New Music

THE WORLD THAT SUMMER streamingg unreleased demo

1 min read

Not so long after their recent video interview for IDIOTEQ, Canadian post hardcore / screamo band THE WORLD THAT SUMMER is back with a new demo, recorded at their very first TWTS recording session on December 4th, 2015. “What is Dead May Never Die (demo version)” will be released on a tape compilation called The Stars Are A Free Show #3 on Glass Of Spit Records in the UK and then rerecorded for their split with NIONDE PLAGAN, one of our greatest discoveries this year.
The other song from this new demo is called “The Cells Infuckingside Me” and will be released at a future date, probably January 1st for Zampler #8.

Photo by Yoshi Cooper.


We can’t stand in foreign aggregates like bodies dumped in a landfill. Instead impale on this spear of heads and rip all your dreams from your fucking corpse. Ice age looms, we’re shitting war forever. Why not run? We’re coming in and we shall fear nothing. All our weddings are slaughters and there’s this burning inside my brain. It’s cutting in. It’s cutting. Now we’re running in and we’re bearing such an absolution emblazened across our hearts. All our weddings are slaughters like knives across our necks. I’ll make it mine, for it’s culture. And once more, this stance is vital. Entire islands sink in distance. Drown your own home.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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