
LA DISPUTE announce final 2014 shows

1 min read

LA DISPUTE have announced a handful of dates that will mark the band’s final appearances this year. See the details below.

Photo by Fletcher Clebert.

A whirlwind 2014 that began in March for La Dispute with the release of their most recent long-playing record Rooms of the House and featuring a nearly four-month long, three-continent wide tour (as well as scattered festivals at home and abroad in the waning months of Summer), wraps up with a brief run of shows bisecting the middle of the United States mid-September. Beginning and ending with Riot Fest appearances in Chicago and Denver respectively and connected by headlining shows with friends in The Menzingers, La Dispute plans to end their year the way it began before settling into some much needed down time with family and loved ones: with good company, good times, and with new plans and projects for the upcoming calendar year.

Best, As Ever, -ld.

14th – Riot Fest, Chicago, IL (Rock stage @ 3:30pm)
15th – Varsity Theatre, Minneapolis, MN* tickets
17th – The Ready Room, St Louis, MO* tickets
19th – Riot Fest, Denver, CO (May Farms stage @ 4:30pm)

*support from: The Menzingers, Plague Vendor

P.S for those of you in Europe, we’ve just relocated our merch store to the UK as well as adding some winter items. Everything is available via the usual link:

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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