How Will Concert Security Be Affected in 2021?

How Will Concert Security Be Affected in 2021?

2 mins read

Concerts are usually attended by various individuals who wish to have a good time. However, there are instances wherein trouble emerges from these concerts particularly when alcohol and other illegal substances are brought in. For this reason, event organizers make it a point that they employ the tightest security measures to ensure the safety and security of all the concertgoers. However, with the recent pandemic affecting the globe, you can expect significant changes in concert security in the coming years.


One of the primary things that you may notice about the concert security implemented in the coming years is a tighter measure to combat digital risks and cybersecurity attacks. The safety and security professionals behind Cutty Protection & Security suggest that cybersecurity should be a priority for events such as concerts, especially now that most of these events are already conducted virtually. Keep in mind that without putting much thought into it, event planners are deliberately gathering the personal information of their attendees, such as when they register online to purchase tickets. The sensitive information they collate can be vulnerable to hackers without proper cybersecurity measures put in place.

In this case, event organizers should ensure that the venue has a WPA encrypted WiFi, leveraging password managers whenever appropriate. In this case, randomized passwords are created for better protection. Concert planners should also implement two-factor authentication for logins, particularly when it comes to the virtual concerts they are hosting.

Physical Space Management

In the case of a concert that allows the presence of a live audience, the physical space should be managed accordingly. Part of the security responsibility now is to ensure that the number of people gathered in a specific space is limited because of the risk of contagion. For this reason, apart from the body searches typically conducted before people are allowed to enter a concert venue, the headcount of the participants will also be monitored.

Observance of Health Protocols

Finally, when the participants in a live physical concert are already at the venue, security measures must be put into place to ensure that everybody is following strict health protocols such as social distancing as well as the wearing of face masks. Therefore, drinking may already be prohibited during these live events as it requires people to take off their masks, which can be risky when it comes to aerosol droplets being suspended in the air.

There may also be a certain allotted space for a concert goer to move around to ensure that physical distancing measures are still observed. Finally, concerts and events may no longer be done in closed venues but rather in open spaces where there is less risk of transmission, entailing the need for security to be more vigilant.

How Will Concert Security Be Affected in 2021?

Event security, such as those implemented in concerts, should already leverage technological innovations that will help them mitigate the risk of cybersecurity and digital attacks. In addition to this, if in the past, concert security only encompassed searching goers for any prohibited substances, now, physical space management, as well as the observance of health protocols, are already necessary. You can expect more changes to concert security as more details about the pandemic unfold.

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