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DRIP OF LIES: sad punk from Poland

6 mins read

Naah, I’m just playin’ :) It’s just their nickname given by local mockers. Anyway, there’s a grain of truth in every joke. Judge it for yourself.

Warsaw’s DRIP OF LIES represent a modern approach to heavy and dark d-beat /crust hardcore punk. They support vegetarian/vegan lifestyle and anti-fascism. They released their debut demo back in 2009 and then followed it by a self-titled EP in 2010. Their most recent release is  the “Failure” LP, which will have its first anniversary this April.

The following interview serves you a proper update from the band in the begging of 2013 and reveals some of their future plans. Scroll down to start reading.

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Hey! I need to tell on people! They say you’re a sad punk band. How come? [laughs]

[laughs] We’re perceived this way, ‘cause our numbers are neither light nor pleasant. But as the matter of fact we’re very funny guys. We rather think about us as a funny band playing sad songs.

Do you consider yourself a hardcore punk, a crust/d-beat or more like a metal band? What would you write if you had to precisely define your full description based on existing styles and genres?

Crust is Pawel’s state of mind (vocals and guitar) [laughs]. But seriously, we’re simply hardcore/punk band and we feel strong bond with this scene. But of course you can hear many genres influencing us, maybe even some of that metal [smiles].

Please tell us about how you got together, your origins, first shows, etc.

DOL raised from the RAAT band debris, where me, Banan, Kuba nad Slav (vocals) were playing. At the band’s final days Pawel joined us. We haven’t played single show in this lineup. In November 2008 Slav decides to finish his musical adventure and takes the band name with him J So we change it to DRIP OF LIES and after 2 months intensive rehearsing we play first concert and record our demo. In April 2009 we go to our first tour with THE FIGHT, after which Doman joins the band. Doman was our vocalist for 1,5 year and with him the band records 7’ (self-titled) and hits two tours around Europe. The CD compilation (Nikt Nic Nie Wie – Noone Knows Anythin) containing 7’ and demo material is released. After tours we return to 4 people lineup with Pawel on vocal. In September 2011 we record out first “large” album “Failure”, launched as LP by Trujaca Fala, Contraszt and Les Humanidad Es La Plaga. In May “Nikt Nic Nie Wie (PL)” is put out on CD. In spring 2012 we play some shows and festivals in Poland and Germany and in Autumn we go on European tour with CENTURIES (US/FLO).

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Do you have any other projects besides DRIP OF LIES?

I play in punk’n’roll band THE STUBS and Pawel plays guitar in THE FIGHT. Kuba and Banan are not involved in other projects at the moment.

Let’s put the  focus back on DRIP OF LIES.

You released your “Failure” LP last year. How’s the feedback after all these months? How much and what international attention did you get?

The record’s got a lot of positive feedback both in Poland and abroad. We haven’t expected it and now, after 8 months since launch, LP’s been nearly sold out, so we plan re-edition at the beginning of 2013.

Tell us about this terrifying cover art you prepared for the album. Who’s behind it and what’s the message?

Cover art is Partyk Rosicki’s work. He made graphics for CALM THE FIRE, DAYMARES, THE FLIGHT etc. and cover for our demo as well. The cover art we requested was supposed to combine with the record’s message and we think it does [smiles]

drip of lies cover

Your releases are available through a lot of music blogs and online forums. What’s your opinion on spreading it online without your permission? Do you appreciate those blogs’ help in spreading the word about you and recommending your art?

We’ve nothing against spreading our music on-line for free. We did it ourselves at our bandcamp profile. We want our music to be as widely available as possible, so everyone can listen to it – if he wants. And if one likes it enough to buy it on the record, well, then we’ll be double pleased.

Geographically, hat’s the farthest connection you’ve got? I mean a distro that distributes your stuff, a booking crew, a band, etc.?

In Europe it’ll be Spain, but our editors are so good, they can send our releases to any place on Earth [smiles]. In USA our releases are available via Halo Of Flies and Interpunk.

What does vinyl mean to you? Why did you decided to put “Failure” out that way?

