Heavy Hearts For A Hope Filled Cause

Heavy Hearts for a Hope Filled Cause: hardcore bands unite for a Suicide Prevention compilation

27 mins read

Suicide is one of the top 20 leading causes of death worldwide and one of the 10 top leading causes of death in the United States, especially among young people. With the rapid spreading of the COVID‐19 crisis, suicide cases caused by the harsh situation have been reported in many countries. More and more people are vulnerable, facing an elevated suicide risk, but with early identification and the right treatment, suicide is undeniably preventable. Healthcare professionals surely need to be attentive to possible cases during the pandemic, but we can also contribute to prevent the consequences of the current crisis on elevated suicide risk. Thankfully, COVID–19 hasn’t stopped many dedicated and highly engaged artists and socially conscious activists from holding a walk for a noble cause. Today, we’re giving a nod to one of such righteous initiatives, a special project and music compilation called “Heavy Hearts for a Hope Filled Cause”.

Put together by Larry Passenier of the band xIron Sharpens Ironx, “Heavy Hearts for a Hope Filled Cause” is a powerful new compilation of hardcore / metal bands who agreed to donate their music to raise money towards suicide prevention and raise awareness of this serious problem. All profits from the sales will be donated to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

“More and more people are struggling with depression, anxiety, and many other issues and resort to Suicide when they cannot find their way out of that darkness.” – says Larry. “As a Suicide Survivor I wanted to raise awareness to an issue that has become more and more severe amongst the pandemic crisis throughout the world. Since the epidemic has started Suicide has over doubled in frequency.”

After speaking to 2Minute Minor about donating a track, Wiley Willis wanted to contribute more and thus Coffee & Hardcore Records was onboard as well. A week later Stephen X Scopa from Straight Edge For Christ said that the cause spoke to his heart and immediately jumped on board as a sponsor. Thanks to both of these amazing Sponsors the compilation will be available both Digitally and Physically upon release! A huge thank you to all the bands involved that has donated their music, time, and most importantly their heart to try and make a difference in the lives of those struggling.

Heavy Hearts for a Hope Filled Cause: A Hardcore/Metal Compilation for Suicide Prevention” features songs from xIron Sharpens Ironx, 2Minute Minor, HOODS, Blood In Blood Out, Worst Self, Disappear, Human Animal, What’s Your Damage, Drink Their Blood, Andor, xBystanderx, Smash Your Enemies, The Unruled, Ante Up, Lowest Life, Bull Cult, xDeclinex, Millions Of Dead Angels, Bitter Truth, Walk Fearless, Vein, Guard Rail, xRepresentx, To Live As Sons, Gratitudetx, Withhold The Blood, Infinite Design, Funeral Noise, Wounded Touch, Hobostew, Redbait, Roundhouse, and BELLIGERENCE TX.

The compilation is out November 21st, the day of International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day. Order will be launched at this location.

Joining us today for another mega interview are:

– Larry Passenier (founder of the Compilation & member of Blackened Straight Edge Hardcore band xIron Sharpens Ironx)
– Wiley Willis (co-funder of the Compilation and co-owner of Coffee & Hardcore Records |Member of 2Minute Minor and What’s Your Damage)
– Stephen Scopa (co-funder of the Compilation & owner of Straight Edge for Christ)
– Mike Hood (member of Sacramento Hardcore legends Hoods)
– Derek Ski (member of Straight Edge Hardcore band xRepresentx)
– Joel Otte (member of Hardcore bands Worst Self and Walk Fearless)
– Chad Rapper (member of Hardcore bands xBystanderx and Decline)
– Mark Alan Bradley (member of Hardcore band Disappear.)
– All Members Collectively (St Louis Crusty Hardcore band Redbait)
– Benjamin Boggs (member of Drink Their Blood)
– Jon Barefoot (member of Bitter Truth)
– Shay Wilder (member of Guard Rail)
– Chase Daugherty (member of Andor)
– Gabriel Mabary (member of BelligerenceTX)
– Bobby Lee (member of Millions of Dead Angels)

Continued below…

Heavy Hearts For A Hope Filled Cause

Thanks so much for offering your thoughts on this amazing project. First of all, please tell us about your perspective on the current pandemic crisis situation, how it impacted you and your band and how you’re dealing with all the limitations as a band.

