Inhuman Nature

Melt your face with crossover thrash punches from INHUMAN NATURE and their top 10 records worth a check

4 mins read

Battle jacket adorned long hairs and spin-kicking moshers recently rejoiced and came together as one for the fierce crossover thrash event of the late 2020 release of the INHUMAN NATURE / ROAD MUTANT split, out on x7Ax Records, Nuclear Family Records, and Night Rhythms, and today we’re recalling this amazing, brain-bashing release and once again giving a nod to their still kicking 2019 self-titled LP on Injustice Records with a brief interview and special list of Top 10 Bands & Releases Worth A Check provided by INHUMAN NATURE themselves!

Right after their Debut Vinyl 12“ Sold out, Injustice Records released a listening Session for the Record and combined it with a little Live Q&A. Today, we’re giving you an archived transcription of the chat, the Listening Session video, as well as a little write up about INHUMAN NATURE’s top 10 bands / releases worth to check out.

Allright guys, before it gets naughty, tell us a little bit about the production of your record. Where did you record it, who mastered it, etc..

So…recorded/mixed at Holy Mountain by Misha Hering. Mastered by Magnus Lindberg (he plays in Cult Of Luna also). Put out on vinyl by the absolute lads at Injustice Records \m/

Did you record your newer songs at the same studio?

Yeah dude we recorded Master Of Souls with Misha as well but had someone different handle the mastering that time. Adam Gonsalves in Portland handled that, he’s done some crazy records and really varied as well. Was happy with how it came out!

Soo, coming to a bit of a shitty, yet really current topic you probably have a strong opinion on: brexit. With all the shit that went down last year with the whole covid situation.

I guess it´ll get even harder now for uk bands to get shows etc. on the mainland, etc. what do you think, will this whole stuff harm UKHC? and from a bands point of view: whats the best way to handle all of the current situations?

Haha well yeah it does suck. No one in the band was behind that vote and I think people in the UK will start to feel the sting of what they voted for over the next year. I think theres still some time to change the rules on the Visa situation and it depends on each country. I read that France arent going to require bands to have visas which is great. So hopefully others will follow suit ya know. We are actually meant to be playing shows in Belgium and Germany in April…but its probably unlikely due to covid.

Oh that´s great indeed! especially for smaller bands… hope Germany will handle the situation similarly. well it´s hard to plan for the future with this whole covid BS going on right?

Same here! Germany has a been an amazing place to play for us so fingers crossed! Yeah unfortunately, we cancelled 3 tours last year, its likely that 2 we had planned for April and May will be postponed. Gives us plenty of time to plan for Album 2 though!


When’s your next release? Have you got an album 2 in mind?

Album 2 is underway!

What are your main inspirations for writing those incredibly insane songs ?

I get a lot of lyrical inspiration from sci-fi and horror movies/books!

Beers, thrash and beers! … and headbanging.

Beers are important.

What are the next steps for Inhuman Nature? Any specific plans besides a new album and (hopefully) playing Shows soon(ish) again?

We were planning to record another split but I reckon that’ll be delayed for a few months. had a good chat last night with Pat (Injustice), Nuclear Family and Postmortem Apocalypse about a re-press for the LP and we are hoping to have it ready for May!


Where did the characters on the cover art come from & will we see more of them on future releases?

Originally the character cropped up on our demo and was meant to be a cross between Mad Max and Conan….now he just kinda looks like a way bigger Conan. Theres a good chance that he might make another appearance!

Breakdowns or solos?

Solos!!! Followed by big massive breakdowns!

Conan or Terminator?

A: Gonna roll with Conan but I respect the Terminator. Terminator’s leather jacket!

Straight Edge or Shitfaced?

I’ve lived both lives… But now I tend to go with 4 beers and a nap haha.

Kill em all or Ride the Lighntning?

Ride The Lightening for me…

Thanks a lot guys!


10 bands and 10 releases you should check out…

Meliah Rage – Solitary Solitude

This record isn’t new but it’s new to me and if you like crossover, you’ll love this shit!

Throne Of Iron – Adventure One

This should be the soundtrack to your gaming night!

Freeways – True Bearings

Everything about this record is fucking awesome. The riffs, the artwork…the riffs! If anyone was allowed to go on tour, this would be the soundtrack!

Undergang – Aldrig i livet

Think about what you’d want or expect from a new Undergang album but times that by 100 and it still probably wont total up to how heavy this record is! You are ripping your skin off, glueing it back on and head banging it off again!

Hekate – Μέρες Οργής (Days of Wrath)

This record took me by surprise year as I just happened to stumble across it. Really cool, synth lead, goth punk from Greece. The frustration of this pandemic really comes across in the songs.

Kobra – Confusione

Fucking awesome, anarcho/crust/punk whatever with saxophones. This is great!

Apsurd – Derealizacija / Svemu će doći kraj

This is very good, noisy hardcore/punk from Belgrade. A collection of two ep’s that have slightly different vibes but both compliment each other well!

Faceless Burial – Speciation

Strong contender for the best death metal album of 2020!

Fanebærer – Den første ild

I’m terrible at describing black metal, it would just be a load of nonsense about mist and tree. If you are any sort of fan of black metal, check this out.

Ahwlee – 7

Final Fantasy 7 is the bet game of all time…ALL TIME! Even if you aren’t a big hip hop fan, I’m sure you could appreciate this!

Road Mutant / Inhuman Nature Split 7″

Two titans of UK thrash metal come together to bring you a split 7″ that will quite literally melt your face off and explode your eardrums.

Inhuman Nature and Road Mutant have been building bridges and playing shows with big names such as Fleshgod Apocalypse and Alien Weaponry, providing the thrash metal anarchy you know and love with mixes of hardcore and death metal.

This split brings out the best of both bands and will no doubt be a must listen to those who enjoy a circle pit alongside a spinkick.


Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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