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DNF interviewed by Blow The Scene

1 min read

Blow The Scene had a chance to talk to DNF, a project featuring members of TRASH TALK and TOUCHE AMORE.

We are excited to offer Blow The Scene readers around the world an interview with DNF guitarist Chad Kawashima, as his powerviolence practitioning band of speed fiends continue to celebrate their first vinyl release, Hurt, which hit streets in March via High Anxiety and No Idea Records. With the first distant rumblings of the band coming in 2006, they would soon find their schedules allowed limited time and began a perpetual cycle of hiatuses with DNF members touring regularly with their other bands Touche Amore and Trash Talk. The band recently found time to complete a blistering new release, Hurt, which we reviewed last month as the band continues to create a buzz amongst powerviolence enthusiasts across the board. Chris was kind enough to go in depth with Blow The Scene, as he discusses DNF‘s origins and brings us all the way up to speed on the writing and recording processes behind the new EP before touching on the band’s plans for 2012.

Go here.

DNF live:

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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