Larry (xIron Sharpens Ironx): I feel as though the pandemic has had both negative and positive effects on bands and the hardcore scene in general. It has brought a lot of people down emotionally and unfortunately more are struggling with mental health because of the isolation. However I do feel that some positive things have occurred too because more bands have reached out to others to build friendships and to do more outreach programs within their community. It may be rough with the limitations in place, but I feel as a community more people are helping one another and using one another’s music to defeat depression and anxiety in the process.

Wiley (2Minute Minor/ WYD): The Pandemic is so many things. It’s most definitely changed life for a lot of people and we’ve all learned to adjust in different ways. I know Unemployment is sky high, suicide numbers have risen and people have lost loved ones. I think it’s important to stay positive in these times and help in any way that you can. Raising awareness and money for suicide prevention is what we chose to do for this comp. With shows being limited to small crowds, outside venues, or no shows at all it’s important for musicians to keep writing and making music. What better way than to donate and help out in any way that we can.

Stephen (SExFC): The pandemic has brought on many challenges but also many changes in my life that I am grateful for as well. Since the pandemic started I feel like SXFC has grown stronger and bigger than ever expected! I really have tried to keep the positive mental attitude going and spreading as much as possible!

Mikey (Hoods): Well we missed out on a fully booked year. We lost 28 shows/28 USA tour in April. 22 shows in Europe we booked ourselves in November Japan in January. Mexico December. We have been getting our new E.P. done. Either way we can’t wait to tour again. Fuck this shit :)

Derek (xRepresentx): we are obviously stuck like everyone. We have a new cd done, but even if we put it out, you can play shows by regulations. I’m hoping this doesn’t disillusion a lot of people into not caring about hardcore anymore. Even better would be if more people flocked to shows once the world opens up.

Joel (Worst Self/Walk Fearless): The pandemic definitely pulled the band to a screeching stop. We didn’t get together 3 months I think. We really just wanted to be safe and not put each other or our families at risk. Not getting together as much has been a bummer but it has allowed us to focus on writing and some of our solo projects.

My solo project Walk Fearless is also a part of this comp. Our guitar player is just about ready to release his solo project and our drummer has taken up taxidermy.

WORST SELF photo - Michigan hardcore - photo by Sam Rottschafer
WORST SELF, by Sam Rottschafer

Chad (xBystanderx/Decline): The current pandemic is beyond I think what any of us could’ve imagined. The miss handling of this from the beginning is devastating and knowing on a federal level there could’ve been so much more done, yet wasn’t, and now here we are with 200,000+ people dead and no end in sight. The beginning of the pandemic things were pretty rough. Typically there was always something planned that we’d be looking forward to and once the whole quarantine started everything we were once looking forward to was wiped off the table.

There were no more shows to play, we weren’t getting to hang out with each other and we obviously weren’t able to practice so it was a very dark lonely time. In terms of dealing with it there really wasn’t anything we can do. We had a couple zoom meetings just so we can at least see each other and chat a little bit but eventually months and months later we started getting together to practice again and it felt damn good.

Mark (Disappear.): It’s no secret the way our president (and I’m using that term lightly ) has handled this crisis has been a massive failure. There are well over 200,000 deaths because of a lack of understanding, caring, and empathy. Our band like so many others, has felt the sting from this shut down. We had a tour scheduled April/May of this year which, we obviously had to cancel.

Disappear live

So I think it’s definitely taken its toll on some of us mentally not knowing when we can return to shows, most of us that were off work didn’t know when we could return to our places of employment. I myself am a licensed barber and our shop was shut down for a better part of two months. During that time we weren’t really able to do anything band related. In fact, we didn’t even really come together as a band again till around June.

Redbait: The pandemic has had stressful, to say the least, impacts on us as a band and individuals. The six of us have been lucky enough to remain healthy and COVID free (knock on wood) but it has definitely had its impact on finances, jobs, mental health, etc. Some of us have been out of work, some of us have been out on grueling mandatory overtime for months, some of us work retail where we have to deal with horrid anti-mask customer, some of us have to homeschool a kid while also balancing work. In December, 2019, we had our annual retreat where we sit down and discuss the whole year we just had, and try to plot out what we’d like to accomplish in the New Year.


