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NY’s DONE WITH YOU premiere new song; discuss new 7”

12 mins read

I’m super excited to give you the exclusive stream of the new track by New York City’s DONE WITH YOU. “Control” serves a serious dose of fast, melodic straight up hardcore punk with an addictive twist and crazy bass lines. The track comes from the band’s self-released  “Pass it On” 7″, to be self-released in July.

This pack formed in October 2012 and is comprised of members from THE DEAD TRICKS, REFUSE RESIST, RAZORS IN THE NIGHT, THE SHARP LADS and CRUCIFIX, so you see I’m not givin’ you rookies here.

Taste their newest tune and read my interview with the band below!



Hey, guys! It’s very cool to have the opportunity to introduce to IDIOTEQ readers. How have you been doin’? Readyin’ your upcoming 7’’, huh? Tell me more about it.


We’ve been doing great! We are very excited. It’s pretty cool because we have grown already from side A to side B. When we started we had a drummer who was amazing at indie and 90’s hardcore, but it wasn’t the sound we were going for, so Dave played lead guitar and drums on side A. We added Jake to the mix and solidified our sound. He can be heard on Side B. The song you guys are streaming, Control, is from that side.

We are also preparing for our first big gig in Boston with THE ADOLESCENTS, CASUALTIES and TENEBRAE. That’s June 15th at the Middle East downstairs. Back when I was in REFUSE RESIST, I dreamed of playing down there. Now, it’s my first gig with the new band up there. Pretty excited about it.

I bet! How did you manage to jump in such a great line-up?


HUGE thanks to Mark from THE UNSEEN/TENEBRAE. He suggested us to the promoter when it was just THE CASUALTIES, because it would be the first Boston show for DONE WITH YOU. Seeing how Todd and I are from Boston and haven’t been back in a while, it is a great homecoming. Then THE ADOLESCENTS were added and the show was moved downstairs, and we couldn’t be more excited. I have loved them since I was a kid.


Shawn’s lying. The real answer would be: sexual favors.


It’s true.

DONE WITH YOU Adolescents

Nice one. What bands would you die to share the stage with?


The original DEAD KENNEDY’S or BLACK FLAG lineups. Hell, I’d “settle” for Jello’s new band or FLAG.


Stiv Bators… I’d have to die to meet him in hell regardless.


Paul Rubens


Bob Saget

Ha! You took it seriously, I see :)

So you’d be in the FLAG corner in the fight against the reunited BLACK FLAG? ;)


From what I have seen and heard so far, FLAG is winning in my book. I am going to see “BLACK FLAG” in June and maybe they will sway me into their corner, but Keith was always my favorite. I think Dave liked Ron. I mean I like that era of BF too, but so far none of the new material has struck a chord with me.

The second new single premiered last Saturday has the right vibe! :)


Like Shawn, I’ve always been a huge Keith Morris fan. I’m going to see both iterations of BLACK FLAG when they’re in New York, but there’s no way to change that Keith’s BF era is my favorite. Next to him, I also loved Rollins, so Ron would have to place third.

Ok, so what other dates do you have lined in for the coming months?


We are trying to figure out what we want to do for a record release party right now for July, but confirmed shows so far are:

June 22 Punk Island on the Candy Apple Red Stage. It’s a 90+ free all ages show on the pier of Staten Island. Goes from 11AM-10PM.
August 3 with ANTIDOTE (NYHC) at the Midway Cafe in Boston.
August 17 at Trash Bar for a wedding party for our friends Brian and Shana who support the scene down here.

We are planning on taking the majority of the summer to write some more. Obviously if something great comes up, we will play. It’s what we love to do.

DONE WITH YOU live poster


When are you planning to visit Europe? :)


We would go over tomorrow if someone invited us and put us on a package. In reality though, we are a new band with no money. In fact, May 31 is my last day at my job. I was just laid off. So, if we do go over anytime soon it will be a miracle. One we would love, but a miracle none the less.

That being said, if anyone wants to help us in Europe by releasing the record or funding a tour….we want to do it.

Yeah, man. We need to spread your name around and I bet I’ll see you on some nice roster sometime soon! Generally, what label would you choose for yourself? You do not necessarily have to give me names (feel free), but what’s important in such an “organization” to back up a band like DONE WITH YOU properly?


Todd was in RAZORS IN THE NIGHT and he said Contra is incredible. The way they treat the bands and promote. The tour in Europe that RITN did was amazing. REFUSE RESIST was on I Scream and I think it was mainly because Onno (RIP) liked the band. I have also heard great things about WTF and I Hate People Records. The thing we would need most is a label who would push us and maybe have us do splits with bigger bands to get our name out over there. Basically all we care about is getting in front of people and having a good time. Everything else is a bonus. We are a hard sell though, we are not really punk, hardcore or oi, but we definitely have influences from all the genres. It’s tough to say who would be the best label over there for us because we are so mixed.


