Manchester’s catharctic post metallers PIJN (Holy Roar Records) are joining Trollhättan, Sweden’s d-beat hardcore pack GUST (Southern Lord Records) on their upcoming trek in Europe! Both bands released truly impressive records in the past couple of years and seem to be fully formed live animals at the height of the powers. Dive into their massive tunes below and be sure to catch them live at one of the following stops!
Poster by Phil Trona of CENTURIES.
08/07/17 PL Gdynia DIY Hardcore Punk Fest
09/07/17 PL Warsaw/Thorun
10/07/17 PL Wroclaw Carpe Diem
11/07/17 GER Göttingen/Kassel TBC
12/07/17 GER contact us
13/07/17 AT Linz Privat
14/07/17 HU Szeged Varkert (Open Air)
15/07/17 HRO Zupanja SAWA Fest
16/07/17 AT contact us
17/07/17 AT/HU/GER
18/07/17 CZ Prague TBC
19/07/17 CZ Ostrava TBC
20/07/17 CZ Brno Bajkazyl
21/07/17 GER Potsdam TBC
22/07/17 CZ Rokycany TBC
23/07/17 GER Weimar Gerber
24/07/17 AT/GER contact us
25/07/17 HU Budapest Dürer Kert
26/07/17 SRB Novi Sad Fabrika
27/07/17 SLO Tolmin Metal Days
28/07/17 GER contact us
29/07/17 GER Berlin TBC