
Greg Bennick needs your help!

2 mins read

Activist, vocalist for TRIAL and BETWEEN EARTH & SKY, motivational keynote speaker, one of the most inspiring people I know and the hero of IDIOTEQ’s mega interiew, Greg Bennick, has been suffering from a really nasty injury of his right hand for the lastv couple of months. His girlfriend Meghann has set up a GoFundMe campaign to help support Greg and help him get back on his tracks. It looks like the fundraising page will surpass its original goal of $18,000, but please let’s mame sure itdonations are still being accepted and he gets as much as possible to help with his bills and the recent loss of income.

GO HERE to support Greg!

There are people who talk about doing and there are people that do. My best friend and boyfriend, Greg Bennick, is a doer. If he isn’t working on the rural water project in Haiti, helping fundraise for anti-sexual assault programs to protect the youth of Haiti, taking time to help someone across the world work through a difficult personal issue, lifting school kids’ spirits through his performing efforts, or conveying messages of passion and drive through his spoken word, then he’s brainstorming how to further change this planet for the better.

A few months ago due to an accident Greg’s right hand was severely lacerated by broken glass. With this severe injury his hand required reconstructive surgery. A nerve was severed in one of the two major lacerations and he still cannot feel two of his fingers.

As someone who has made his living juggling for 30 years, this has been a financially devastating injury. True to his nature, Greg hasn’t been lazy during this time. He spent an entire month in and out of the hospital dealing with complications, then a second month trying to regain use of his hand. He could barely move his fingers when he started. After three months of taxing and exhaustive physical therapy he has regained 90% of his mobility in his hand but not regained sensation in his fingers. He is still doing physical therapy exercises daily.

Also as a direct result of this accident Greg wasn’t able to book performances to make a living for the last three months of 2015. While struggling to regain the use of his fingers and ultimately his hand he dealt with overbearing anxiety and fear, not knowing if he would be able to return to his longtime profession, and not knowing if he would be okay. None of us can imagine the weight of financial fear, anxiety of the unknown and the depression of personal injury unless we have walked the path ourselves. The financial truth is that his insurance covers a portion of his medical bills but he has incurred massive debt during this time while trying to keep up. As his partner I’ve encouraged him to accept help from his friends and loved ones. But being the Greg we know and love he was reluctant to ask for help because he puts far more energy out to others than he asks of them for himself.

He is so thankful that he can move his fingers, and is hopeful to regain feeling in them but the doctors say it could be up to a year (if ever) before he can feel them again. He is refocusing his career. For Greg to be able to focus on healing, rebuilding his career and keep pouring himself into his work helping others I ask for any donation that you can contribute. Anything is so appreciated and will help cover some of the medical bills and expenses from the injury.

Love and light to you all.

Meghann Griggs

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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