New Music

Post punk act THE TRUE FAITH shares new single “What If (I Could Tell You)”

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Philadelphia’s rising post-punk band The True Faith have dropped their new single “What If (I Could Tell You)”. This track is part of their new split 12” with Bleached Cross, which promises to bring a fresh and darkly atmospheric sound to the post-punk scene.

Following their critically acclaimed sophomore album “Go to Ground,” The True Faith has delved deeper into gothic rock territory. Drawing inspiration from bands like Danse Society and Southern Death Cult, “What If (I Could Tell You)” showcases a brooding and introspective side of the band. This five-minute epic track marks a significant evolution in their sound, moving away from their earlier pop sensibilities and embracing a more urgent and wistful tone.

The split LP, titled “Columns of Impenetrable Light,” will feature four tracks that highlight the distinct yet complementary styles of The True Faith and Bleached Cross.


According to the band, the collaboration was a natural fit, driven by their admiration for Bleached Cross‘s innovative approach to post-punk.

“Our synth player, Francisco, clued us all into Bleached Cross when they released their full length album in 2022. What they were doing was truly different than the boring status quo of the post-punk scene today. And it varied enough from what we are doing that it seemed like a really complimentary pairing. Split records where the bands are indistinguishable are boring. And I think we each bring something different to the table.” – says the band.

“What If (I Could Tell You)” was recorded at The House of God and mixed and mastered by Ryan Santos Phillips at Lux Perpetua NYC. The upcoming split LP will be released on August 9th on vinyl by à La Carte Records and Protagonist Music, with a cassette release by Summer Darling Tapes.

“The nidus for this split record was really multifactorial.” – says the band. “From the record labels’ perspective, à La Carte and Protagonist have both been doing some really awesome stuff these past few years. The two labels had collaborated once before on a Bleached Cross cassette. While we’ve released most of our records with à La Carte, Bleached Cross has released most of their music with Protagonist. So it only seemed natural to pair both labels for this release.”

The band’s move from Boston to Philadelphia was driven by practical and creative reasons. “Two of us moved to Philly for work, but Boston has become too expensive, pushing out much of the artistic community. Philly is more conducive to our growth right now,” they shared. However, they see Philadelphia as a temporary stop, with future plans still undecided.

While a European tour is on the band’s wishlist, they realistically foresee it happening in 2-3 years due to current job commitments.

In the meantime, they continue to draw inspiration from other post-punk bands. They praised recent releases by STILL RUINS, SPECTRES, and SCHEDULE 1, among others, as significant influences and highlights in the current music scene.

“I love the new Still Ruins EP, it is perfectly executed crooning sophistipop. Spectres’ “Presence” is excellent. The new Schedule 1 album is amongst a wave of bands blending post-punk and oi and it’s one of my favorites this year. The new Sculpture Club, Public Circuit, and Holy Wire robins definitely deserve a mention too. Personally, I’m most looking forward to the release of Docile Bodies’ debut album. They are one of my favorite bands going right now.” – comments the band.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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