
BREAKING POINT discuss their new album

5 mins read

Southern England metallic hardcore act BREAKING POINT have launched a full stream of their debut full length titled “Set To Burn”! Carry The Weight Records is offering pre-orders for this new killer joint and IDIOTEQ is offering a brand new, brief interview giving you some cool insights and valuable information on this furious, heavy hardcore piece.

Read the full conversation below.

Top photo by by Elliot Ingham.

Hey buds! Thanks for your time. What’s up? How are you?

Hey! We’re all good , looking forward to releasing our new record and playing some more shows again!

OK, first things first. You’re about to hit the road with MADBALL later this month. Are you excited? How did this tour come together? Are you happy to be back, and to be able to bring some new tunes with you this time?

We’re all really excited to be doing this tour, MADBALL are one of those bands that have always been a big part of hardcore for us, so to be able to tour with them in insane! The tour came out of the blue to be honest, we got an email from the Agency Group asking if we were interested and that was it really. We will be playing some new tracks from the LP and are really excited to do this, we’ve been sat on these tracks for a while now and haven’t played since March!


Are there more BREAKING POINT gigs already scheduled for the rest of the year?

We have CTW fest in Brighton straight after the MADBALL tour (4th Oct), then we are playing a show in Reading the weekend after, both shows have great line ups (RENOUNCED / EGO TRIP / OUTRAGE / THE FLEX / SURVIVAL amongst others!)

CTW Fest

BREAKING POINT Reading date in October

Your new album is titled “Set To Burn” and will be out later this year. Is there a concrete release date in mind?

We have been waiting for the test presses to come back from the plant to be able to approve the press, this has taken longer than we’d hoped (doesn’t it always!) as we’d hoped to have the 12” for the Madball tour, it is now looking likely like it’ll be ready for early November now. We have however pressed a small amount of tapes of the Lp for the tour so that people can get hold of the record early!

How many copies will be pressed and what will be the distribution like?

The record will be coming out on 12” in two variants I believe of a press of 500, and then the tapes that I previously mentioned which I believe 150 will be made. In regards to distribution this will be handled by Carry the Weight Records, they’ve got a good network with different distros everywhere, and of course it’ll be available on the webstore.

Can you share some more details on this outing? How long have you been working on it?

We started writing the record in around August/September 2013 and started recording the music in January 2014 and vocals were done over a few weekends later in the year to fit around Louis touring schedule, so around 3 to 4 months I’d say? This consisted of a practice once every few weeks as unfortunately we don’t all live in close proximity. This was good though in the way that we could record practices and go away and listen to the tracks before the next practice and work on them/change parts. With Louis singing in BRUTALITY WILL PREVAIL now I’ve seen people online saying they thought we’d split up etc, which was funny as we’d been sat on this record quietly without telling anyone!

 BREAKING POINT live - dive

Photo by Ryan Dalton Rodrigues Photography.

Where did you record the album?

We recorded all the music in Margate with Jason Frye at Son of Sun Studios, then recorded the vocals with Jamie Frye at the same place. The mix/master was handled by Ian Boult at Stuck on a name studios in Nottingham. We’re really happy with how this record sounds overall.

What are your sources of inspiration this time? Can you mention some musical examples and what kinds of non-musical things inspire your lyrics?

I’d say overall it’s a collection of all our previous releases but put together into 10 songs, it’s got the 90’s kinda vibe we had one Judgement, the harder more metallic sound and riffs from “Life Sentence” and variation from the FINAL RAGE split. Influence wise it’s a real mix from newer bands like TERROR to older bands like SEPULTURA and PANTERA. We expanded a bit on the old SEPULTURA / MACHINE HEAD / Old Roadrunner records vibe we played about with previously too.

The band features members of BRUTALITY WILL PREVAIL, BASEMENT and a bunch more. How do you balance different bands? Do you mind listing all non-BP projects you’re still involved in?

Aside from Louis singing in BWP none of us really do the other bands full time as such, we all have jobs/university to balance anyways, so it’s just a case of fitting them in when we can. It’ll be quite a list but that’s mainly down to Pat who is in about 500 bands as well as doing Carry the weight records haha! BRUTALITY WILL PREVAIL, BASEMENT, EGO TRIP, FEEDING CHAIN, REPENTANCE, INHERIT, GREAT SALE DAY, STRANGE PLACES, SECTARIAN VIOLENCE, DAY OF RIGHTS, UNHOLY MAJESTY. I’ve probably still missed some, so sorry if so!

Haha, nice thanks! What was the catalyst that keeps you inspired and push this band even further?

Just enjoying playing and getting to hang out with our friends really! What’s better than being able to travel around playing to new faces, meeting new people and seeing your friends in the process. As the band is not a full time thing and we don’t play a great deal of shows when we do play its more fun and a good chance to catch up.

Can you name a few artists that have changed your life?

Personally for me it’d be bands like AMERICAN NIGHTMARE, CARRY ON, POISON THE WELL and CONVERGE. I love the early 2000’s bridge 9 and deathwish rosters. However I’m sure you’d get different answers from the other guys!

BREAKING POINT lie at outbreak fest

Photo by Daniel Jeavons Photography.

Alright, so what else? Apart from BP, what’s something that you’re really passionate about these days and why are you so excited about it?

Once again we’d all have different answers, our guitarist Danny competes in powerlifting and spends a lot of time training for that which he’s doing well at. A number of us are in education still so this is a large passion for us too, constantly learning and developing.

What were the best records that you heard this year?

For me the INSIST demo’s the best of the year, they completely nailed the sound without it sounding forced and keeping a load of energy, really looking forward to seeing them soon. The RENOUNCED LP is great too, I love old metalcore and they’ve completely nailed that sound. The new survival 7” forged in iron is great too, that last track is crazy.

Thanks for the quick update! Cheers for your time and good luck on the road! Take care guys!

[email protected]



Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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