in 2002 on the way to Fluff, losing money at the shows, stuff like that.

I remember the last SECTARIAN VIOLENCE show in Warsaw, Poland. These guys talked about how cool they feel every time they visit our city and how cool it is to have friends like you. There are so many great bands from all over the world that seem to truly respect what you do. Was it hard to make so many friends overseas? Have you been traveling a lot, or simply hosting local shows and gaining respect by supporting worldwide hardcore locally?

Nick Tape, singer of COKE BUST and SECTARIAN VIOLENCE, is in my premier league of dudes! Staffan from SV (also STAY HUNGRY) is a super cool guy too, very supportive to the Polish HC scene. This is always nice to hear something like that and it make me feel like all this time spent on doing all the things was worth it as all the friendships and connections are so precious. It keeps me motivated to continue.

Is it hard to make friends overseas? I don’t know. I feel like people in other countries can be very respectful for the things that someone is doing for them. Yes, I was traveling a lot, mostly touring, so I’ve had a chance to be in most of the places in Europe and meet people on personal level. Sometimes I was staying at their homes, sometimes thet were staying with me in Warsaw or Berlin. I was booking local shows too for touring bands, plus all the contacts because of the label, distribution. I was able to meet lots of people. All these friendships mean a lot to me.

What’s the story of your friendship with Greg Bennick of TRIAL? I know you don’t care about publicity but what other “big names” are you tight with?

I was involved in booking a TRIAL show in Warsaw in 1999 as I was part of “W-wa HC Force” collective. It was a very special show for the band and for us. We were excited to have TRIAL in town and there was a very few punk or HC shows going on because of the lack of venues in this period. As a collective, we started in 1998, we did one show and then we took a break for almost one year as a result of frustration of dealing with lack of venues. Then, in 1999, we were supposed to book a CATHARSIS show in Warsaw. CATHARSIS canceled their show one day before the event as their singer, Brian, lost his voice  and they had to cancel rest of the tour. We were bummed out. Then, a week later, we were doing TRIAL and two, maybe three days before the show, I’m getting a phone call that TRIAL got robbed in Rome, Italy. Money, records, personal stuff got stolen. Crazy stuff. They’re broke and they had to cancel rest of the tour. I was almost begging to continue for a couple of more days, and luckily they did. We were impressed by their attitude to keep going, no matter of the circumstances, and to go another hundreds and hundreds of kilometers to play in Warsaw, the place they never been and didn’t know what to expect.

During the day of the show, when all the support acts already finished (APATIA, REVENGE, and END OF SILENCE), we were still waiting for TRIAL. They had long distance to do and we had  no good connection with them while they were on tour. So in the end we were not sure if they’ll come or no. I was very stressed as everyone was super excited about possible CATHARSIS and TRIAL shows in Warsaw. CATHARSIS failed and now if TRIAL would fail too, we we’d be over as a collective. No one will trust us anymore. APATIA finishes and TRIAL is still not there. I walked out to check if they’re lost somewhere or something. It was already snowing and it was cold. I was back at the venue and TRIAL just arrived. Everyone was excited, they played an incredible show, got their food on stage after the show and didn’t stayed for a night as they had another long drive to another show, what became then their final show. And then they split up.

We kept in touch with Greg and we became friends over the years. It’s always great to meet this guy, share with him ideas or jokes, or excitement for vegan food, and also do the things and making new plans with him. He is super passionate about what he does and he has thousands of ideas but only 20 hours a day to make them possible. He already cut down 4 hours of sleep and he’s working on those four other useless hours. I’d say, if it will be ethically OK to clone the people, this is my type. The world needs more Greg Bennick’s to fight misery and suffering.

So, when Greg asked me if I’d be interested in releasing BETWEEN EARTH & SKY debut 12″ as – in his own words – releasing the record on Refuse is a “statement”, I was super stoked as you can imagine. So we did it and it’s one of my favourite releases of the last decade. As much as I love TRIAL, I’d love to see BETWEEN EARTH & SKY more active and touring. We also did some interesting things with Greg. He was participating in Noc Walpurgii Festival in 2006 with his workshop and spoken word combined with juggling. I did a TRIAL show in 2011 in Warsaw and also participated in “the Legacy Project” that Greg was involved in a couple of years earlier. It was so different than usual HC stuff and also a bit different than usual activist stuff. It was great and I’d be ready to continue projects like this.

