MADBALL‘s frontman was recently interviewed by Kevin Gill for his online audio podcast. Read the introduction below and head over here to play the full interview!
Freddy Madball, The iconic singer for NYHC legends MADBALL stops by to talk about his early days in underground music touring with Agnostic Front, 10 years of Black N Blue Bowls in NYC, 1995 and what it meant to underground music, turning his life around, his work with Chad Gilbert of New Found Glory, the importance of buying music, the impact fatherhood had on his life, the evolution of Madball, the support of his family, the parralels between hip hop and hardcore. the positive momentum he’s feeling, and his thoughts on the Global Hardcore scene. KG recalls his own early days in the underground and talks about Kent From NRSV visiting from NY, as well as the NYHC documentary and Rockstar Games.
The Kevin Gill Show is YOUR PMA Power Hour! Each episode contains interviews and insight from people who are POSITIVE, people who are MENTAL, and people who have ATTITUDE. Positive, interesting, and successful personalities from across the diverse Video Game, Pro Wrestling, and Music Industry. Hosted by “KG” Kevin Gill an improv comedian, television personality, voice actor, and music/wrestling/video game industry veteran!