Live Videos

Powerviolent grind hardcore maniacs GVILLOTINE share new vicious live performance video via Sunsetter live sessions

1 min read

From captivating live sets from DESCUBRIENDO A MR. MIME or BONEFLOWER we covered here on IDIOTEQ, to a bunch of other artists on their YouTube channel, Sunsetter Sessions have been a wonderful way to bring a live performance energy to the international audience appreciating many different styles and subgenres. Today, we give you their newest installment, showcasing the vicious work of Bremen, Germany based blackened hardcore band GVILLOTINE!

Filmed by Anastasia Zeller, Vicky Kheira and Fabian Schulz, the video can be watched right here!

“In July we were in the sunsetter studio to record a live session. Anastasia Zellner filmed the whole thing and edited it afterwards. We wrote the songs during the Corona Depression.” – comments the band.

“Now in the new year we finally got a few shows despite the plague and are really looking forward to it. If you want to get an impression, you can now check out our complete set in Full HD on Youtube.”

The live recording will be released on Bandcamp & Spotify this week, plus on tapes through a limited distribution. 

“We are also already writing our first LP, which we hope to start recording this year.” – adds the band.

Catch the band live at the following stops:

11.3 Dusseldorf
12.3 Weimar
13.3 Bremen
16.4 Munster
13.5 Hamburg

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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