As for the other “big names” – I feel like I’ve never had so much luck with other big names in the music business. I tried to become a friend with MADONNA and KAJAGOOGOO. No response. I tried with JON BON JOVI. I sent letter to him asking to trade some old demos. I was really hoping to get a BON JOVI early demo and release it on 8″ flexi disc in 200 copies, but no reply. They never care enough, no substance at all!

No regrets, as some other big names are still around me, some helping me out and supporting the things I do, with cooking food at the shows, with the entrance, helping out with artwork, layout for the releases, doing mastering and stuff.

So what local hardcore scenes do you like the most? Are there certain places that you love the most because of the bands, venues, or people around it?

I’ll skip local scenes in Berlin and Warsaw because they’re my local scenes so I know them very well and hard to compare them with other scenes (both busy scenes with lots of stuff to offer). There are some other scenes/places in Poland I like…. it’s alway a great and special feeling to visit all the Scandinavian countries, all the Balkan countries (Skopje, Belgrade, Zagreb, Krsko), Barcelona, Lisbon, Amsterdam and some more. On my list of the places to visit is Sao Paolo and Brasil on the top but also USA (New Jersey, Seattle, California, Boston, Washington DC), Russia, Japan, Canada would be cool too, Australia, New Zeland, SE Asia… it seems like everywhere would be great. Please send invitation letters to the address below.

Being around so long, can you tell us how do modern hardcore times differ from the old times you remember? Are you a man stuck in the past?

I hope I’m not a man stucked in the past as I still dig current new bands, go to shows on a regular basis (mostly current bands, sometimes reunion bands) and also support new bands by releasing their records, shows or with distribution. I still can find great bands nowadays. Anyway, old bands, who played a special part in early days in the punk rock and hardcore scene, are very special to me and it’s very difficult for new bands to get me more excited about their music than some of the old great stuff, but it’s still possible. I don’t care if some youngsters who don’t know about the roots and history of the culture they’re participating in will call me a “man stucked in the past”.

As for the differences – the HC scene in Poland was so different when I started the get involved in it, even the definition of HC (sound, ethics, ideas)  seemed sometimes different. HC went more mainstream and it made an  impact on the HC scene as well. Nowadays, bands who are being considered 100% hardcore would never be described this way back then. Also, HC bands like KAAOS, BGK or WRETCHED would never be classified by some fans of modern metal hardcore as “HC” nowadays. I feel like for many new kids pioneer HC bands were more mainstream HC bands from the early 90s,  like MADBALL, SICK OF IT ALL or BIOHAZARD… well maybe CRO-MAGS and late period AGNOSTIC FRONT too. HC has developed different sounds and different forms of expression since the early 80’s.

There are more differences, like clothes or how audience were reacted at the shows etc. Dancing at the shows is definitely more violent now. Nowadays it’s like being stucked between a super violent pit or the shows where people don’t move at all. Back then it was more like everyone is welcome and everyone should join the pit, not only those with the biggest amount of testosterone.

HC was part of the punk movement, but rejected all the negativity, nihilism and destructive violent behaviours that was the case with many Polish punx in the late 80s. Calling themselves HC or HC/Punk was the same thing. Since the mid 90s, it’s changed and the HC scene started losing their punk roots.

Of course, there was no Internet so it was much more difficult to find new bands, new demos or zines, but it was very exciting to do at the same time. Now, it’s much easier, which is good, but at the same time people can be bored about the amount of new or old obscure music they can find. It’s easy to take the things for granted as music is there, all the network of the scene is already set up etc. Messageboards gossip, rivalries and apathy are an integral part of the current HC scene. At the same time it’s much easier to find news about the shows, tours, releases, communicate with the people or organise the events. I can’t really imagine going back to the old days now and trying to book European tour just by doing phone calls and writing letters.

Current bands have much better equipment, almost every month there is a some new vinyl record coming out by a Polish band. Bands now have better sound, they’re more tight, they’re able to go out on international tours and stuff. There’s plenty of new labels and it’s easy to do solid recordings with some computer programs etc. Anyway, I feel like there was more charisma, individuality and more integrity back then.

HC is definitely less political and less interested in other issues than music-oriented ones. It seems like being serious about some topics is being ridiculed. When I started, it was a norm that someone who’s in the scene is vegan or vegetarian, anti-fascist or interested in some progressive politics. Now, I don’t see that often, but it’s still happening as there’re still vegan/vegetarian bands or antifascist events etc. going on.

