New Music

Math jazz experimental rock act ASTOLFO SULLA LUNA streaming new album!

1 min read
“Bands from all around the world will approach Tenzenmen label for help with their upcoming releases and perhaps send a couple of mp3s and badly, but professionally, written bio. Often times these are blind call outs with little research into what we do here at tenzenmen. But when anyone who starts off their pitch with their album being “a concept about quantum physics, Wittgenstein, sea, silence” ears prick up here immediately!  Especially whilst in the midst of reading a Bertrand Russell biography.”

The label continues:

ASTOLFO SULLA LUNA is an Italian trio with a natural inclination to researching combinations between literature and mathematics. The approach to composition is similar to classical music, but taking sounds and attitude from the underground scene, from noise to post hardcore, from math rock to jazz core.

After two EPs, Moti Browniani (2011) and Cancroregina (2012), they released their first full album on November 2015, Ψ², a work filled with noises, sounds of the sea and clock’s tickings, chess games and battles against one’s self.

January Tour Dates:

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Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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