Our number one goal was to write and record our first LP. The plan was to have it written and ready to record by June, record out by fall. The pandemic hit and we couldn’t get together for months. Here we are in the final quarter of the year, and we do not have our LP ready. We have, however, been in a better spot in the last couple months. We have figured out how to do some social distanced band rehearsal, we put up plexiglass in our practice space, and we have started to figure out how to write and share riffs and songs remotely. We have also used a lot of our spare time to expand on some non music projects through the band like fund raising and some cool new merch ideas like our Femme Tactical Gear line.

Ben (Drink Their Blood): Thanks for having us! The pandemic has been a very trying time for everyone, let alone those in bands. For a few months, even practice was completely shut down. To make matters even more stressful, we had just started drummer auditions. Now that we are back in production with our new drummer Andrew, we’ve been tightening up the bolts, but we’re also writing for the first time in a while! I’m just focusing on the power of creation and being thankful that we are able to continue in any capacity.

DRINK THEIR BLOOD by Life in Michigan
DRINK THEIR BLOOD by Life in Michigan

Jon (Bitter Truth): The pandemic has been very bittersweet. On one hand we were all worried about money and shit but we were also able to get some much needed down time. We were able to finish and record our LP, which probably wouldn’t have happened as quickly if we had shows to play. Not being able to play shows really sucks, we had a lot of cool plans for this year that didn’t get to happen but we’re trying to stay positive.

Bitter Truth

Shay (Guard Rail): This all hit right as we were set to play a lot more shows across the state and around the Midwest. Really messed up our ability to play off our last release as we were only able to do a release show and a one off before the shutdown. We did a livestream pretty early on but have been taking time to write and record. We did recently drop a pair of covers to celebrate this year’s Halloween to bring a little joy to this year.

Chase (Andor): It’s been a challenging year for all of us in many ways: work, the band, personal lives, etc. have all been massively affected by this unfortunate pandemic crisis we’ve found ourselves in. As a band, we took months off with no physical contact whatsoever to recharge and play things as safe as possible, given the uncertain circumstances. We’ve been back at it for a few months now (since summer), and while we aren’t playing any hometown shows, we have been able to practice as a 5-piece in our longstanding practice spot. We’ve only played one show since the pandemic began, at Cult Fest with many of our friends in Indiana (hell of a good time). I’ll speak for myself, but I think it’s safe to say that we’re all content with cutting back and taking it easy on the shows for the rest of this weird year, which gives us more time to hone in on our playing and band goals, write new music, and eventually record new music.

Gabriel (Belligerence): Thank you to xIron Sharpens Ironx for letting us come on to this project, we’re super stoked to be a part of it.
As far as perspective goes on the pandemic, I think the US response to all of it is not only embarrassing but insanely dumb. How do people believe this is fake when there’s death everywhere in the aftermath of this virus?


When it comes to how it has impacted us, it put a hole in our sails because we lost a lot of show and touring possibilities. We were lucky to play 4 shows before it got bad and the last one we played was a headlining gig at Come And Take It Live the night before the lockdown was administered. It definitely messed up merch sales as well – not only for us but other bands as well. Hopefully when the pandemic dies down we will be able to sell what’s left and make enough money to look into future album production as well as maybe getting some vinyl pressed for us.

Bobby (M.O.D.A.): We’ve been using the break from live shows to buckle down and dive headfirst into our next album. We’re really taking our time with this one, and exploring some different writing techniques that are going to add a lot of depth to this next album.


Raising awareness towards Suicide Awareness is a noble goal and it’s amazing to see another project within the hardcore community to support the right cause. What got you on board for this project and why do you think it’s important?

Larry (xIron Sharpens Ironx): I started putting together the “Heavy Hearts for a Hope Filled Cause” a couple months ago as a means to try and reach more people that are struggling with mental health in a time where Suicide has more than doubled in frequency. I am a Suicide Survivor and it has become a personal mission to try and help those that struggle with depression and other mental health issues since finding the counseling I needed to break through my personal struggles.

xIron Sharpens Ironx

My band xIron Sharpens Ironx put out an EP “The Tragedy of Mankind” and the money from all of our physical copies were donated to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. I shot a music video that is about Mental Health and features some other bands on this Comp. After making some great friendships through others that wanted to make the same impact, it influenced me to put together this Comp and try to make a difference on a bigger level and to help as many people struggling as possible.

Wiley (2Minute Minor/WYD): I’m in 2Minute Minor and What’s your Damage? On this comp. I also have a podcast and newly formed record Label with my Co Host Mic Cox (Formally of ZAO) called Coffee & Hardcore Podcast/Records and we decided to help out Larry financially and with promotion for this release because we strongly believe in giving back any way that we can.