HC scene is more separated now in different fractions, there’re more styles, more options. One other thing, there’s definitely less violence at the shows (even if there’s more violent dancing now) and no more problems with nazi-skinheads since they were kicked out from the shows in early 90’s. Which is definitely one of the biggest successes of the scene.

Sure thing.

Going back to the label, it’s been more than 75 titles on your release list, right? Any ideas for the 100th anniversary? Is it even important to you to mark the big numbers with special releases?

Actually it’s over 80 releases right now, 82 in the moment. I didn’t thought about releasing number 100th yet. Number 50th was BIRDS OF A FEATHER LP with the book about European Straight Edge so it was sort of special release. I have some plans for some special releases for 2013 because of the Refuse 20th year anniversary but hard to say if I’ll reach number 100 exactly next year.

Oh damn, so I’ve been waiting so long for these answers, man! You’ve released at least 4 records! [laughs]

Are there certain releases you are most proud of? Why?

Sure, there’s plenty of them. Reasons to be proud can be really different – like the quality of the release, cover , artwork, sound… or how much I was excited to put this or that band or something for this or that people/friends. Things like how the release was supportive to the band to develop their activity with more shows and feedback. Records that have special meaning, that are powerful with the message, that make an impact on people’s lives or influenced to become vegan or vegetarian or to think about some issues. Albums who were released with the books (like NEW WINDS LP/CD or BIRDS OF A FEATHER LP).

How do you choose a new band for Refuse Records?

I have to like the band’s music, message and it would be better if members of the bands are cool, friendly people. If the band is straight edge then it’s an extra point. If the band has something interesting, important to say, it’s another point.

Alright, so tell me Robert, what were the reasons why you moved to Berlin? How often do you come back to Poland?

There was some personal reasons. My girlfriend, Jenny, was originally from Berlin and she wanted to move back to Berlin after many years living in Warsaw. Since I was kinda tired of repeating the same things in a local scene and I felt like it would be good to change something in my own life. I had  several health problems too. Toxic environment of the local scene with gossip, competition and also after being kicked out from organising OPEN HC Fest only helped to make my decision. Anyway, scene related reasons were not the most important one in this decision.

OK. I’ve been taught not to ask inconvenient questions, so I won’t interrogate you about the fest [smiles]

What’s the relation between releases and shows that you provide? What gives you the bigger hype?

I don’t know what do you mean about “the hype” because I’m not doing the things to get hyped or release hype bands who are forgotten 5 minutes later.  As for the relations between releases and shows – I can help the bands who are on my label with booking their tours, shows and participations in the festivals. So there is much more I can offer than just putting out the record and distributing it.

Yeah, but I meant it must make you happy and siked to do what you do.

Tell us about the most memorable shows you have ever organized?

This is very hard to answer. All the early shows in Hybrydy club in the mid 90s were special, all the shows within W-wa HC Force were special (AS FRIENDS RUST, TRIAL, CATHARSIS, ZEGOTA, REACHING FORWARD, HIGHCORE, BETERCORE etc), plenty of other shows… of course festivals like Noc Walpurgii, Open HC Fests, Refuse anniversary fests. There are lots of memories, there are lots of stories to share. I can hardly answer this question in a few words.

Ok. The legendary Polish Walpurgis Night Festival took place in Berlin, Germany this year. Tell us more about the fest. When did it starte and how important is this festival? How was this year’s edition?

It’s started in 1996 in Warsaw. It was organised together with Jenny from Emancypunx Records and it included the involvement of the anarchist/feminist collective (she was part of KDP and later Emancypunx). It was the very first HC/Punk event in Poland (and one of the very first music-oriented events in Poland, if not the first) taking up issues like antisexism, feminism, anti-homophobia as their main motto and promoting all-girl or female-fronted bands and women involvement in the DIY movement. In the 80’s and early 90’s there were only very a few girls who were involved in the Punk/HC bands. I feel like what the Emancypunx collective was doing was very important and changed a lot. I hope Noc Walpurgii Festival was also a good opportunity for girls to become involved in the scene and also raise awareness of discrimination, sexism or homophobia inside and outside of the scene – of course we can’t forget Post Regiment who were a very important band in the 90s’ and their singer, Nika, became a sort of “role model”, a great inluence for the next generations of girl-punx.

There were also lots of other actions around the festival, like one of the most impressive and powerful, “Take Back the Night” march in 1998 (against rape and sexual violence), during the first day of the fest. One of the best demonstrations I ever been to.

