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Texas metallic hardcore act DOUBLE CROSSED comment on debut EP

1 min read

Introduced through a brief feature last year, Abilene, Texas based metallic hardcore act DOUBLE CROSSED just released their debut EP and it’s has deep capacity to conjure up an intriguing, almost psychedelic sense of convergence of many different styles. Blending many different influences and spicing them up with their own twist, DOUBLE CROSSED have crafted a record filled with potential and a perfect snapshot of what’s hopefully still to come. It really rewards the adventurous listener. Listen for yourself and check out the track by track breakdown below.


Hypnotic State of Mind:

Ultimately, “It Takes Control” is about mind-control in all of its different forms, so we thought this intro would be a cool way to set the tone of the EP.

The audio clip is from a radio show featuring an expert on mind-control, Steven Jacobson.

Former Friend:

Former Friend is about losing friends to drug addiction. Substance abuse can be a form of mind-control just as much as anything else can. Lyrically, t’s extremely personal to us as a band.

The Vision:

This is a song about having visions of the end of the world.

It Takes Control:

It Takes Control is the title-track and the first single we released off of the EP. It’s about how the mainstream media, as well as social media, advertisements, and government propaganda have taken control of the minds of humanity. Our good friend Broc Baird filmed a really awesome video for this song and we’re extremely proud of it.

Bad Dreams:

This song is about the feeling of isolation that one might feel when searching for truth. Being awake in a world full of sleeping people can be extremely lonely and cold at times so as truth-seekers, we really wanted this song to convey that feeling.


Matriarch is based on a story we heard about a mother of two infant boys who was cooking meth in their apartment. As a result, there was an explosion that killed her and one of her sons, leaving the other son clinging to life in a hospital bed. This song is asking a question: if you could do things differently, would you? But then it’s immediately answering that question and saying, “too bad, you had your chance, and you blew it. You surrendered your mind to drugs. Now you will pay.” The ending is heavy and abrupt and we felt that it was a great way to end the album.


Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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