DROPDEAD live 1991 at the Carr Haus at RISD in Providence
DROPDEAD live 1991 at the Carr Haus at RISD in Providence
News Stories

Recalling DROPDEAD – the Providence, Rhode Island Hardcore Punk Legends

3 mins read

The thing that makes me like DROP DEAD the most is that their singer Bob is profoundly sincere. Lots of bands have singers and lyrics, but I respect a person with a fierce stance in line with their convictions.

When this blog series began, it was with the intention of spreading the word to people like the ones reading this, during the pandemic, that it was possible to endure all the fucked up shit that we face in life and to keep on fighting for a better tomorrow.

I feel disturbed knowing that so many good and decent punk rock friends left us in recent years and yet somehow I found ways to stay alive; when so many did not.

DROPDEAD by Darren Bourne - Brighton, 11-13-1996
DROPDEAD by Darren Bourne – Brighton, 11-13-1996

Well, that is why we began publishing these blogs. It was not about being a good writer, and it was not about being a journalist or a music reviewer. I suppose I realized that I no longer cared about things that donโ€™t really matter, and over time; I began to have more space and time in my thoughts for good things, for me and hopefully for others.

It is no secret that I had fallings out with or broke apart from most everyone I once knew in the punk scene and in general. You can read back through my prior blogs about DISRUPT, THE BRUISERS, SIEGE, WARGASM, WRECKING CREW, TEMPORARY INSANITY, SAM BLACK CHURCH and TREE, to learn the reasons why I left Massachusetts, and the United States.

It ainโ€™t no joke; that is why these blogs are being written.

DROPDEAD live - Liege Belgium 1996 at La Zone. Photos by Roger NBH
DROPDEAD live – Liege Belgium 1996 at La Zone. Photo by Roger NBH

I slowly began to learn that even if I felt full of anger, that I could still honor the good and meaningful experiences from my shattered past.

So it is in the name of keeping myself alive as much as hopefully giving others something that might give them the boost to keep going and to try again tomorrow.

Besides, what is more punk rock than helping your friends and community get through hard times, find a path forward and continue fighting the good fight, personally, for ourselves and collectively with each other; resulting in our communities healing a tiny bit more.

Having empathy and being kind to others is punk rock.

DROPDEAD live - Libourne France tour 1998
DROPDEAD live – Libourne France tour 1998

That is why this blog author publishes storybooks featuring punk rockers from around the globe, sharing their battles, struggles and triumphs, in hopes of helping us all find our inner power to keep moving forward. โ€œYouโ€™re Crazyโ€ Volumeโ€™s One & Two are available here.

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The best memory I have of DROP DEAD is when Bob hosted the Providence Punks Picnic (outdoor live show at his home) featuring DESTROY, DROP DEAD, GRIEF, TOXIC NARCOTIC and DEFORMED CONSCIENCE and more locals.

This was in 1992, if Iโ€™m not mistaken. I was 19 years old.

DROPDEAD live - Some old photos circa 1991 way out in N. Smithfield at Bobโ€™s old basement. - by Judy
DROPDEAD live – circa 1991 way out in N. Smithfield at Bobโ€™s old basement. Photo by Judy

The first time I can remember personally meeting the guys from DROP DEAD was in the waiting room of Saint Elizabethโ€™s Hospital, in Brighton, Massachusetts, after their basement gig in Allston. I think it was 1993. My Casualties t-shirt was covered in blood and I had just received 10 stitches about an inch away from my left eye. It was a powerful moment for me to know that they cared that much. Respect!!

It has been about 30 years since that evening.

DROPDEAD live at at 924 Gilman
DROPDEAD live at at 924 Gilman

We are all very fortunate that my left eye was not lost that night.

Congratulations on your massively successful European tour with NAPALM DEATH, SIBERIAN MEAT GRINDER and ESCUELA GRIND. I have been following the tour online!!

Respect to any band who keeps kicking ass and rages even harder after 30 years!


DROPDEAD live - 1991 at #AS220
DROPDEAD live – 1991 at #AS220

Crusty Craig โ€œGregorioโ€ Lewis is a longtime contributor to IDIOTEQ. Gregorio is a punk rocker from the United States, living in Mรฉxico, and after traveling to forty countries around the world giving talks and workshops on how he has Survived the Impossible, both professionally and for the Punx, he has been living in his mountain pueblo for nearly four years.


Crusty Craig โ€œGregorioโ€ Lewis is a longtime contributor to IDIOTEQ. Gregorio is a punk rocker from the United States, living in Mรฉxico, and after traveling to forty countries around the world giving talks and workshops on how he has Survived the Impossible, both professionally and for the Punx, he has been living in his mountain pueblo for nearly four years. Contact Gregorio directly at [email protected] and check out his numerous published books, at Sanity is a Full-Time Job.

Be sure to check out “DROPDEAD: 27 years speaking and living by their beliefs” – our 2018 interview with DROPDEAD!

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