Australian hardcore band, Speed, has unveiled a captivating documentary that takes fans on a whirlwind tour through Europe and the UK from June 2023. This release, presented by Flatspot Records, is the latest in Speed’s documentary series, which has previously chronicled the hardcore scenes in Australia, Southeast Asia, and North America.
This fresh installment provides an up-close and personal journey with the band as they navigate between intimate club shows and grand festival stages, including performances at Outbreak, Copenhell, and Jera On Air. Viewers are granted an insider’s view of the thriving All Ages scene in Gothenburg, an electrifying collaboration with Flatspot labelmates Zulu in Paris, and even a fun-filled breakdance session at a metal festival in Copenhagen where Guns N’ Roses headlined.
The documentary is more than just a band’s travelogue; it’s a testament to the universality of the hardcore genre. It emphasizes that, despite regional differences, the hardcore movement is driven forward by a passionate new generation of enthusiasts who are making impactful contributions.
The enthralling documentary, which can be viewed above, is the brainchild of Jack Rudder, who took on the roles of producer, cinematographer, and editor. Additional footage was graciously provided by Concrete Culture and Gothenburg Hardcore.
Behind the powerful sound of Speed are the dedicated members: Jem Siow on vocals, Aaron Siow handling the bass, Josh Clayton and Dennis Vichidvongsa on guitars, and Kane Vardon on drums.