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Milano hardcore punks TOXIC YOUTH sign with WTF Records; premiere new video for “Walkin’ Free”

1 min read

WTF Records is more than proud to have signed the legendary TOXIC YOUTH from Milano, Italy. Get ready to board Toxic Airlines for a flight filled with energizing songs about life, music, blood, sweat, tears, love, brotherhood and fun! All served with rolling basslines, guitar hooks, tight drums and vocals that make you want to sing a long, think, scream it out loud and drink a beer with old and new friends! Check out their new video for their new song “Walkin’ Free” above!

Originally formed in 1990, TOXIC YOUTH dominated the mid to late 90s with their uncompromising hardcore sounds. A rough and ready four-piece of Christian, Max, Ale, and Novo, the band first broke ground in ’93 when they released their first demo ‘TOXIC YOUTH’ on cassette (1993). With eight tracks of fierce hardcore sounds and visceral thrash influences into the public consciousness. It was the spark that would set fire to the underground scene. Soon after the release, the band were carving their own path through the Italian music scene, earning their stripes and gaining recognition for their intense and uncompromising live shows. After touring and supporting bands such as RKL, DOA, Beastie Boys, Franky Hi-Nrg, the band went into the studio and recorded their debut album ‘Real Attitudes… Not Words!’ released on CD (1996). A now-legendary DIY release.

While TOXIC YOUTH continued to play shows and tour throughout the late-90s and 2000s, it wasn’t until they met a new drummer in 2018 that they really started working on a new release.

The band picked things up exactly where they left off. ‘BACK TO YOU-TH’ pulls no punches and proves beyond any doubt that the band haven’t lost their knack for aggressive, breakneck riffs and relentless punk anthemics, with a Toxic Twist. Its time to do it again!! walkin cover.jpg

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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