There is no higher meaning behind it. Vinyl is simply the coolest media possible. Big cover, “fatter” sound. The release’s bee put out on all medias possible, apart from CD and LP there was also limited to 50 pieces MC edition by Assonance Records.

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You did a nice tour with Florida’s CENTURIES in October 2012. How did you team up for this trek?

The tour was dope and CENTURIES are great bad and great guys. How did we team up? Pawel books European tours for many bands and one time he received offer to book trek for CENTURIES. And as the date was the same as we planned for DOL, we went together [smiles]. It was amazing!

Any plans to hook up with them or some other band to do a U.S. tour?

We’d love to, but it’s a complex operation, so it’s undefined future. But we don’t say “no”!

What about your local touring plans for the coming months?

In late spring/early summer we plan to go for a Russia, Ukraine, Belarus tour. Just before it we play on Frement Fest in Nowy Targ/PL and after the tour we play on DIY Hardcore Punk Fest in Gdynia – the biggest of its kind in Poland. Earlier we’ll play some shows in Poland and some abroad, ex. Germany, Czech Republic and Switzerland (March). Meanwhile we’ll work on new songs for our second LP. In autumn we want to go finally to Greece.  Check our Facebook profile or website –  you can find all info about our plans.

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Ok, I’m gonna bother you with a few random questions [smiles].

3 bands you’d like to tour and/or release a split with? [smiles]

[laughs] There’re so many bands there is no sense listing them all. Plus, we don’t even agree about it in the band, so for now we plan one split with our Budapest friends – RIVERS RUN DRY. It’ll be 7’ split, including two recordings – one our + cover.

Oh, nice one. What’s the timetable for the release? Who’s gonna distribute it?

Few labels collaborating from Poland, France, UK, Germany, Hungary J The album ’ll be released by 8 labels. In Poland Up The Punx Records will release it.

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What about the next big step? Are you readying something more? What are some of the goals you set forth while planning a new record?

Actually we don’t plan anything special. We just want to give good shows, visit new places, meet people and have a damn good time. When recording is finished for the split we mentioned we want to begin work on new songs, but it’s way too early to speak about details of new release – there is simply no song ready. We work in our own pace [smiles].

Alright. Let’s focus on Warsaw. Is there something that sucks in your local punk scene?

Same thing for years – that everyone complains how it sucks [laughs]! But to be honest, there aren’t many reasons to complain about Warsaw scene – there are many concerts, many cool bands. There could be more zine’s and more spots to play [smiles].

Do you miss Warsaw’s Elba squat? You played a lot of great shows there, right?. What’s your opinion on shutting it down? What’s the substitute place for Elba?

Anyone who’s visited the place misses it. For first months after eviction Warsaw scene missed this place a lot but soon Przychodnia squat was established, which is great, quickly growing place. It’s not that bad! 

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You’ve been always supporting vegetarian/vegan lifestyle. Are all members of the band living this way of life? What would you say to encourage people not to eat meat or at least make them start thinking about making a turn in their lives?

Yes, we’re all vegetarian. It’s very important for us, but we treat it as a personal choice and we’re no vege-warriors. I think I don’t want to convert anyone. Vegetarianism is of course important part of my life philosophy but also my personal choice.

What signs of fascism exist in Poland today? What exactly are you standing against when it comes to this form of radical nationalism?

It’s a classic case scenario. CRISIS around basically whole world rises, and in such conditions fascists/nationalists feel perfect. When it comes to Poland, it’s more dangerous because so called “public opinion” has nothing against many marches. And how does it appear? In radical growth of racist/xenophobic based incidents. As for now it doesn’t look good.

Is it really scary for an ordinary man? I mean, does it really matter for a typical person, who not engaged in any form of social activism? How can it affect such a person?

I think it is, because in it’s very nature nationalism aims for submitting anyone who thinks in different way. After all those involved (against nationalism) at the end the time may come for the “normal ones”. Of course it’s a very dark vision, but I’m convinced that the evil has to be eliminated where it begins.

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Thanks so much for your time! Would you like to add anything else? Any last words?

Come to our shows !!! [smiles]

 Thanks again! Take care, man!

Big Thanks!

Drip Of Lies

Photos by Fisty Photography.

drip of lies band


Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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