Noc Walpurgii was organised in Warsaw (and once in Podkowa Lesna, near Warsaw) every two years until 2010. Since the main organising team moved to Berlin, also we found that there is less interest in not just music-oriented events in the local scene but also we were tired of the gossip and backstabbing coming from some parts of the local/Polish scene so we decided to move it to Berlin and it was a great decision.

We asked the anarcho-feminist collective “Feminismus Oi!” and Kopi collective (legendary DIY venue/squat in Berlin) to participate and after weekly meetings for a couple of months, we did the fest for the first time in Berlin. We were impressed about the feedback as there were around 1000 people, great atmosphere, and no more bullshit problems we were facing when doing it in Poland every single time. We had six bands – BEYOND PINK from Sweden, SILLA ELECTRICA from Spain, EYE FOR AN EYE from Poland and local bands OPTION WEG, TANZKOMMANDO UNTERGANG, KAMI ADA as well as films, workshops etc as usual. We’re not planning to bring back the festival to Warsaw but we remember from where it’s started and all the people who was supportive and interested in the fest and issues around it and we’re glad that it was special event for many people out there.

After few years of absence, the Straight Edge Fest has come back to Warsaw, Poland. Tell us more about that party. What are its roots? How did it turn out this year?

I did two editions of the Straight Edge Fest in the 90’s (1995 and 1997). I was thinking about bringing back the fest since a couple of years but I felt like there’s plenty of sXe bands who are coming to Poland on a regular basis anyway, or I’m involved in other festivals already (like Open HC Fest) or then, sXe went downhill and there were almost no local sXe bands left. It seemed no one care. Anyway, there have been still more and more active sXe bands in the Polish scene in the last two years and it makes me excited to try to take a risk and bring back the event. No matter what some people think, that it’s too risky or too stupid as 50 people will show up and 3 bands will play. At the end, we had four Polish edge bands (IRON TO GOLD, THUGxLIFE, OUTBOUND and VICIOUS REALITY), one classic Polish  sXe band, CYMEON X – who were the most important Polish sXe band ever from the early 90’s and even if one or two members are not sXe, they deserved to be part of the fest no matter of complains of some people) and four foreign guests (COKE BUST, ENOUGH, STAY HUNGRY and EVOLVE). There were around 400 people participating, lots of distros, new zines, new releases. It was very special I think and even better than in the mythic 90’s. Also, one of the reasons to bringing back the Straight Edge Fest was a fact of overusing Straight Edge aesthetics and terms by new wave of Nazi-skinheads in Warsaw and Poland. Even, if it’s just a few jerks who called themselves NS Straight Edge, we can’t let those idiots steal our culture and this event proved that Straight Edge belonged and will belong to the HC scene that has nothing in common with racism, xenophobia, nationalism or neofascism. The antifascist banner on stage said it all.

What upcoming shows would you recommend to our readers?

I’m booking now a European tour for MINDSET. I’m very excited about their shows as it’s  my favourite current sXe band playing positive direct hardcore since THE FIRST STEP has been gone. They’ll play only 10 shows in Europe (Finland, Germany, Poland, Holland and Belgium). Don’t miss their killer shows.

I planning some more events for 2013, especially Refuse 20th year anniversary festivals in Warsaw and in Berlin.

I guess you’ll be selling a bunch of great stuff via your distro at some of the festivals. How big is it now? How do you find stuff for your distro?

Sure, whenever I can, I’m bringing distros to the shows. It’s part of the HC Punk DIY and people can check some records or zines at the distro table at the show. In some of the places it’s not so common anymore and I can hear from time to time that people are excited to see the distro at shows again. I’m glad that in Poland it’s still a pretty common thing and there’re new distros presenting their stuff at the shows.

Distribution it’s quite big but still I’m trying to limit it to a certain point because of lots of work and not enough space for all the records in Refuse HQ.

Well, it’s easy to find the stuff on my distribution. Sometimes other labels write to me, something I’m writing to someone. I like trade and I have plenty releases to offer to other labels/distros, sometimes I buy stuff up front, sometimes consignment… being often on tours is very helpful too but the fastest way is Internet of course.

Any solid zines you’d like to recommend?