Stephen (SExFC): Before I became SXE around 5 years ago I had battled with depression and substance abuse for most of my life. I know those dark days, weeks and months.

Straight Edge For Christ

𝑊𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑝 𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑠 ℎ𝑜𝑝𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠.

I think now more than ever with this pandemic and the challenges people are going through depression is on the rise! If we can help just one person then that makes it all worth it in the end!

Mikey (Hoods): I’ve personally and as a band have had a lot of good friends kill themselves. Many of our songs reflect that. I feel like many people are losing hope in this world. There’s so much conflict and hatred amongst each other. Politics is ripping each other apart. Social distancing is killing many people just due to isolation. I hope with this compilation we can reach as many people depressed and suiciadal and let them know, it’s ok to hurt. It’s ok to cry. But the cup is always half full and believe it or not, there’s people out there who love you.


Derek (xRepresentx): Straight edge and hardcore have done a lot to give meaning and strength to bad situations before.


If we can spark something in someone to help them hold on through our words, hell yea.

Joel (Worst Self/Walk Fearless): Larry asking was really all it took. His story is amazing and he’s been a friend for a long time now. Music is powerful, it moves people and I love when it serves a greater good. Some of our songs are dark and depressing but there is hope and a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s ok to be sad. It’s ok to reach out for help. Everyone has something beautiful and amazing to offer this world. Sometimes you just need some help seeing that.

Worst Self band

Chad (xBystanderx/Decline): We all know people personally that have been impacted by suicide and the horrific toll it takes on friends and loved ones. There’s still a lot of people who don’t truly understand how dark it can get for some people and understanding you don’t have to take on these burdens alone can often bring some light into someone’s life. If helping bring awareness can help save even one person it’s all worth it.


Mark (Disappear.): Well, Larry who put this thing together is pretty good friends with our bass player Ian, he asked Ian if we’d be interested, he presented to us and we all agreed to do it. Mental health is something we all very strongly advocate for, most of our last record was centered around themes of depression, anxiety and the crippling fear that comes with it. There’s such a stigma on mental health and getting help being a sign of “weakness“. We feel it’s important to shed light on this subject, to let others know they’re not alone in their fight, the same fears they have others feel the same and want to help.

Redbait: Redbait exists because of community activism. We all met doing organizing work in St Louis, our first few shows were fundraising events, we’ve knocked doors and canvassed together for ballot initiatives we’ve found important. Fundraising opportunities are, in our opinion, is some of the most important work someone involved in punk, hardcore, and metal can do.

𝑊𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑚𝑙𝑦 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑓𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑐.

Suicide Prevention isn’t a subject we have really tackled as a band yet, but is something important to us as most of us have struggled in one way or another, or have lost someone to suicide.

Ben (Drink Their Blood): I am a strong proponent of mental health. Personally having dealt with depression and constantly wrestling with anxiety, I believe that therapy saved my LIFE. I recognize that not everyone has access to such important resources, and if I can help in even a small way, I’m grateful. We were contacted by our great friend Larry from xIron Sharpens Ironx, and we were instantly on board. This is a great cause with some good friends who also happen to be amazing musicians! We’re stoked to be a part of it!

Dink Their Blood

Jon (Bitter Truth): I think all of us have either experienced depression or know and care about someone that has gone through it. Especially during this pandemic, it’s important to check in on your loved ones, even the ones that seem to have it all together.

Shay (Guard Rail): This project gathered all of my interest before I even asked the rest of the band. This is such an important topic in this scene and in ANY group of people all over the globe. With personal experience of thought and impulses while in a dark time, I want others to know that they aren’t alone, no matter how bad it gets.

Guard Rail by Nathan Eagle
Guard Rail by Nathan Eagle

Chase (Andor): One can be driven to suicide by many different reasons, but I think depression and other mental illnesses are usually at play when someone makes a decision like that. I personally suffer from depression, and I know my brothers have their own battles. It’s reflected in our lyrics and our attitudes toward writing music, so it’s definitely a topic that resonates with us. We’re happy to spread our music because we’re proud of it, and we’re happy to support an important cause.

Gabriel (Belligerence): As a person who had struggled with suicidal ideation since I was a pre-teen and has even attempted several times, suicide prevention always has a place in my heart. I made this band in the wake of me being released from the Fort Hood psych ward for an attempt.

