
WORMROT arrested in Malaysia

3 mins read

WORMROT was arrested by religious authorities on the New Year’s Day.

Read the full story below:

A Way To Celebrate New Year!

3pm, 31 Dec 2011

After 5 hours of bus ride from Singapore, Asilent and us have finally reached KL! There were 10 of us in total. Emi (Organizer/Tools Of The Trade), his wife and Tiong (Organizer/Tools Of The Trade) picked us up at the Puduraya bus station.

3.30pm, 31 Dec 2011

The Asilent boys, Rasyid and his girlfriend went to the hotel to rest. Me, Arif, Fit and his girlfriend went to Dyn’s house (Friend) for lunch. Simply put, one of the best home cooked meal we’ve ever had!

6.30pm – 11.30pm, 31 Dec 2011

Show was fucking AWESOME, BADASS & BEYOND MARVELOUS. The venue, Rumah Api, was hot as hell, even though it has fans and air conditioners. Everyone was sweating, dancing, moshing, crowd surfing, going crazy and it was really so hard to breathe in the room. It was so packed till some people could not even get in during our set. Really was a great way to have fun on a New Year’s Eve!!

See photos here —-> 31 Dec 2011 (Rumah Api)

12.30am – 2am, 01 Jan 2012

Supper was really delicious! Really really super cheap too!!!

3am, 01 Jan 2012

We had planned to chill at the hotel lobby. 6 people (5 smokers + 1 straight edge) in 1 room and no windows = Claustrophobic + Bad ventilation. Fiaz (Asilent’s bassist) came down to our room coz we had planned to chill with the Asilent boys as well. Suddenly, someone opened our door (Guess they have the hotel’s master card key) and asked “Are you married?!” The minute Fit heard that question, he laughed and said “No”, the bunch of people behind that person, started taking pictures of us!!! Talk about paparazzi… No they weren’t paparazzi.. They are from the JAIS – Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (Selangor Islamic Religious Department). We were so shocked and lost for words coz we don’t think that we were doing anything wrong.

After several questions and telling us that it is wrong for unmarried Muslim men and women to be in one room, they took our passports and we were taken to the police station to give our statements and call someone to bail us. Now.. now.. don’t blame the religion. Some people are just extremists and this Islamic rules only applied in Selangor and Kelantan. And of course only to the Muslim people. Please don’t stop visiting Malaysia because of this issue coz seriously it has a very good and dedicated Metal scene. Plus everything is cheap and you can find delicious food everywhere.

Back to the main story… Only 5 of us were taken into custody. Arif, Rasyid, Fit, his girlfriend who is Arif’s little sister and myself. Rasyid’s girlfriend was not taken into custody coz she’s not Muslim and Fiaz was from another room. When we got out of the hotel to be escorted into the police lorry which already has some couples who were caught earlier than us, around 30 – 40 more people from JAIS, passerby and maybe some people from the media took pictures of us as though they had busted the most biggest crime for the night. We were taken to the Taman Muda Police Station and had to sit on the floor to wait for the organizer, Emi, to come and bail us out. Emi arrived at 4am and he had talked to one of the JAIS staff. At around 4.15am, we were taken to another police station as there was no high ranking officer to do up the reports. Again everyone had to be escorted into the lorry to be driven to Pandan Indah Police Station. However, when we arrived there, we were still held in the lorry as the high ranking staff from JAIS have not arrived. At around 5am, when they finally arrived, we thought that we will be taken into the police station for our statements. But… in the end… we were let off with just a warning. We were nearly fined $3000 MYR ($950 USD) per person if Emi did not call his lawyer up and we being Singaporeans. Plus we weren’t doing any sexual intercourse when they entered our room.

By the time Emi sent us back to our hotel, it was already 5.30am. We were beyond exhausted as we had been awake since 5am the day before, performing and then the hotel drama… Damn son! What a way to celebrate 2012!!

Please do not think badly of the religion. Every religion is peaceful. Like I’ve said before, in every religion, there’s always some people who are extremists. Don’t condemn the religion just because of these jokers. Multi racial, multi culture with the same interest – Music. :)

We would like to thank Emi, Tiong, Dyn and all our friends who had given us the best hospitality anyone could ever asked for. And all the grinders who came down for the show to support all the bands. This is the best New Year celebration for us!

– Azean

WORMROT live for Scion A/V:

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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