I’ll start with Poland – the only one in English coming from Poland and a very good one is “The Wonder Years“. I don’t know  if the English version has been put out yet as the last issue of “Cudowne Lata” was only in Polish. Other good zines are “Chaos w mojej głowie“, “Pasażer“, “United Blood“. As for the rest of Europe, I can recommend “Artcore” from UK (best Euro zine in my opinion), “Law & Order” (from Sweden, it’s almost a book now!), this zines coming from UK from the gentleman named Max are brilliant (“Back On The Bins” or “Not Just a Phase”) and US zines like “Maximum RocknRoll” (this is worldwide punk/HC institution) that I read every month, “Short Fast and Loud“… I hope the new issue of “Start Today” will be out someday.

Ok, how long have you been straight edge now? What motivates you to hold down the edge today?

It’s over 20 years now of being edge (and over 18 years of being vegan). After this time I still don’t see the reason to drink any alcohol or use drugs. It’s completely out of my world. Discovering the HC/Punk scene and the straight edge was one of the best things that happened in my life and it would be pointless to leave it for some boring sit-in at the bar or hanging out with the beer in my hand at the show. I’m not losing my time and energy on parties, hangovers and stuff, feel much better about it. To be honest, I don’t even think of it that much. It’s very natural to me.

Here’s a cliché question: what is hardcore for you personally?

Personally – loud, sincere, fast (but not necessary) direct music with a meaningful message; an attitude and critical, non-conformist view on the world, awareness, progressive ideas, activism and taking back your life in your own hands, a place where everyone can participate with his/her band, zine, show or whatever form of DIY activism. It’s a perfect combination of entertainment, expression and progressive ideas.

What’s the current state of feminism in hardcore punk? How does it look like from your perspective?

I don’t think I’m a right person to answer this question. From my perspective, it looks like feminism or any other issues are not that often linked to the HC/Punk scene anymore. It’s coming from both ways, as some feminists don’t want to handle with “macho a ssholes” and they’re more attracted to “indie ladyfest scene” with less aggressive forms of music. Of course, there’s a strong “bro” vibe in HC where bros are kicking other bros under the stage, not really attractive for people of anyone else with different perspectives. Anyway, there’s still lots of raging all-girl and female fronted bands, still bands who speak openly on issues like sexism, patriarchy, machismo, violence, rape etc. or questioning discrimination and injustice… Just check bands like PUNCH, RAPE REVENGE, REPLICA, HYSTERICS, ALL FOR NOTHINGPERMANENT RUIN, BEYOND PINK, WOLFxDOWN, PETTYBONE (RIP), LANDVERRADD etc. There’re still some regular events which are very feminist Hc/Punk like Clitfests and New Direction Fest in Usa or Noc Walpurgii (Berlin) or  Equal Fest (London). Whole bunch of zines like “Shotgun Seamstress” (POC queer/feminist zine from US) or zines like “Fix My Head” or “Grrrls in Subculture” (both from Berlin). There’re also a few record labels and distros dedicated to girl/feminist-punk/HC like Emancypunx Records.

What would you miss the most if you had to give up all the things you do.

Friends, tours, new records and all this non-stop adventure – it’s priceless! I’m not interested in trading this for anything else.

What do you do besides your Refuse Records activity?

Struggling with money, working or trying to find a work, trying to find some time for other enjoyable things I like, reading, watching films, hang outs with friends, traveling etc. Sometimes all the other stuff are connected with Refuse activities as well, like for example being on tour but having fun while eating incredible amounts of vegan ice cream somewhere in Oulu or Malmo.

Well, good luck with all your future projects, Robert. It was a pleasure. Feel free to add anything you want, tell us what else will be going on in your camp besides the stuff mentioned above.

Thanks so much for your interest in an interview. I really appreciate it. THE CORPSE LP is out now (demo’88, classic Polish HC/thrash). There will be new releases on Refuse someday soon like MINDSET discography CD. Pre-orders for REGRES’ new 12″ just started. POISON PLANET / GOVERNMENT FLU 7″ is in the works. Also, very special release – CATHARSIS 4 Lp’s box set discography! Later next year a couple of other mind-blowing releases are planned, so better watch out, be aware and be alert!

