
Hearty singer-songwriter Quentin Sauvé hits the road; shares thoughts on touring

3 mins read

Just after the recent announcement of a huge US tour supporting his own band BIRDS IN ROW and LISTENER (see our inisghtful interview HERE), Quentin Sauvé has unveiled a 13 minutes captivating documentary about the recording of his debut solo album “Whatever It Takes”! We caught up with Quentin for a little follow up to our recent feature HERE and asked him a couple of questions about the reception of the record and his past and future shows.

Hey Quentin! What feedback have you received on your amazing record thus far? Was there somethng that surprised you in its reception?

It’s great so far! I didn’t think if would be like that. I hoped it would be better than my last self-released records from Throw Me Off The Bridge because this time I really planned everything in advance and I have labels and PRs to help but, still, it’s really rewarding. I’m glad people can see all the work we did with my brother on the sound, in the way it would sound really large and nice, but still intimate, to not hide the emotions. It seems like people really get the emotional aspect of the album, and that’s so good to hear because it’s the very core of this project.

How were your recent solo shows?

First leg in France was very good! I knew almost all the promoters because they’re good friends of mine, and played with really awesome bands, and there was people attending so… all good. The 2nd run in the UK was harder speaking of people showing up, but I had great time traveling with Heavy Heart and the promoters were all very caring. A good experience again. In between those two tours I had the chance to play a support show in the Botanique venue in Brussels, that was huge! I’m still figuring out a lot of technical stuff to improve the set, but I’m finally playing and sharing these songs so I’m glad! We will see about the third one in Germany/Austria/Czech Republic starting tomorrow with Flo Chmod, should be great!

How would you compare touring the States with your European shows? After touring with Birds In Row, gig wise, how do you see approach touring both sides of the pond?

So I’ve been there three times with BIR already, but this time it’s gonna be different because I’m playing my solo set as well. Pretty stressful! When you have to think about taking a plane with gear and crossing international borders for touring it’s not the same indeed… But we have Visas so it’s ok, I guess…

Touring in the US is different to us because we usually get food and somewhere to stay at night in Europe. In the US sometimes we do but it’s really not in the codes of promoters. And the distances between cities are sooooo long. I mean, touring is spending all your time in the van anyway, but in the US it’s literally that ahah! It can be very frustrating when you’re traveling a country you’ve never seen before, but at least you can enjoy the landscapes during the drives! It’s really tiresome as well. That’s also why we always do long tours there. If you wanna cover as much states as possible you need a lot of time.

Gig wise, the way people act at shows and everything, it’s pretty European I think. It doesn’t change much. There is always good and bad shows everywhere you play anyway you know.



13/03 Strasbourg FR @ La Biennale°
14/03 Darmstadt DE @ Oetinger Villa°
15/03 Munich DE @ Kafe Marat°
16/03 Scharnstein AU @ Die Moserei°
17/03 Vienna AU @ Venster 99°
18/03 Brno CZ @ Bajkazil°
19/03 Prague CZ @ Eternia°
20/03 Dresden DE @ Hole of Fame°
21/03 Leipzig DE @ A und V Projektgalerie°
22/03 Berlin DE @ Zum Gescheiterten Kollektiv | Südkiez°
23/03 Jena DE @ Baracke°
24/03 Hof DE @ TBA°
25/03 Bochum DE @ Kulturfabrik°
26/03 NEED HELP Germany°
27/03 NEED HELP Germany°
28/03 Koln DE @ Private°
29/03 Bruxelles BE° @ house show°
30/03 Lille FR @ Le Café Diskaire°
05/04 Poligné FR @ Eglise de Poligné w/Pomme
07/04 Laval FR @ Le 6PAR4 w/Emily Wells
25/04 Paris FR @ Le Supersonic w/Jaye Jayle
03/05 Rennes FR @ Les Embellies Festival

° w/Flo Chmod


05/04 – Chicago, IL @ Cobra Lounge
05/05 – Columbus, OH @ Big Room Bar
05/06 – Rochester, NY @ Photo City
05/07 – Manchester, NH @ Bungalow
05/08 – Brooklyn, NY @ Kingsland
05/09 – Philadelphia, PA @ Voltage Lounge
05/10 – Richmond, VA @ Canal Club
05/11 – Raleigh, NC @ Imurj
05/12 – Nashville, TN @ The End
05/14 – Orlando, FL @ Soundbar
05/15 – Atlanta, GA @ Masquerade (Hell)
05/16 – New Orleans, LA @ The Howlin Wolf
05/17 – San Antonio, TX @ Jack’s Patio
05/18 – Houston, TX @ White Oak Music Hall
05/19 – Dallas, TX @ Club Dada
05/21 – Scottsdale, AZ @ Pubrock
05/22 – Los Angeles, CA @ Bootleg Theater
05/23 – Orangeville, CA @ The Boardwalk
05/24 – Portland, OR @ Paris Theatre
05/25 – Spokane, WA @ The Big Dipper
05/26 – Seattle, WA @ The Funhouse (El Corazon)
05/28 – Salt Lake City, UT @ Kilby Court
05/29 – Colorado Springs, CO @ Black Sheep
05/30 – Denver, CO @ Marquis Theater
05/31 – Kansas City, MO @ The Rino
06/01 – St Louis, MO @ The Sinkhole
06/02 – Springfield, MO @ The Riff

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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