М​А​П​А​​​. Ч​​​а​​​с​​​т​​​и​​​н​​​а IV
New Music

‘МАПА’ charity compilation reveals chapter 4: 24 Artists, 24 Songs, and countless genres from Ukraine’s thriving underground music scene

1 min read

Neformat Family and the МА|ПА project, which conducts interviews with representatives of Ukraine’s underground music scene, have released the fourth part of their charity compilation aimed at supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The compilation features a diverse range of genres from 24 Ukrainian artists who have persevered in creating music despite the challenging circumstances over the past year. This is a testament to the strength and resilience of the local underground scene, which continues to thrive despite the ongoing conflict and uncertainty in the country.

The compilation not only showcases the talent of Ukraine’s underground music scene, but also serves a charitable purpose. All proceeds from sales on Bandcamp will go to the Musicians Defend Ukraine Foundation, which provides support to Ukrainian soldiers and their families affected by the ongoing war. This is a crucial initiative, as the conflict in Ukraine has caused widespread suffering and displacement, particularly in the country’s eastern regions.

The first and second parts of the compilation were released exactly one year ago and are also available on Bandcamp, along with the third part of “МАПА”. By supporting this initiative, music fans can not only discover new and exciting artists from Ukraine’s thriving underground scene, but also contribute to a worthy cause and show solidarity with those affected by the ongoing conflict in the country.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via www.idioteq.com@gmail.com

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