New Music

Post hardcore band DRUSE streaming new EP!

1 min read

NY post hardcore band DRUSE have debuted a new quality EP called “The Way That We Ache!”, an aesthetic and conceptual vision, both energetic and highly satisfying. Though its uplifting and emotional disruption, this record is DRUSE’s perfect triumph. Please go through the better explanation below and listen to the full EP below.

We are a band called Druse. We are from Rochester, NY. This is our debut EP, which we’ve titled “The Way That We Ache.” It contains five new songs. We recorded these songs with Jon Markson at the Gallery Recording Studio in the summer of 2015. Ideally, our music could speak entirely for itself, but separating music from the context in which it was created is an impossible task. So let’s get into it a little bit.

To ache is to feel a uniquely painful sensation. It possesses a humanizing characteristic that other stimuli fail to capture. It sits with you – a dull, throbbing reminder of an experience still worth processing. It makes you acutely aware of its presence, forcing you to develop a heightened sense of carefulness and consideration on a moment-by-moment basis. To ache is to know the spectre of pain, a moment in linear time now firmly in the past but burning its influence into the present. To ache is to boldly face our mortality; to understand ourselves with a stronger conviction than we did the day before.

The way that we ache is what unifies us. The way that we ache is a common awareness of our limitations, our potential and our shared experiences. We choose to believe in the way that we ache because our physicality is our single definitive truth. We are tethered to one another by this feeling. We learn to grow and stave off the ache, but we know its truth and its purpose.

We face our pain because our species is designed to survive and persevere. We do it because we have to.

The songs on this record attempt to communicate this message. We hope that what you hear comforts you, in some small way. We hope you understand the way that we feel.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via www.idioteq.com@gmail.com

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