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INCITEMENT: incomparable to others

6 mins read

I’m really excited to introduce to you this fresh blood called INCITEMENT. This new Northern Polish pack come to rip you apart to shreds with their dark message accompanied by solid blend of metallic hardcore and 90s metalcore. They have released their debut demo and already gained tons of positive energy in return. The official Atonement Records‘ release says ” it sounds like ARKANGEL with a splash of BEHEMOTH“. Call it inspired by ALL OUT WARH8000 metalcore, call it whatever or simply call it INCITEMENT. The band really has it. Do not miss their work.

The band features members of WORK FOR IT and OUTBOUND.


Welcome, guys. I’m pretty excited to serve an introduction to INCITEMENT, as I’m one of those who simply dived into your debut outing. Really, I have to congratulate you, it’s really good. Are you happy with the reception and reaction towards the demo?

Thanks! We’re surprised that our demo grabbed the attention of the people from the outside of the Polish hardcore scene. Unfortunately, it didn’t have any reflection in our debut in Gdańsk – it was simply crap. We can only wish for the shows in May to be better.

No shit! Seriously? I was about to ask you about the gig. What happened? Were you stressed out? Was the attendance very poor? Did BLOODSTAINED cancel their appearance? :)

You know, there’re 4 different shows that evening in Gdańsk – not too many people came and just around 3 people were moshing. At the very beginning Maślak got carried away a bit too much and broke something in the mike, and so we played the first song without vocals.

BLOODSTAINED appeared and did a hell of a job during their set.


Alright, but let’s go back to the original idea behind this project. How did you become a band?

We wanted to create something that we didn’t have any chance to experience in the scene in person.

You know, I joined for the second guitar after some time, after 2 songs had already been made by Chudy.

We’re creating the material by sending each other the riffs via the Internet and we had like one rehearsal a month at best.

Now, when finally we all live in the same city, writing new music will be a lot easier and more productive.

Have you known each other before?

Yep, we are good friends.

What other bands have you guys played in? Tell me a bit about your experience as musicians.

Chudy plays the guitar in OUTBOUND, Białas and Adam K. play in WORK FOR IT.

For Maślak and me making this album was the first contact with music.

Are you considering the band a side project, or do you treat it as a “full time” band?

As I wrote before, since we’re living in the same city, we could focus on playing at 100%. Definitely we treat INCITEMENT seriously.

Alright, tell me about your debut demo release. Where and when did you record it?

We recorded it in February in the place called Sound Great Promotion Studio in Gdynia.

The guys were extremely helpful as it was our first encounter with such place. But, on the other hand, they didn’t set the mike on the hi-hat and they recorded the guitars from KEMPER – they said it’ll sound better with KEMPER which they didn`t check before.

I would like to thank Piotrek from THAW for mixing, mastering and reamping our material – he did his best with it!

You seem to be proud of it, huh? Is there anything you would change or do differently if you could record it again?

There’re lots of flaws on this demo. It’s our fault – we didn’t see to everything properly.

I don’t want to think about it now. It’s better to focus on the upcoming shows and creating new riffs.


UK version of the tape is available from Atonement Records, while the mainland pressing is being distributed by Ratel Records. How did you end up on these particular labels? Would you consider sending your demo to more record labels in order to gain more attention and set up something for a proper release?

With the release in Ratel Records there weren’t any problems, because the two of us are in Ratel Crew (so it was a rather obvious thing).  However, the big surprise for us was the proposition from the UK. Darke from Atonement Records emailed us with this proposition after we put the first song on our bandcamp.

He sniffed it, huh? :D

Did you already get rid of all copies? :) How’s the sales going?

Selling is going good. We have just a few copies left.

You have 3 more gigs lined up in the coming weeks. Poznan, Gdansk and Warsaw, right? Any more shows to be booked soon?

Yes, in the nearest future we play in Poznań, Gdańsk, Toruń and Warsaw. We have a few new propositions of playing, but nothing is confirmed yet.

Cool. Can’t wait to see more.

Ok, you discussed your “down to earth” reasons to start this band. What are some of the “higher needs” that you’d like to satisfy with this project?

The need to talk about the things that we perceive as right.

Whooohooo. Fair enough.

What are some of your primary influences? I mean musical, social, political, or whatever else you’ve got there.

We started to create the music in the type of aesthetics or style that we can realise ourselves the most. Playing such music gives us the most pleasure. It’s obvious that we’re inspired by the Belgians or the French.

Ha! I’d say you’re rather inspired by the devil! ;)


Lyrically, for all of its demonic and evil songcraft it seems to touch delicately on some personal themes. Would you say that’s correct?

Yes, the lyrics touch upon the aspects of human inner experiences as well. They’re about the needs and desires that we block and keep for ourselves only, and, as a result, they often come out into the open in the most unexpected situations. Nevertheless, under such concepts and notions as God or Devil certain values, behaviours and various inner life’s aspects are hidden. You know, when I say that I stand against God, it means as well that I stand against other things usually associated with this phenomenon, e.g. purity, good nature or empathy.

Do you believe in God? In “Abandoned” you speak reproachfully to God, while “Visions Of Gold” sounds like a denial of one. How come?

No, I don’t believe in the metaphysical God. I don’t believe in anything besides the power of the man and in that he is able to decide for himself. God, as I mentioned before, is the personification of certain values, the ones which I negate with my behaviour, yet the really existing ones.

How do you interpret “the rising demons inside of you” then?

Personally I cultivate the values that are thought to be bad and incorrect by society. I don’t restrain and repress desire, aggression, pride or contempt: what’s becoming natural for me is becoming more and more evil for other people.

What is the reason why the world is coming to an end? Do you think there is something we can do to lay the foundations for a sane, peaceful, and sustainable society?

I don’t think we could talk about something like peaceful and sustainable society. Everybody believes in their own values and fights for them. The conflict is inevitable. This society doesn’t build anything new – it’s just constantly burning itself up. I feel great satisfaction that I can take part in this.

Would you say your lyrics have a main theme? Did you try to apply a certain concept to it? A bigger story divided into chapters (songs)?

The main theme of the lyrics is a kind of struggle for one’s true identity, the penetration through all these lies that religion and society serve, the rediscovery with one’s true nature and power that is attached to it. I think that all the lyrics convey this message.

Sure they do!

Ok, let’s get to the point ;) What are you next steps when it comes to recording more stuff? Can you give us any details on your possible EP or full length? Is there a timetable for such a release?

We all live in one city now, hence creating new stuff has become a lot easier and more interesting. For sure we don’t stagnate. We have some plans to record new material around autumn/winter.

Alright, before I let you go.. I know we all hate labels, but unfortunately it’s a perfect way to place you somewhere on the map of thousands of genres and styles. How would you like people to label INCITEMENT? Is it allowed to call you “brutal Polish 90s metalcore” act? :) What crazy name would fit you the most?

We’re aware that it’ll be hard for us to think of something brand new while being faithful to this specific style. As INCITEMENT we do our best to have our own character. The comparisons to other bands aren’t anything surprising and don’t bother us.

Thanks so much for your time. All the best, folks!


INCITEMENT last dayz

INCITEMENT last dayz 2

Jabba Dzieciom 2013

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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