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Hypertension Records presents “Ceci n’est pas un disque”, a tribute record in loving memory of KABUL GOLF CLUB’s Florent Pevée

1 min read

In 2013 KABUL GOLF CLUB and Hypertension Records agreed to release a second EP from the band. Until that dreaded November 29th in 2013… a horrible traffic accident robbed 22-yr old sparkling multi-talented Florent of his life. Abruptly ending KGC as well. The remaining band members and Hypertension have decided to join forces to give Florent the artistic commemoration he deserves by realizing one of his dreams: releasing “Le Bal Du Rat Mort” on vinyl.

On November 29th in 2013… a horrible traffic accident robbed 22-yr old sparkling multi-talented Florent of his life. Abruptly ending his band Kabul Golf Club as well.

The remaining band members and Hypertension have decided to join forces to give Florent the artistic commemoration he deserves by realizing one of his dreams: releasing “Le Bal Du Rat Mort” on vinyl.
As always with KGC, the norm is always a slightly different approach and “just re-releasing the EP on vinyl” was not option. Instead, we’ll be creating a unique work of art, aptly named “CECI N’EST PAS UN DISQUE”, with new artwork (by Steebz Khuan), a photo magazine and exciting new music. For that, we asked friends of KGC to do what they do best: create, rock, make their own interpretation of their favourite KGC song and put it to tape for this project. The Sore Losers, Polaroid FictionThe K.., Little Trouble Kids, Raketkanon, Piquet, The Rott Childs, Rise and Fall

“Ceci n’est pas un disque” will be presented at “Ceci n’est pas un concert” on Saturday November 29th at the Muziekodroom, Hasselt. It will be one year to the day Florent passed away. Special guests will be joined by the likes of Drums Are For Parades, The K., Little Trouble Kids, Piquet, Polaroid Fiction, Raketkanon and Rott Childs.

100 early bird parcels (LP + ticket) available at

Read my interview with KABUL GOLF CLUB at this location.

Here’s the official announcemen of Florent’s passing, issued by the band in November last year:

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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