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Stockholm hardcore punks EXIL teasing new LP with vicious single “History of cleanliness / Idiot Face”

1 min read

Fueled by the ever-burning passion of members of DS-13, The Vicious, INVSN, AC4, Livet Som Insats, Leper, UX Vileheads, E.T.A, Asterisk*, and Axis of Despair, Swedish hardcore pack EXIL are about to drop their debut LP “Warning” on July 23rd via Armageddon Label. Recorded by Kenko, Communichaos Media Clay Station and astered by Brad Boatright at Audiosiege, the new offering channels “straight up hardcore punk, no bullshit, no metal, just well written songs delivered with all the frustration, energy and angst these times we live in inspire.”.

“What did you do when the world came to a stop? EXIL got sick like everybody else, then they got angry, then they got busy, now they’re gonna get YOU. Firing out of Stockholm city in the time of protests and pandemic, EXIL hangs the open-ended grab-a-board-and-go power of early LA hardcore onto the relentless skeleton of a UK hardcore wall of sound. Society shut them out when they were young, and now here they are, full-grown and wielding reins of punk with great merciless fury. It’s personal, it’s piercing, and it’s a party. The rebels are inside your house, they are all around you… join the singalong or face your annihilation.” – Ian Christe, Bazillion Points Books

Members have played in: Asterisk*, Demon System 13, Invasionen, The Lost Patrol, The Vicious, Tristess, U.X. VILEHEADS, AC4, Bruce Banner, Epileptic Terror Attack, Feral Brain, Imperial Leather, Riwen, Sonic Ritual, Suicide Blitz, Axis Of Despair, Infanticide, Proteststorm and more.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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