WAKE by Cole Hadley

From the road: Canadian grind terminators WAKE discuss Europe, touring, and more!

3 mins read

Just a couple of days after our lenghty interview with Philly powerviolent hardcore pack BACKSLIDER, we’re back with the second leg of our promotion for the current WAKE / BACKSLIDER European tour that kicked off yesterday in Germany, an interview with Canadian grindcore assassins WAKE. With its creativity, an utterly intense assault on the senses, a flawless display of violent, yet very smart bursts of energy, their work is what many see as the pinnacle of grindcore and extreme music. Seeing them performing live is thrilling and something not to be missed, so don’t miss out on their gig if you’re near!

WAKE‘s latest album “Sowing The Seeds of a Worthless Tomorrow” was released in early 2016 via Sentient Ruin, Nerve Altar, 7 Degrees, and EveryDayHate. The band has finished recording their 4th full length earlier this Summer and will soon reveal more details on its late 2017 release.

A whole new level of violence and aggression from Canada’s most infamous grindcore killing machine. WAKE’s third full length album is a war zone of ferocious and swarming aggression that elevates the bar of grindcore to an entire new level, opening massive wounds in the listener’s perceptions with a vicious and unrelenting onslaught of grindcore, sludge, black metal, crust and crippling post-hardcore.

The following interview was conducted a couple of days before the tour. Scroll down to see the full feature.

BACKSLIDER tour wake

16/08/17 GER Essen Don’t Panic
17/08/17 GER Hamburg Astra Stube
18/08/17 GER Magdeburg Heizhaus
19/08/17 GER Gießen AK44
20/08/17 NL Hengelo Innocent
21/08/17 BEL Antwerpen Music City
22/08/17 GER/CH contact [email protected]
23/08/17 AT Vienna Arena Beisl
24/08/17 SVK Bratislava Fuga
25/08/17 HU Budapest Robot
26/08/17 CZ Prague Fekal Party / Modra Vopice
27/08/17 GER Weimar Gerber 3
28/08/17 PL/GER contact [email protected]
29/08/17 GER Potsdam La Datscha

Hey guys! How are you? Already gearing up for the tour?

We are most definitely getting ready for Europe. Practicing, Hitting the bong, pretending we’re lost, ya know, usual European tour stuff.

What was your introduction to European metal scene? Do you remember?

Probably The SCORPIONS, man. I remember driving around in my moms car listening to Crazy World when I was a kid. Accept are really cool too.

As for WAKE’s introduction to the European metal scene: Our first show was in Nijmegen, NL in 2012 with our friends in HEARTLESS. That night there were people moshing with bicycles in the pit and going bananas and before you knew it the show was over and the wildest techno dance party ensued. I had heard about how great Europe’s DIY/Heavy music scene was/is in detail from other bands who had toured there over the years and it has always lived up to what I had heard. I’ve always been blown away at how well organized the shows are, how accommodating people are to strange Canadians, and how much people love and appreciate heavy music on that side of the pond. I feel extremely grateful to have been able to travel and play across Europe as many times as we have. We’ve played some of the most crazy, fucked up shows ever in Europe and can’t wait to return.

Can you share some recalls from your previous international touring experience?

Hmmm… a few highlights/lowlights would be getting bit by a Brown Recluse in the USA. Losing our Bass player in Poland. Making a ton of new friends. Seeing lots of great bands over the years. Walking in the rain for 45 minutes to get a bucket of Voodoo Donuts. Our drummer, eating weed cookies in LA and being stoned for 3 days after. Our drummer almost being deported from the USA back to Mexico (he’s from Canada..?)

Haha! How do you keep your energy up while being on tour?

Sleep and diet. It can be hard with the late nights and long drives but trying to get as much sleep in the van, venue, sleeping spot, wherever and trying to eat as healthy as possible. The 5 of us are usually on the same wave length when it comes to food and usually try to seek out healthier options than fast food, gas station shit.

Did you write some good riffs on the road?

Nah, the constant travel crossed with late nights, drugs and booze aren’t the best for producing much creativity within us. We’ve actually tried this a few times before but doesn’t yield much results.

Does it take you time to decompress after a trek? What is your game plan when a tour wrapps up?

Decompression comes slowly and with time while heading back to work after tour. The Game plan for me after tour involves my bed and shower.

Alright, so back to your August tour, how did the collaboration come about?

We’ve known Logan (BACKSLIDER) and have been fans of BACKSLIDER for a few years now and have tried doing dates together before but our schedules never really coincided with another, but this time the dates worked on both sides and its actually happening.


Are there any stops that you’re particularly curious about?

We’ve never been to Hungary before so playing Budapest should be killer. A few new cities this trip which always makes for interesting touristy stuff.

Ok, so lastly, apart from touring, what are your plans for the coming months? Please drop us some details on your upcoming new music and anything else you’re into these days.

We finished up our next full length a month ago with Dave Otero in Denver, USA and it will be coming out towards the end of the year. We have some Western Canadian dates booked for when we get back from Europe and a US Winter tour being worked on now.

Great, thanks a lot guys. Cheers for your time. All the best and good luck on the road! The last words are yours.

Thank you!

WAKE Facebook
WAKE Bandcamp
WAKE BigCartel
[email protected]

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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