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Mathy emo post hardcore band EREMO strikes emotional and powerful chords with new LP; hear new song now!

1 min read

One year after our special feature for l’Oceano Sopra, the band’s guitarist Massimo is back to our pages with new music from his other project EREMO, a captivating, passionate emo/math/screamo band who are about to drop their second full length on May 21st. Consisting of 6 frenetic tracks, the new offering is the result of three years of composition and continuous refinements. It comes as a meticulous and complex, but also undeniably joyous listen that we instantly fell in love with. Today, we’re giving you their new track “Senza Propositi (L’ego in un pagliaio)”, along with a visualizer that reveal the cover art for “L’ego in un pagliaio”.

For fans of: Off Minor, LITE, Massimo Volume, Sleeping People, Raein, Kidcrash

Asked about their take on the new album, the band comments: “We tried to maintain the imprint that characterized the first album, but making the sound more mature and a bit heavier.”


“Doing the recordings hasn’t been easy, we made it with the band scattered in various regions of Italy and abroad, making hard meeting somewhere to have rehearsals or just drink beer together. But we got luck, or perseverance, and at the end we did it!

L’ego in un pagliaio wants to be our way to communicate social uneasiness, the desire to make distance from a life made of flat routine and even times.

Hard times for odd people! That’s what we made.”

“L’ego in un pagliaio” will be released on the 21 of May in vinyls, tapes and digital format via a number of acclaimed independent labels: Missed Out Records, Desperate Infant Records, Clever Eagle Records, Il Grande Rospo, Dischi Decenti, Fresh Outbreak Records, Non Ti Seguo Records, Troppistruzzi.


Eremo is a four piece band from Milan, born in 2015. Their music is an emotionally charged hardcore played with the odd time signatures of math rock. In December 2016 they released their first self titled EP, which obtained positive reviews in and outside of Italy. In the first year of live shows they shared the stage with band like LITE, The Physics House Band, Joliette, Storm{o}. In 2018 they toured around Italy and Eastern Europe with the mexican band For Dummies, travelling through Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic. Their second album, “L’ego in un pagliaio”, will be out on May 2021.


For more post hardcore, screamo and emo punk bands, follow our Spotify Playlist:

POST HARDCORE / EMO PUNK // IDIOTEQ.com Spotify Playlist

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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