Most important in a label? Unlimited free cheese.


As DONE WITH YOU, how many time have you presented yourself to audience live on stage so far?


We have only played about 5-6 shows in the New York and Connecticut areas. DONE WITH YOU has only been a band since October, 2012. We plan on playing a lot more in the late summer/fall after writing a lot more.

Yup. But you’ve been in a few bands before, right? :) THE DEAD TRICKS, RAZORS IN THE NIGHT, REFUSE RESIST, THE SHARP LADS. Are there more names you’re hidin’ there? ;) What other projects do you have still alive and kickin’?


Jake was in CRUCIFIX in the 80’s. He plays drums for DWY. He has been in too many bands to list. A touring member of BAD MANNERS I think was the last one that was a decent profiled band. He is in a really good band called BRADLEY DEAN AND THE TERMINALS as well. Dave is still in THE SHARP LADS, they are recording their second album in July. James is still the singer of THE DEAD TRICKS, who just released a single on Infested Records called SERF. Those bands are still active.

None of us can sit still for more than a minute, so being in multiple bands works. Keeps things fresh too. Todd and I are the only ones who are not in another band right now.


How do you make time for all these projects when you have families and jobs? You do have both, don’t you? :)


Well, like I said, I was just laid off. Haha. So, I have time.

We space out when we are away from our families. Currently none of the bands tour extensively so it is manageable. Most of our girlfriends are into the music too, and they are all surprisingly supportive. They know we have multiple personalities and we need to satisfy our needs or we will not be tolerable at home. It’s good for everyone that we have a lot going on at all times. We make time. It’s not easy. What really is that is worth doing though?

Oh damn, sorry! I didn’t mean to mess with you about that :)

Alright, so let’s go back to day one. What inspired the formation of this band?


No worries. I will find something soon, I am sure.

Anyway, I move to New York from Boston to be with my girlfriend. It was time to make the next step. When I got here, I went as long as I could without being in a band. It was about 4 months total. And I was going insane. Writing and playing music is what makes me happy and without it I was hating a lot of things. The one person I knew really well down here was Todd.

Even before I moved to New York, we talked about starting a project “If” I ever did. He grew up with Dave in Marblehead  MA so we talked to him too. We needed a bass player, which are hard to find, so I posted about it on facebook. I figured I had enough band friends on there that they could hook us up. And James sent me a message. I was thrilled because that kid can sing. If he could play bass half as good as he can sing, he was in. He did not disappoint.

We had a drummer, Dan, who was great, but the beats just didn’t mesh with the band. You should check out his other band RIOT FOX though. So, Dave did double duty in the writing process. He played drums and lead guitar. When we booked our first couple gig though, we needed to make sure he was on lead guitar because he adds so much to the sound.

We then found Jake. His wife worked with Todd at the time and then we were complete. We recorded the first half of the 7″ before Jake was around and the second half as a complete band. “Control” is our newest song that has been recorded and that is why we are pleased to have you stream it.

All of the band members have been in other bands, we all work well together and most importantly we have a blast playing. That is all the inspiration we need.

So there hasn’t been much feedback so far, right? People haven’ had a chance to check out your lines, right?


The feedback we have gotten so far has been great. We’ve sent out the digital version to the people who participated in the kickstarter project. There were 84 people who helped put this out on vinyl.

Oh yes, the Kickstarter campaign! Are punks allowed to use crowdsourcing services? :D


There are a lot of people that have given me shit about it because some people look at it as asking for a handout. In reality we treated it as a sanctioned pre-sale of sorts. Nothing that was put up was more expensive than a pre order. It was a great way to get it pressed quicker than dealing with a label, or saving up. We recorded it and knew we wanted it out.


Wait, is part of punk rock about being free, not taking orders, and no rules? I’ve heard something like that once… so I’d say our kickstarter pre-sale campaign was allowed so to speak ;-) also not sure if that emoticon was “punk” but to hell with it.

Yeah, man. I totally agree. I’m just playin’ with all the bands that had a similar campaign, just to explain all those morons once again it’s not a fuckin’ crime!

Was it hard to collect the full sum?

No, it was pretty easy. I mean, they take a small cut but it’s not like we raised a million dollars or anything. It was 2,000 in the end and the pressing costs were about that. All of the special add-ons of patches, pins, art were out of pocket. Overall, it was a good process for us. I do agree that there are some celebrities and shit that give it a bad name. They raise millions of dollars to put crap out and they could afford it on their own anyway. So I understand where some of the critics come from.


Celebrities use kickstarter? That’s retarded. I don’t follow that world less its shoved in my face and I have no choice so I literally had no idea. But yea, that’s garbage.

DONE WITH YOU live vocals

Are you putting out this EP on vinyl only? Why?


