Hidden Home Records!

“Do You Remember Punk Rock Comps?” – bands share their thoughts on collections of punk tunes

4 mins read

Boise, ID’s independent record label Hidden Home Records has recently unveiled its first compilation “Do You Remember Punk Rock Comps?” and it marked a solid tribute to Punk-o-rama, Fat Music, Mailorder is Still Fun, and more classic compilations that served as the gateway to the scene for many of us, especially back in the4 90s. This new record from Hidden Home includes songs from IDIOTEQ featured artists WICKED BEARS and YOUNG, PLANETARY, as well as other heroes of Idaho punk rock scene, UNION STOCKYARDSURBAN OUTFIELDERS, DESTROY NATE ALLEN, SKiTTiSH iTZ, CROWN, LATE, and SHEEP AMONG WOLVES. Both official and independent collections have always been one of the best ways a kid with limited resources could get exposed to a bunch of new artists and IDIOTEQ is basicallly based on the idea of discovering more and more artists through connections and various DIY ventures. We have teamed up with a couple of bands presented on “Do You Remember Punk Rock Comps?” and asked them to share their thoughts on compilations, specific titles that had a profound effect on their musical taste and recommend more compilations worth our time. Scroll down to read our short multi-interview and be sure to grab your copy of the Hidden Home Records compilation below.

Hey guys! Please share your thoughts on punk compilations in general.

Russ (SKiTTiSH iTZ LATE): I love punk comps. I discovered punk through comps and fell in love with it. I wish they were still prominent.

Nic (SKiTTiSH iTZ): I think comps are a good way to get lesser known bands into a spotlight.

Nate (DESTROY NATE ALLEN): I love being a part of them. I discovered many of my favorite bands in high school on them and I love the community they can build.

Ryan (UNION STOCKYARDS): Punk comps were a lifeline to far off places like [our hometown] Winnipeg where records can be hard to find (especially in the pre-internet era–we’re old)… great and very necessary way to hear bands, labels, scenes. Thank God for comps!

Deano (URBAN OUTFIELDERS): Comps are just like a Buffett spread with different dishes from a lot of different cultures that you have to pay 13.99 with soda.

Trevor (YOUNG, PLANETARY): Full disclosure I was never much of a compilation guy. Not because I thought they were lame or anything though! I just don’t think I appreciated as a young listener how powerful comps can be. For a label, they provide an opportunity to literally hand a mixtape to people comprised of all their favorite songs from all their own favorite artists. And for bands, it’s a great way to get your name next to other acts on the label you may have never had a chance to meet or tour with. It just creates a sense of camaraderie between all parties involved that I think is really important.

What were your first memorable collections?

Russ (SKiTTiSH iTZ LATE): My first memorable collections were Fat Music for Fat People, Punk-O-Ramas (the first 6 or so), and Sessions snowboards put out some rad ones too. Give ‘Em the Boot was [also] a rad comp series.

Nic (SKiTTiSH iTZ): My first collections were Punk-O-Ramas, Warped Tour 2002-2005, and Rock Against Bush.

Nate (DESTROY NATE ALLEN): I was a really into I’m Your Biggest Fan from Tooth and Nail Records. I tried to collect all of their comps in the late 90’s and discovered many bands I still love as a result.

Ryan (UNION STOCKYARDS): My first comps were probably Thrasher Skate Rock, Flex Your Head, All Quiet On The Western Front (MRR)… The local 7″ comp “Systematic Destruction” from ’92 was pretty crucial: Propagandhi, I Spy, Malefaction and Silence Equals made a big impact on the scene here at the time. Fat Music for Fat people, Punk Uprisings and stuff in the mid 90’s was really influential as well…

Jabroni (URBAN OUTFIELDERS): Punk-O-Rama 2, Fat Music for Fat People, Give ‘Em the Boot 2, also Cinema Beer Nuts. I have no opinion about the other questions.

Deano (URBAN OUTFIELDERS): Short Music for Short People, Rock Against Bush.

Nick (WICKED BEARS): First memorable collection? Not punk? Space Jam Soundtrack.

Casey (WICKED BEARS): Yeah, does Weird Al count? Dr. Demento for sure counts. My first comp was The Aquabats one where they did a bunch of tracks as different bands… Rice Capades! “My Baby’s Got a Poopy Diaper” was my favorite track.

Trevor (YOUNG, PLANETARY): I honestly only had one comp in my life: a Punkcore Records sampler that didn’t leave my stereo from the ages of 13 to 15. I was obsessed. It was my first foray into what my parents who didn’t understand me (duh) thought “punk rock” was all about. And that ruled.

Awesome! And what would be some of your recommendations of your favorite old and newer multi-track offerings?

Nic (SKiTTiSH iTZ): I’d recommend local comps that have been getting put out, there’s a shitload of good ones!

Nate (DESTROY NATE ALLEN): I actually don’t know how to pronounce my very favorite collection from recent years. I’d call it: “RUTA” “Na Vschod”? It’s a polish rebel folk collection (from Karrot). It’s fantastic in so many ways. I can’t recommend it highly enough. I was handed it at Folk Alliance International – 3 years ago and I still keep it by my desk. I love it very much. Also much closer to [where I live] Kansas City, Folk-O-Rama put out some great outsider folk comps for a few years!

Ryan (UNION STOCKYARDS): Right now I’m super into all the comps coming out of the NW punk scene centered around bands like CONEHEADS, CCTV, LIQUIDS, LUMPY that are compiled on the JIMMY YouTube channel. Amazing stuff, probably the most exciting punk rock I’ve heard in a decade or more. Also super into older stuff like the Back From The Grave, Pebbles and Nuggets series of comps that focus on regional Garage Rock and early punk from the mid 60’s. There’s dozens of LP’s and they’ve started to reissue them in recent years which is a real treat for us record nerds, cause they got REALLY hard to find for a while…

Trevor (YOUNG, PLANETARY): As for what to look for in a comp, I’d say just research your favorite bands and see which labels represent them. Odds are they have even cooler bands you’ve never heard on their roster that you can then get into and go see live. Other than that, support the little guys; Hidden Home Records for example! Rob is the man and I owe pretty much everything I’ve accomplished as Young, Planetary to him.

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Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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