Exclusive Streams

“666 Cups of Black Coffee” – JODIE FASTER / GENITAL JIGGLING split premiere

3 mins read

Lille’s JODIE FASTER and Rouen’s GENITAL JIGGLING are teaming up for one of the wildest and fun fast punk records this year, and granted somewhat limitations of the genre and numerous points of comparison, both bands come as more of an inspiration than emulation. From the genuine, melodious and stripped off side from JODIE FASTER, to bursts of speedy, metallized, swingin’ hardcore’n’roll from GENITAL JIGGLING, the whole thing ranges from sort of funny to raging and pissed off to muscular, powerful and explosive. 10 songs in 10 minutes. Check out the full stream above, check out the first hand track by track commentary below and leave your thoughts in the comments!

“666 CUPS OF BLACK COFFEE” split EP is available today via Acouphènes records, Crapoulet records, Dirty Guys Rock records, Don’t Trust The Hype recordz, Emergence records, Keponteam, KLVR records, Loner Cult records,  Ribé records, and Spit It Out! prod.!

Album credits: JODIE FASTER was recorded by Nicolas Tarridec in Lille (fr) / GENITAL JIGGLING was recorded by Hugo Magontier in Rouen (fr) / Mix by Jacky Cadiou @ At The Movie Studio in Brest (fr) / Master by Daniel Husayn @ North London Bomb Factory Studio (uk) / Artwork (made in modeling clay) by Tommy Knuts, Lille (fr).

JODIE FASTER was formed in the summer of 2016 in Lille, France .The motto was simple : play as fast as possible. After two years, 100 gigs around Europe alongside bands like Vitamin X, Youth Avoiders, Clowns, Burning Heads… few festivals as Ieper Hardcore Fest 2018 (be)… and some repress of their first EP ‘Complete Discography’, the band is back on track with a split EP with thier friends GENITAL JIGGLING. Their 80’s hardcore punk, with clear guitar sound, is played fast and frantic during live shows, where the fun mixes with politic. Preparing a LP for 2019, a UK mini tour in april (appearance at Manchester Punk Festival 2019), and a Central Europe tour next summer.

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JODIE FASTER track by track commentary:

#1 / Trapped: The first song is about anxiety and paranoia. How I feel when I find myself in a certain situation in society. Not feeling at my place. both socially and humanly when one goes out of one’s comfort zone. it’s sometimes really hard to stay yourself under social pressure.

#2 / I Like Rain: (originally written by JF’s drummer Ripoll as LA MISE EN TROPIQUE, and performed here in a full band version). A story of a man forgetting himself because of love and alcohol, spending his time alone outside, far from home, waiting for better days, and calming down because of sweet usual rainy weather.

#3 / Where Are The Girls?: The antifa movement, while standing a very true political stance, is also very white and very male. This is in a way really significant, and we thought of this song as a reminder : let the people speak for themselves, listen to the actual people enduring the actual discrimination, don’t try to explain something you don’t experience. And hate nazis, fuck those guys.

#4 / Living The Dream: This is the cynical and self-derisional counterpoint to the previous song. When you’re aware that you live the good life, and still feel the inherent social injustice in it, what’s left to do ?

#5 / Badmood And Black Coffee (performed by GENITIAL JIGGLING): This song is about monday morning, when you need to get back to your pointless job. As a friend would say : “work is slavery, work is murder”. Beyond provocation, we would love to see mankind focus on what really matters : food, shelter, health and education for everyone for free. Things that do not go along with capitalism very well.

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GENITAL JIGGLING was formed in 2011 in Rouen Normandy France. We are 4 and we play an hardcore fast punk. We released two L.P the first in 2012 and the second in 2014. Since 2017 we have a new drummer. We are going to release a split with Jodie faster then defend it on a lot of dates this year. Then we will return to the studio to record our 3rd L.P we have already started to compose.

GENITAL JIGGLING track by track commentary:

#1 / Tropic Guy: This one talks about escaped taxpayers unable to enjoy the heavenly setting in which they hide to continue their misdeeds.

#2 / Back Breaking: Second track tells about my difficulties sometimes to find time to compose.

#3 / Prey For Your Life: The third deals with survivalism and its absurd drifts.

#4 / Inside The Tour Bus: The fourth tells how our tour minibus has had motor worries. Which brought us a lot closer to Jodie Faster.

$5 / 666 Songs On The Tape (performed by JODIE FASTER) : This song is the result of a talk with Dinitros Grand Guru from Guru Disc who wanted that for our first album we were doing a lot of tracks and I promised him 666 . And the song talks about all that will imply 666 tracks in terms of darkness and malevolence.

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JODIE FASTER live dates:

16/11/2018 TOURS FR
24/11/2018 LILLE FR
30/11/2018 ROUEN FR
15/12/2018 LILLE FR
12/01/2019 KORTRIJK BE
18/01/2019 LILLE FR
29.30.31/03/2019 DE mini tour w/ Guérilla Poubelle
17 to 22.04 2019 UK mini tour (+ Manchester Punk Fest)
01/06/2019 VORT N VIS 30years Bday / IEPER BE
Central Euro Tour (de cz sk at it slo cro hun ch…) July 2019


16/11/18: Mc Daid’s – Le Havre FR
30/11/18: 3 Pièces Muzik’Club – Rouen FR
01/12/18: L.A.G – Liévin FR
15/12/18: La Bulle Café – Lille FR
04/01/19: Orléans/Dijon/Troyes / book them !
05/01/19: Lyon FR
06/01/19: Paris / Book them !

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via www.idioteq.com@gmail.com

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