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Navigating the complexities of survivors’ guilt and racial violence, through “Arrhythmia” by emo screamo band INCASEYOULEAVE

3 mins read
Incaseyouleave by Estie Joy (@photoswotitook)
Incaseyouleave by Estie Joy (@photoswotitook)

incaseyouleave, a screamo emo punk outfit hailing from the cobblestone alleys and neon haze of London, weaves tales of raw intensity and haunting beauty. Their sonic alchemy, a heady blend of erratic screamo and cloudy post-rock, is draped in the melancholy of twinkly emo. Since their inception in 2019, they have carved out a reputation for themselves in the underground scene, drawing listeners into their whirlwind of chaotic punk and introspective melodies.

Their debut EP, “Time and Why It Doesn’t Deserve Us,” released in July 2021, was a harbinger of their potential—a prelude to the vast emotional and sonic landscapes they are yet to explore. As we stand on the cusp of 2024, anticipation for their upcoming releases is evident, promising to elevate their sound to even greater heights. I have just recently discovered them through the latest release in our screamo series, Ephemera, and I’m already completely immersed in their work.

The latest gem from this London quintet is a track named “Arrhythmia.” It’s a visceral journey, fusing frenzied screamo accents with sorrowful, nostalgic passages, and threads of mathematically infused emo. This song invites listeners into an intriguing adventure, devoid of any monotony, and laden with emotional gravitas.

“Arrhythmia” delves deep into the labyrinth of survivor’s guilt, a raw and painful reflection triggered by witnessing deadly violence against marginalized communities. The song emerges as a reaction to the surge in overt white supremacy and fascism, a sonic lament for the rise in violence against black and brown people. It’s a mirror to our digital age, where the constant barrage of violent imagery on social media contributes to societal desensitization.

“This song in particular is a reaction to the violence towards black and brown people and marginalised communities, especially admist the rise in overt white supremacy and facism we are observing today. It also touches on the exposure to the videos and photos of this type of violence against black and brown people on online spaces and how it can contribute to a desensitisation to this type of violence in society. ” – says the band’s vocalist Aaron Akeredolu.

“The song is by no means to detract from the experiences of the victims but more so a lens through the eyes of someone who belongs to these communities who witnesses this violence and automatically feels the burden of guilt, anxiety, rage and defeat as a response.”

incaseyouleave by Estie Joy (@photoswotitook)

The lyrics, penned in February 2020 in the shadow of Ahmaud Arbery’s racially motivated murder, are haunted by the specter of that brutal act.

“Speaking as a black male, I couldn’t help but think about the demonisation of black men and black and brown people in this hostile social climate we are in. It’s a pervading vulnerability to prejudice and violence that you have to be brave enough to potentially face every day as you navigate the world.

As much as these feelings may be alienating it’s also important for me to stress that there is something in leaning into community (in whichever form seems appropriate for you) for support to help lessen the emotional toll of these similar feelings you may experience yourself.

R.I.P. Ahmaud Arbery” – concludes the band’s vocalist, Aaron Akeredolu.

This track is just a glimpse into the fresh batch of music incaseyouleave has been crafting, a follow-up to their debut EP that promises to showcase the evolution of their work.

In the coming months, incaseyouleave is gearing up for a slew of shows across the UK, reinvigorated by recent lineup changes and a renewed sense of purpose. They’re diving headfirst into writing new material, eager to seize every opportunity that comes their way.

Asked about their local scene, the band confirms that the local punk and hardcore scene in London is thriving, a vibrant blend of niches and subcultures, each nurturing their unique sound. There’s always a gig to catch, always a new band pushing the boundaries.

Speaking of bands, incaseyouleave wants to shine a light on a few rising stars in the UK screamo scene.

Aaron says: “It’s quite hard to just mention a few bands to be honest. In terms of screamo there are some awesome new bands in the UK right now such as:”


PRISE from Liverpool

CAINHURST from Bristol



“In terms of new emo bands in the U.K. I would definitely have to shout out:”

Big Hug from London

Forum Friends from Sheffield

Tethered from London

Prom from Brighton

“There seems to be a crop of great new bands popping up at the moment. It’s really cool to see.” – concludes Aaron.

It’s an exciting time to be part of the eclectic screamo scene, and Incaseyouleave is right at the heart of it, ready to share their tumultuous, heartfelt journey with the world.

Don’t miss out on these guys.

Find more emotive punk, screamo and post hardcore in our special Spotify playlist below:

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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