New Music

Introducing: Dundee hardcore punks TRUTH RUINER!

4 mins read

The debut demo from new hardcore band TRUTH RUINER features three tracks of gnarly DIY hxc recorded in a basement studio in Dundee, Scotland. Available as a free/pay-what-you-want download and as a limited run of 50 demo tapes via Make That A Take Records, the record brings a blend of ferocious and cathartic aggressive melodic hoods-up hardcore and gritty old school punk, guaranteed to bring both energy and fun, as well as a nostalgic tear to the eye.

Formed under the cloak of darkness and playing their first show at Book Yer Ane Fest XIV at Rad Apples Dundee.

“It’s been an absolute pleasure to see this band evolve from an idea into a devastating live powerhouse and we’re very happy to share the fruits of their labour.” – comments the label.

“New bands forming is awesome, Scottish hardcore is rare health in 2022. Accordingly, Everyday Madness Everyday is putting together “This Is Scotland, Not LA II”. Give him a holler if you’d like to get involved.”

Photos by Graham Meldrum, Charlie Linden and Derrick from Make-That-A-Take Records.

“Like my relationships with most bands in work with through MTAT, it was friendship and participation in the local music scene that both brought Truth Ruiner together and brought us to this point.” – continues Derick. “It feels, to me, like something that’s been brewing since before the physical existence of the band and, as is the case with some but by no means all releases, there’s that sense of emotional investment in wanting to see your friends succeed.”

Truth Ruiner started with a Facebook Messenger message. “A message, which, quite aptly, went to the junk folder and remained unread for several months.” – details the band.

“However, from when it was discovered and the initial inception to us deciding on the first line up, having our first practice and naming the band was only a matter of weeks.”

Drawing from influences such as Modern Life Is War, Defeater and Have Heart, TRUTH RUINER quickly wrote their first batch of songs, two of which would subsequently appear on their demo release.

“The relentless speed things were happening at was exciting and grand plans were being hatched at each practice about what direction we wanted to take the band in and where we were wanting to play.” – says the band.

Asked about their experience with the pandemic era, they admit that when Covid lockdowns hit, they didn’t get to practice for months.

“Whilst we tried to continue to send riffs and lyric ideas back and forward, it just wasn’t the same as being in the room together.

The enforced break was depressing, so it was great when restrictions were lifted and we could get back into the room again. Another batch of songs were written before the next slice of bad news hit – our drummer left and we needed to get a new one in and essentially start again.

Alastair was a revelation though. He learned the songs that we already had and lifted them with his playing style. When he was up to speed, we finally got to play our first show at the amazing Book Yer Ane Fest XIV. A baptism of fire as we played alongside some of the best and brightest at everybody’s’ favourite weekender.”


Asked about their relationship, Derick from Make-That-A-Take-Recors continues: “All of the folx in Truth Ruiner have been involved in the local music and/or local communities for years, whether it be Ewan having played in a plethora of great skate punk bands over the last fifteen years, bass player and self-confessed “bi grapple bastard” pro wrestler suplexing bozos in a squared circle, or Gary’s political organising and passion for hardcore in all it’s forms, there’s a wealth of collective knowledge at play and, to me, most interestinly, ideas. Brodie works the kitchen at Rad Apples, we work together every day, and when people share space and share time together, they develop closeness.”

“It’s not secret to those that know us that Gary and I share a bond, forged in the first instance through punk/hardcore and politics, and, as our friendship developed, we began to understand that we shared many of the same feelings of loss and bereavement; an indescribable anger often leading to self-destruction, a tale as old as time itself.”


“More importantly, however, is the need to channel that rage into something positive and, if we’re talking about stories that move from darkness to light, from despair into an inexplicable hope beyond the multitude of existential crises we currently face, then the very existence of Truth Ruiner and this demo tape is something to celebrate.”

This is all to say that Derrick is very proud of his friends and very grateful to have played a small role in bringing it into the world.

“The whole thing has been done in the finest tradition of Dundee DIY” – he admits. “The songs recorded in the basement of the Seagate and put together by the band.”

“Having played a number of shows, we then decided that we really must record some songs.” – recalls the band.


“The initial idea had been to record an EP before anybody even knew we were a band, but delays had kicked the can further and further down the road. We went to Seagate Studios in Dundee and came out with a three track demo which is now available to stream everywhere and cassettes are available, courtesy of Make That A Take Records.”

“I love the artwork and the whole aesthetic, but mostly the lyrics and the music; a beautiful snapshot of a particular moment in time, inspirational yet indicative of struggle and the endarkenment. It’s all very real, but so is the light.” – adds Derrick.


Speaking about their local punk scene, TRUTH RUINER confirms that the Dundee independent music scene is thriving, largely focussed around Rad Apples/Conroy’s Basement and the Make That A Take collective.

“Gigs are frequent and well attended.” – admits the band. “We are lucky enough to be entrenched in this scene and to be frequently offered a platform to scream in people’s faces. Drawing from their DIY ethos, we started the Jute City Hardcore zine and began to put on exclusively hardcore shows. Forging big plans on who we are looking to bring to Dundee and for the content of future zines.”


Hoping to hit the ground running and play some release shows for the demo, true to form, TRUTH RUINER hits another stumbling block when Alastair advised them he had to move away and thus leave the band. “Thankfully, we quickly found a replacement and have shows booked and plans to record an EP very soon.” – hopes the band.

Truth Ruiner are: Andy – Bass. Brodie – Guitar. Ewan – Guitar. Gary – Vocals. Ian – Drums

Check this sick TRUTH RUINER full set filmed by Dai Tan Films live in Conroy’s Basement on February 4th 2022.

Karol KamiƄski

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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