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Books & Zines

JUST SAY YO! issue #5 available!

1 min read

The fifth issue of JUST SAY YO! zine is now available! See the details below.

Just Say

Here’s the official word from the author:

68 pages, Full Sized in English, featuring:

REARRANGED interview (Russia | React! Records)
UNVEIL interview (Switzerland | Catalyst Records/Cobra Records)
RAINDANCE interview (USA | Glory Kid Ltd.)
BIRDS IN ROW interview (France | Deathwish Records)
REMISSION U.S Tour Report (Chile | Amendment/React! Records)
MITCH CLEM interview (USA | Punk Comic-strip artist)
SILENT MAJORITY retrospective (USA | 1991-2000)
MIKE HARTSFIELD vs MIKE KIRSCH double discographies article
WORMS IN THE BIG APPLE mixtape (wrap up on the current NY punk scene)
+ Columns, Record & Zine reviews, etc.


I also printed 50 copies of issue #3 which was sold out.
You can pick up both of them, along with issue #4 here:

Distros, bands, labels, get in touch if you can help with distribution:

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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