News Stories

BANE documentary seeking footage and photos

1 min read

Massachusetts hardcore legends BANE will soon receive another documentary movie called Holding These Moments, but filmmaker Dan Elswick is still actively seeking more footage and photos to make it richer and more diverse! You can send in your contributions via [email protected]! Here’s what’s needed:

⁃ Harvest last show (in 1998, Minneapolis)
⁃ “The Note” (May or so 2005) record release show footage
⁃ Steve Neal benefit show video footage (2003 or so) which was also Nick’s final show with the band
⁃ Video or photos from recording “Don’t Wait Up”, specifically the song “Calling Hours”
⁃ Pictures or videos from “The Promise / Bane” tour (2002/2003)
⁃ Edgeday 2000 video (Haverhill, MA)
⁃ Bane recording footage/ photos from any recording session
⁃ Candid photos of Bane hanging out
⁃ Any tour / travel footage or photos (clowning around on tour….anything which shows them basically not playing)

Check out the video teasers below, and GO HERE to watch ‘Holding This Moment‘, a European tribute documentary to BANE!


Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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