New Music

XERXES debuts new track!

1 min read

Louisville’s XERXES  are streaming “Exit 123″, coming from their new album “Collision Blonde”, to be released on October 21st through No Sleep Records.

Premiered over at BrooklynVegan.

Vocalist Calvin Philley commented:

I cooked at a restaurant in southern Indiana about 50 hours a week for about a year leading up to the recording of collision blonde. I got fired during the recording process but that’s a different story. Exit 123 is the first exit after you cross the bridge over the ohio river from Louisville to New Albany on I-64 west and the route I took to work. I have severe anxiety about driving and it only gets worse as things pile up in my life with girls, money, work and anything else. Once I just panic attacked all the way to work, thought I was dying and all that. I fantisized about running through the guardrail in my shitty Chevy SUV. That’s it. I got myself fired in April and haven’t been back to Indiana since.

Upcoming XERXES shows:

Aug 26 – Chicago, IL – Subterranean (w/Cut Teeth, Lord Snow, Droughts)
Oct 21 – Brooklyn, NY – The Paper Box (No Sleep till CMJ II)
Oct 31-Nov 1 – Gainesville, FL – The Fest

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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