If I’m able to make music that speaks out to anyone who hurts, then that means I’m doing my part to help people who feel the same way as myself.

Bobby (M.O.D.A.): Every one of us battles our own demons, and sadly Millions of Dead Angels has been directly affected by suicide. We lost our best friend and brother, our former bassist Steve Rogers two years ago and almost didn’t recover. Losing a loved one that way is truly a life changing experience.

Give us some details about the particular track you’ve chosen and what’s behind it’s lyrical content.

Larry (xIron Sharpens Ironx): The one track “Dehumanized” is our latest track off our EP “The Tragedy of Mankind” and talks about all the atrocities that we face in society. Touching on subjects ranging from Political Tyranny, Corporate Greed, Racial Unrest, Rape sympathizers, Child Trafficking, and more; it talks about how we can do a hell of a lot better as a human race and that this shit needs to stop in its tracks.

The other track is a quick Minor Threat cover of “Straight Edge”. I’ve been influenced by Minor Threat since discovering them as a teenager. I’ve been Straight Edge for 19 years and I’ve always wanted to cover a MT tune.

Wiley (2Minute Minor/WYD): 2Minute Minor “Mental Break” is a new track off our newest album “Stand For Something Or Fall For Anything” coming out Nov 2nd and it’s all about struggling mentally. It’s about a lead vocalist in a positive hardcore band that preaches about PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) but also struggles with depression and realizing PMA is not a magical word or phrase like Live Laugh Love but instead it’s a tool that can be used to fight negative thinking. It’s work. It’s damn hard work.

𝐽𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑃𝑀𝐴 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠𝑛’𝑡 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑜𝑛’𝑡 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑔𝑔𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑡’𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑎 𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑐 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑔𝑜 𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑦.

2 Minute Minor

It’s merely a tool used to try and stay positive through the shit storm that may come your way. It’s a window to look out of to see a brighter day is ahead. Bear the storm if you will. The storm in your mind might do some damage but push through and rebuild. It’s okay to be broken. It’s okay to be weak. Yet don’t give up ever.

𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑙𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑢𝑖𝑙𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑎𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒. 𝐷𝑜𝑛’𝑡 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑢𝑝. 𝑁𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑢𝑝.

Stephen (SExFC): Ok tough question since I am not a band or artist, but I can say when I really overcame my depression and substance abuse issues I leaned heavy on hardcore and punk music! It really help me through some tough times and I would love nothing more to do that with this compilation for others who are I need of a positive influence.

Mikey (Hoods): The Snake, The Rat. It’s about how drugs damage good people. How it manipulates their morals and principals, and distorts reality. As much as it doesn’t have anything to do with suicide, it has everything to do with it. Drugs are basically a slow suicide as well.

Derek (xRepresentx): Relentless is about not giving in and the strength found in the straight edge lifestyle.

Joel (Worst Self/Walk Fearless): For the Worst Self track I chose Burn It Down.

Lyrically this song is about how my addiction to alcohol got me in a lot of trouble. It could have easily cost me my life. It’s about living in denial until your walls come crashing down and you are forced to deal with reality. The EP this song is on is a journey out of alcoholism. Some songs are dark others are hopeful. Basically overcoming tragedy and becoming a better version of yourself.

For Walk Fearless I chose the song The Way of Deception.

This song is about that inner dialogue that tells you that your destructive behavior is ok. It’s not your problem it’s everyone else’s problem.

Chad (xBystanderx/Decline): For Decline we chose one of our songs called “Paper Thin.” It has to do with the disappointment in finding out friends that you thought you could rely on and who shared similar thoughts and goals are able to drop their convictions as easily as the wind blows.

Obviously people can change over time and that’s fine but when you feel you align so well with someone and they drop everything they once stood for it’s a painful realization that nothing lasts forever.”

For Bystander we chose “Somewhere to Call Our Own” which is this song that talks about what a precious thing hardcore and hardcore shows are to those of us in the scene. It’s a place where all of us misfits can belong and how we can’t allow infighting amongst ourselves to destroy what we’ve all participated in building.

Heavy Hearts For A Hope Filled Cause

Mark (Disappear.): I didn’t actually write the lyrics for the one we chose, our drummer Tristan wrote it. To me though, it’s about feeling trapped in your own mind with all those negative thoughts and how they can dissolve relationships with others from the isolation.

