
Make Your Voice Heard – an interview with LIMP BLITZKRIEG

5 mins read

One day after the official launch of Pogłos, a new DIY venue in Warsaw, Poland, we are proud to give you some insights into one of the bands that performed that night, vicious d-beat hardcore band LIMP BLITZKRIEG, featuring members of DRIP OF LIES, THE STUBS, THE FIGHT and Belarusian punks BAGNA. There is a lot to like about this pack of friends, not least the fact that they seem to have some actual political consciousness, which is of course not always the case with thousands of ‘hardcore’ bands out there. Their controversially named debut album is thick, crust tinged d-beat madness, played with a crushing urgency and not fucking around, which you have to really appreciate. Launch this fierce jam and scroll down to see our interview below.

“Wypierdalać” (“Get The Fuck Out”) by LIMP BLITZKRIEG was recorded in 2015 by Marcin Kilmczak at Mustache Ministry Studio, and mixed and mastered by Will Killingsworth at Dead Air Studios. The record is available through Contraszt! Records (Germany), Trująca Fala (Poland), La Humanidad Es La Plaga (Spain), Domovitoe Distro (Belarus), Nikt Nic Nie Wie (Poland), DIY Koło Records (Poland), LxB Records (Poland) and Lärmo Records (Poland).

Hi guys! It’s so nice to have you here. Congratulations on your debut record! Please drop us a couple of lines about this project, what prompted you to form it, what other bands have you been in and what served as main inspirations for LIMP BLITZKRIEG (one of the coolest band names I’ve recently heard by the way).

Hey Karol! Thank you! It took a while but it’s here. All versions (tape, CD, LP) are available now from us or from our friend’s labels.

LIMP BLITZKRIEG is 4 people who played before in BAGNA, THE FIGHT, DRIP OF LIES, THE STUBS and many more. Some bands ended, some still continue but I guess we had the need to do something together in a new constellation, with a bit different musical inspirations. Also current political situation in Poland is hell inspiring so it’s a good way to express our anger and disagreement, to show that we have different view on many issues. And apart from that playing in a band is a nice way to hang out and stay in a good mental health :)

The record seems to have a strong political context and you’re certainly not treating it with kid gloves. Why do you see hardcore as a good podium to express your political ideas and commentary? Also, what is it about current times and happenings that make you so angry? What is your perspective on our current political situation?

A: I think hardcore should be strongly connected to politics, be a medium for the message which is missing so much in current world. And by the message I mean statement about freedom that we all deserve, we all have to constantly fight for and support each other in this fight. In consumerist capitalism in Europe it’s easy to forget about what happens with the world today and what is the price of our comfort. We should do our best to make some voices be heard. Another thing is general feeedom of choice of how our lives should looks like. New polish government is doing everything to limit this freedom and punish the ones who think in the “wrong” way. Calling here “1984” seems like a cliche but it slowly becomes our reality. I am personally pissed about limiting already limited abortion law and threatening women who dare to do it, about killing the last natural forest in this land, just in order to earn more money on it. I am pissed with church’s influences in politics. And shitloads more stuff.

What tensions do you experience in your everyday lives concerning the Polish political split and the ongoing fight between followers of different views of how this country should be run?

A: I don’t feel tension, I feel fear. So they did achieve something. Seriously, I started to worry more about my queer friends, about peoples health and safety, about my friends who have darker skin colour or are from abroad…. About what happens with people in threat of eviction, cause that’s the new ideas in polish law. And I feel we need to be prepared for more direct actions against those threats.

I don’t feel tension, I feel fear.


What similarities or differences do you see when you travel to different countries? Would you list some places that wouldn’t need such a harsh commentary on its social and political stuation?

A: I am not a socio geographical specialist and I guess each country has it’s ups and downs. But what is incredible here is the speed of changes in the political atmosphere and how fast fundamentalists entered the mainstream. How quickly they changed the language we use. It’s sad to suddenly start to feel this change, limitation and threat. I think it’s the last moment to protect ourselves, to defend. But it’s difficult because some stuff is this “high politics”. But also public opinions changes, more radical voices in society become more heard. And a lot of “the other voices” they try to diminish, make not heard, and more often it happens in a violent way. The language and street is the first place to feel it. Then it becomes legalized, official.

How can we harmonize mentalities, different mindsets and coordinate political visions? Is it even doable?

A: Who do you mean as “we”? Punks? Politicaly active people? Musicians? World community? Well, I dont know which “we” do you mean. And is it necessary? I think we differ in a beautiful way and the thing that is missing is respect, openness, space and tools to understand each other. Also what is important is to harmonize your own mentality, accept that we may be wrong, that others are different and need different stuff in their lifes. Another step in harmonizing your own mentality is to just accept yourself, be good to each other, for our bodies, our heads, also our friends, strangers, nature… I may sound like a fuckin’ hippie but I feel we are all sick for capitalism which messes our heads and makes us all assholes as well. So being conscious of that and open for each other’s mistakes may be the fitst step to fix some stuff in our surrounding.

We are all sick for capitalism which messes our heads.

Are there other artists whose work you find particularly inspiring? Would you recommend some other art-related outlets, books, records or movies that would serve as a continuation of your commentary and an igniter of thought processes that can change our perspective and the way we see the world around us?

A: One of my the latest inspirations are books of Joanna Macy. She writes a lot about political activism, describing ways in which it can burn you out, and how to prevent it. On the other hand all the radical queer feminist zines (expecially the ones with comics inside ;)) make me believe that there are many angry people who are gonna not give up and fight together for their freedom, to live their lives, the way they want to. And the constant inspiration is being aware of all the social struggle that happens all around. Anti eviction movement, animal liberation movement, prochoice movement, just to name a few… Their stories, their struggle are the biggest inspiration for me.

Ok, so lastly, what are your next steps with LIMP BLITZKRIEG? What shows do you have planned and what else can we expect from your guys in the coming months and next year?

A: Winter is a hard, it’s too cold , haha, so I guess we rather invite you for our shows in Poland, not abroad :) Maybe bored with bad weather + frustrated with new ideas of local politicians we will record some new stuff? Time will show. For sure we move our butts in spring to play some gigs here and there. And for now, enjoy the new releases.

Thanks so much for your time. I wish you a safe and warm winter :) Take care!

Thank you Karol for being such a nice guy ;) Check our facebook for updates. Support your local antifa!

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Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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