Kirkby Kiss by Jeff Crespi,, @jeffcrespirocks
New Music

NJHC band KIRKBY KISS are back with new raging EP “Listen Closely”; share track by track rundown

2 mins read

Just a couple of months after the release of their high energy debut “Bleeder”, New Jersey hardcore punks KIRKBY KISS return with a brand new 4-tracker “Listen Closely”. Released in mid-Summer this year, the new EP comes as a quality follow up to their debut, proving the band to be able to deliver vicious, yet forward thinking blends of styles, all fitting their straight up punk spine perfectly. Today, we’re giving it a nod with a special track by track breakdown below!

Kirkby Kiss (pronounced Kirby Kiss, silent K) formed at the Jersey Shore, USA in November of 2020 during COVID.

“The band name was suggested by our bass player Roxy, who is from the UK, where it’s a slang term for a headbutt.” – says  the band’s guitarist Michael Shepherd, also responsible for KIRKBY KISS’ artwork and videos.

Here’s an older video for a song off the first EP, Bleeder:

“One night a week for 5 months during the pandemic, the band became our social life, our therapy and our outlet, creatively and mentally.” – he continues. “We’ve become a real family. We wrote songs for about 4 months and then recorded and mixed 7 tracks with the Chris Pierce at his studio Volume IV in New Brunswick, NJ over a weekend. Max Caselnova mastered the tracks and we released our first 3 song EP titled Bleeder, DIY on Sunday, April 25, 2021 one week after our first show.”

The new EP titled Listen Closely is the remainder of that first recording session and was released DIY on Friday, July 23, 2021. It’s streaming on all platforms. Digital downloads and a limited edition run of 100 CDs are available at this location.

“We have a limited run of 80 cassette tapes coming out in a couple months the combines the 2 EPs on Sex And Glue Zine/Label”  says Mike.

“Brian also does distro, a great paper zine and a podcast so please check all that out! We also just sent everything out for a 12” record with new music coming out on Council Records in early 2022, so keep an eye out and check out all the other great music, old and new they have available!”

Kirkby Kiss are: Rose Ann Murray – Bass, Natale Amato – Vocals, Frank Burdynski – Drums, Mike Ramirez – Guitar, Michael Shepherd – Guitar

KIRKBY KISS by Amanda Barron @PollyBrrn
KIRKBY KISS by Amanda Barron @PollyBrrn

All the lyric commentary by singer Natale Amato:


Shepwrecked (not a typo), is an expression about what drew me into the hardcore/punk scene/family as a kid and the unnerving similarities that I see within the community more recently as well. That is not to say I feel that way about the community as a whole but more of a microcosm, especially in the online community.

Human Resources

In the wake of the murder of George Floyd and countless other killings of minorities by police officers, I was inspired by the BLM movement and other organizations to rise and stand together to make a change. Human Resources is about having a cause and coming together to break down the systems that continue to be unjust and oppress the people.

Body Right

Body Right is about my frustrations and outrage with people’s opposition to women’s rights, lgbtq+ rights, and racial equality. The fact that these basic human rights are still being debated socially and politically is absolutely absurd to me and I wanted to draw a clear line on where I/we stand.

You’re Not So Welcome

You’re Not So Welcome is a statement that misogyny, sexism, objectification and/or sexualization are not acceptable ideologies and will not be tolerated.

Catch the band live on September 24 alongside The Last Stand, Become One, Silence Equals Death, Meteor Police and 19DRT, and at a special show presented by Sex & Glue Zine in October:

Kirkby Kiss live show

Sex And Glue Zine show October 2021

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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