Redbait: We Refuse is a song that came out on very first release, Red Tape, in 2018.

It’s actually the first some we ever wrote too. This song is about fighting social norms forced on people due to gender and class. This is actually a new recording of the song. We love the original (recorded by our dear comrade Will) but thought it’d be fun to revisit the song.

Ben (Drink Their Blood): For me, underneath the monster imagery on the surface, Broken Skulls is about taking your life back.

It’s about reclaiming yourself from the darkness and standing once more, stronger than before.

Jon (Bitter Truth): We wrote Between the Lines because we’re super pissed about police brutality.

This song is for Breonna Taylor, Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, Eric Garner and the countless others murdered by those who are supposed to serve and protect.

Shay (Guard Rail): The track we chose is about someone taking control of your life.

This song was written as a way to get a release from those feelings. It points out the reasons to never put yourself into such a situation.

Chase (Andor): We’ve chosen to share The Price of Progress. This is actually one of our oldest songs, written when we had 2 different members in the band. It’s “progressed” and evolved since its inception, taking on a different sound than before.

The song kicks off with a heavy, eerie, pulsating groove that continues to build momentum and shift and turn as it progresses; it’s frantic and sharp with some very climactic moments. Similarly, life is one massive, meandering journey and we’re constantly changing, so it’s cool to me that this song reflects that personal evolution.

Andor by Hannah Stanloski

I’m not the lyricist so I interpret the words in my own way, but this song speaks to me in terms of battling internal demons and accepting their existence.

Gabriel (Belligerence): So we donated our song justificationofasuicideattempt. I wrote it about rationalizing my ideations and attempts based off of the premise of being raised Christian.

Although I don’t speak about my religion outwardly, it still plays a big role in my perspectives on life and death (hence the lyrics of it saying “glory to God”). While I was in the Army there was 7 soldiers I either knew or directly served with that killed.

Bobby (M.O.D.A.): The track we chose was written by our late brother Steve Rogers, who I mentioned earlier. As I said, we all battle our own demons, and I am no exception.

The lyrics are me describing what it felt like inside my own head, during a particularly bad period of depression.

Lastly, give us some details on what’s next for the band in late 2020 and beyond. Also, what’s your prediction regarding the deeply missed live shows?

Larry (xIron Sharpens Ironx): On the first EP I recorded all vocals and recorded all instruments and was a one man band. I’m stoked that I have recently gotten together with a couple brothers to put together a live band and to start writing a follow up record to be released next year. I’m all for playing shows again as long as it’s done safely and not at the risk of endangering mental or physical health. I also have a project that’s going to be starting up in late 2020/21 that is a collab with some other awesome people on this comp and I’m stoked to announce that in the near future as well. Thanks a lot for your love, compassion, and support; I appreciate it immensely.

Wiley (2Minute Minor/WYD): We are releasing a New EP Nov 2nd. We will also be doing a kids cartoon show cover album from kids shows in the 80s and 90s that we will be giving away for free to people just to say thanks for all the support and we know it’s been tough this year. Just a thank you to friends, family, and listeners. Coffee & Hardcore Podcast/Records is releasing a podcast once a month and we have bands/albums in the works that will be released early next year. We will continue to back and support comps that raise awareness and money for important issues as well.

Stephen (SExFC): So SXFC is evolving into a brand/company that really is meant to help spread a positive mental attitude! I have designed album artwork made some shirts and wristbands! And then of course gotten involved in this! We will see who knows what’s next I’m really just enjoying this and trying to raise up the bands, artist and of course the straight edge lifestyle!! I pray that I can continue to help be a positive influence in as many peoples life’s as possible!! I hope concerts will return soon as a fan I have stepped up my merch purchasing trying to help these guys get through this! Thanks so much!

Mikey (Hoods): Oh my. I miss shows soo much. When I’m not on tour with Hoods I do sound, book shows, have other bands/projects, bicycles, petting cats, playing soccer and eating all the pizza. But, I need to be on the road. I’ve been in Hoods since 1995′. There hasn’t been a year ever where we did under 90+ shows. So 2020′ can eat poop. And yes, “He called the shit poop”! Thank you guys. And if anyone gets sad you can email me Mikey Hoods [email protected].