At some point we may release it as a CD but right now it’s vinyl and will be digital. iTunes, Amazon, etc.

Actually, we may run a limited pressing of CDs for the Boston show. As far as in the US though, we want to keep it DIY and self produced. We may shop it around for Europe seeing how we would need additional distro and people who know the area.


I feel that Vinyl has superior sound and is an actual collectible. It’s a great product overall for music lovers and collectors. That’s why it’s been around so long and is making yet another comeback. CD’s are losing their juice fast, and as better quality digital formats become more widely used, the grave for CD’s gets deeper and deeper. Just my opinion I guess.

DONE WITH you vinyl

DONE WITH you vinyl again

Very cool. And I saw some crazy packages including your drawing and paintings! Sounds amazing. Tell me more about these works.


Illustration/painting is my second passion to music. Some people like my work so I figured it would be a great addition. 6 people are going to get a custom illustration. Some portraits of them and some are drawings of famous people in the punk world. Most importantly it’s a huge way of saying thank you for their support. I am going to try and push it more as a career in the next few months.

When will we be able to see some samples of it?

I don’t know if I will put up the art done for the people individually, it will depend on the people in the drawings/paintings. You can see my work at though. It will all be in the same style. It’s what I do.




Nice. Looks very fresh. Thanks!

Ok, Shawn. Please tell me about the atmosphere you faced at Nick Vivid’s Mega Platinum Studios. How was the recording time?

It was a pretty chill, low-budget studio. He is recording WWIX and Blackout Shoppers right now, which are two NYC bands that I like a lot. They have a very rough sound, and that is what we were going for on this record. So, it worked out great. He also has a different system than I am used to, he charges per song, so we are not committed to time restraints. It worked well for our busy schedules.

Damn, so I guess he doesn’t work with post rock bands, does he? Haha!

Ok, guys. Where are you originally from? Which members are from Brooklyn? :)


I lived in Massachusetts my whole life. Moved to Brooklyn last August. So far, so good.


I grew up in Berkeley, CA. Spent 12 years in LA, then moved to BK in 2012.


I’m originally from New York City (The Bronx), but I mostly grew up in Massachusetts.  I moved to Brooklyn in 2009.


Was born in Rochester NY. Raised in Marblehead, Ma til 18. Lived in Boston for 13 years. Then Brooklyn.


Born and raised in NYC. Living across from the 59th Bridge in Astoria, been working in Brooklyn since im 14. My great grandparents immigrated to NYC…I’m a dinosaur.

Do you go to Saint Vitus? Tell me about your favorite local venues.


I’ve been there once, it’s a very cool place. I go to Trash Bar a lot. I think my favorite venue so far is Bowery Electric. We have yet to play it but the atmosphere is very cool. Another place that has crazy shows is Hilltap Tavern in Queens.


I’ve been there but should go more often. Loved ABC NO RIO while it was around. Trash Bar, Bowery Electric, Acheron. (I informed him that ABC No Rio is still around, just doesn’t do as many shows).


Alot of my fav venues have closed. Such as CBGB‘s, Coney Island High, L’Amour, etc. But there are new venues paving the way for the future. The Bowery Electric being my new favorite.


I like Grand Victory, Don Pedro, Cake Shop, Hank’s Saloon…In the City, Mercury Lounge and Bowery Electric. Todd’s Butt is a great venue – lots of room and nice acoustics. Everyone’s been through there.


Hanks.. forgot to mention grand vic and trash bar too. There’s a lot of venues coming up.

DONE WITH YOU live guitar

I have asked this question to PIGS (feat. Dave from UNSANE) and I’m curious again. Do you have any Polish accents in your neighborhood? Friends, enemies? ;)

Speak freely, I know my countrymen can be found in every corner there . Oh, and mind the fact we’re often mistaken for Russian ;)

I think most of us live in Spanish neighborhoods except maybe Dave. He lives in Greenpoint which has a huge Polish community. So there are accents there. The thing about New York, it truly is a melting pot. Every nationality is seen every day.

Yup. Can’t wait to finally visit the Big Apple.

What are some of the things about living there that you love the most?


There’s always something to do. Bars open til 4am, etc


Well, I am still new to the area, but I agree with Todd. Public Transportation is a lot better than Boston too. If I want to drink, I can take a cab or train home. Anytime. Where I am from, everything shuts down at 2am and the trains shut down around midnight. So you are basically forced to drink and drive.

It seems like the others got swept up in all the non-stop action that is New York to respond.


I could go on forever with this one. I love this city with everything I got.  There’s nothing like it. It’s not exactly what it used to be but everything changes and there’s still some remanance of just a dirty rotten good time. There’s no place like home.

Awesome. Sounds like Warsaw, haha! :D

Thanks guys for the track and your time! Let’s keep in touch.

DONE WITH YOU Reverbnation


DONE WITH YOU logo cover

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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