[email protected]

REFUSE 083 APPRAISE “Appraise” 7″EP
REFUSE 081 TZN XENNA “Ścierwo”  7″EP
REFUSE 079 GOVERNMENT FLU “Singles collection” 12″
REFUSE 078 KAMI ADA “Resistencia libertad” 7″EP
REFUSE 077 NOOSE “Depraved indifference” 7″EP
REFUSE 076 THUGxLIFE “All eyez on you” 7″EP
REFUSE 075 TZN XENNA “1981-2011” 7″EP
REFUSE 074 BURST IN “1000słów” 12″
REFUSE 073 POISON PLANET “Boycott everything” 7″EP
REFUSE 072 DOUBLE VISION “Cold comfort” 7″EP
REFUSE 070 ANCHOR “Recovery” LP
REFUSE 069 BETWEEN EARTH & SKY “Of roots & wings” 12″ / CD
REFUSE 068 PRESSURE “Your rage”  7″EP
REFUSE 067 NOTHING “Double dose of negativity” 12″
REFUSE 066 APRIL “Kill depression” LP
REFUSE 065 COKE BUST “Degradation” 7″EP
REFUSE 063 RIGHT IDEA “Right way” 7″EP
REFUSE 061 ANCHOR “Relations of violence” 7″EP
REFUSE 060 RIGHT IDEA “Right Idea” 7″EP
REFUSE 059 S.B.V. “Swallow the pill” 7″EP
REFUSE 057 GOVERNMENT FLU “Fuck poetics” 7″EP
REFUSE 055 V/A “Warsaw is Burning” 7″EP
REFUSE 054 ZLODZIEJE ROWEROW “…Gdy wrzala krew 1995-1999” CD
REFUSE 053 BLANK STARE “Blank Stare” 12″
REFUSE 052 DISCARGA “Musica Pra Guerra” LP
REFUSE 051 GO! “Your Power Means Nothing” 7″EP
REFUSE 050 BIRDS OF A FEATHER “The Past The Present” LP + “The past the present – a 25 years of European Straight Edge” BOOK
BIRDS OF A FEATHER “The Past The Present” CD
REFUSE 049 ANCHOR “The Quiet Dance” LP
REFUSE 048 THE CORPSE “Fight against rules”  LP/CD
REFUSE 047 V/A “Back From The Dead – 4 Way Split” CD
REFUSE 046 SPES EREPTA “Minutova terapie” CD
REFUSE 045 THESE HANDS ARE FISTS “Peace is bad for business” CDep
REFUSE 044 GO! “What we build together” 7″EP
REFUSE 043 HOODS UP “Arms still open” CDep
REFUSE 041 THE TANGLED LINES “Wash the shit off!” 7″EP
REFUSE 040 LETS GROW “Disease of modern times” LP/CD
REFUSE 039 BLANK STARE “(Suicide)” 7″EP
REFUSE 038 NEW WINDS “This fire these words 1996-2006” CD
REFUSE 037 REGRES “W naszych dloniach” CDep
REFUSE 036 F.P.O. “Znam za deka ja gubam bitkata” CD
REFUSE 033 NAMES FOR GRAVES “Version 2.1” 7″EP
REFUSE 032 JIHEART “Jiheart” CDep
REFUSE 031 NO VIOLENCE “Invencivel” CDep
REFUSE 030 CHAMPION “Promises kept” MC
REFUSE 029 CHAMPION “Time slips away” MC
REFUSE 028 NEW WINDS “A spirit filled revolution” LP/CD + BOOK
REFUSE 026 JULIETTE “From Somewhere In The East” CD
REFUSE 025 HIGHSCORE “Unsuspecting actors in a bad soap opera” MC
REFUSE 024 REGRES “Punk Rock Pozytyw” CD/MC
REFUSE 023 I SHOT CYRUS “Complete Discography 1997-2001” CD/MC
REFUSE 022 BETERCORE “Youthcrust Discography!!” CD
REFUSE 021 VITAMIN X “Now it’s our turn” MC
REFUSE 020 V/A “Take No Heroes” CD
REFUSE 019 TIME X “Good moves not good players” 7″EP
REFUSE 016 SECOND AGE “The Tides have turned” CD/MC
REFUSE 015 GOOD CLEAN FUN “Straight outta hardcore” MC
REFUSE 014 V/A “More Than The X On Our Hands” 2xMC
REFUSE 011 BLOODPACT “(A)Bastardization” MC
REFUSE 010 GOOD CLEAN FUN “On the streets saving our scene from the forces of evil” MC
REFUSE 008 SPINELESS “…A talk between me and the stars” MC
REFUSE 007 PURE “No one proper way” CD/MC
REFUSE 006 LIAR “Invictus” MC
REFUSE 005 BLINDFOLD “…A talk between me and the stars” MC
REFUSE 004 NATIONS ON FIRE “Death of the pro-lifer” MC

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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Recall: TESTAMENT, EXODUS and HEATHEN interviewed on Hard n Heavy, 1989