Derek (xRepresentx): No idea. I only speak for myself, but I think if you’re cool with going to a show, you should have the right. In broad terms, opening up the world could also potentially have good effects for people with emotional/depression issues too.

Joel (Worst Self/Walk Fearless): Worst Self is continuing to write for a full length we hope to have done in 2021. We have a couple of songs recorded that should see the light of day soon. As far as shows I don’t know? Your guess is as good as mine. Hoping 2021 things will get back to normal or at least a new normal.

Worst Self

Chad (xBystanderx/Decline): Decline just finished recording the music for our new LP on New Age records. Will be starting vocals this week and hope to have everything done over the next couple weeks. We’re still practicing regularly and looking forward to hitting the road again.

For Bystander we are currently working on new music and have been invited back next summer to play Ieper Fest assuming that things open up by then. So that will be the start of a 14 day European tour again which we very much look forward to.

As for a when live shows might start up again, right now that’s anyone’s guess. With all these reports of new spikes in many different states I think we’re going to be in this for the long-haul.

Mark (Disappear.): So, we had been writing our upcoming record when the pandemic hit which pushed the time table back a bit. Once we finally got back together and finished the writing and beginning of recording, our 2nd guitar player Mickey suffered a loss in his family.

Disappear by Lindsey Rhoades Photography
Disappear by Lindsey Rhoades Photography

We unfortunately haven’t been together since July 15th. Jared, our other guitar player is set to start tracking his part in the early part of Nov, so I’m guessing I’ll probably do vocals sometime in November or December. We’ve been working on these for a better part of a year and I feel these collection of songs are our best work yet. We will hopefully have something tangible in early 2021 (fingers crossed). Thanks for interviewing us all and thank you for taking an interest in this project.

Redbait: There will probably not be much musical output from Redbait in 2020. We do like to stay active on social media, keep up with merch, and share artwork we’ve created. We will remain busy writing the LP and recording demos. 2021 you can absolutely except an LP on New Age Records.

Ben (Drink Their Blood): at this point, we’re going to continue to write and hopefully record! We’re ready for whatever comes at this point and we are itching to get back to it. With that, we want to make sure we are staying safe and following guidelines until things go back to normal, which we hopefully will see in the near future. We’re looking forward to seeing you guys again soon! Be safe, stay healthy and we will all get through this together.


Jon (Bitter Truth): We just finished recording our LP Perfect World that will be out on Patient Zero Records next year along with our EP Reality check on vinyl. Honestly, I’ll be extremely surprised if shows return in 2021. Wear a fucking mask!

Shay (Guard Rail): Currently we are working on our first full length and hoping to have it done mid 2021. We are hoping shows will be a safe and responsible possibility when it is ready. There isn’t anything that compares to a good show. Even a bad show beats no shows haha.

Guard Rail live

Chase (Andor): As far as late 2020 goes for ANDOR, as I’ve mentioned we are continuing to hone in and sharpen the blade, as well as stoke the creative flames. We have almost a full 20 minutes worth of completely new music that we’ve never played for a live audience. We’re continuing to fine-tune and write music that truly speaks to us and feels good to play, so it is a long process (we also overthink everything lol). But we’re confident that by mid to late 2021, assuming/hoping that live shows will be back in full swing again, we will have an entirely new side to ANDOR that even our closest music friends haven’t heard yet. I’m personally excited to play new riffs! Just gotta keep moving forward and growing artistically.


Thank you so much for this awesome opportunity! It’s a beautiful cause and we truly hope everyone digs The Price of Progress. Please feel free to hit us up on all the socials! And once again, thank you to Shay Wilder of Guard Rail for the mean guest vocals on this track.

Gabriel (Belligerence): For the future of the band, we have some splits planned with our friends in other bands. As soon as Covid ends/it’s safe to travel, we really want to play the north east US (New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, & etc.). I want to eventually get overseas to play with Antagonist A.D. and Xile in Australia and New Zealand. A large chunk of our fan base is over there as well. So in short “TLDR;” format – splits and touring. Maybe a vinyl pressing. If/when shows start up again, chances are people are going to be extremely skeptical about returning to them for awhile. There’s so much that needs to be addressed before we can even think of doing shows. So personally I don’t think they will be happening until the spring or maybe summer.

Bobby (M.O.D.A.): As of now our plans are to get this next album out early in 2021. As much as we miss playing and attending live shows, MODA takes the pandemic very seriously, so who knows what’s going to happen.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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