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New Age Records sign CROW KILLER

1 min read

Salt Lake City’s CROW KILLER have landed a spot on the New Age Records roster. The band, featuring ex-members of AFTERMATH OF A TRAINWRECK, COOL YOUR JETS and CLOSE CALL, will head to the studio this winter to record their first full length LP.

“I’m thrilled to be working with Blake (Foard) again. We have been friends for over a decade and he’s one of the biggest contributors to the positive side of the hardcore community. Crow Killer is a reflection of that”. -Mike Hartsfield, New Age Records

Like many great unions, CROW KILLER unfortunately came about because of a tragedy. The band originally started to develop only months after Close Grip’s singer, Brad Hancock, was shot and killed outside of a concert in Salt Lake. This rocked not only the local community but affected the hardcore community worldwide.

Josh Nemcek and Blake Foard started writing music with a few different drummers. Eventually, they came up with a song that would be the first track on their EP, “Becoming an Object of Fear” from Glory Kid records. The band went on the back burner due to not finding the right members. A year later Crow Killer finally formed when Tyler from Aftermath and Mike from Close Grip joined forces to make a four piece band. Still unsure of the direction Crow Killer would take, the band picked up Elliot McDaniel on bass so Blake would focus on vocals.

With an EP (Glory Kid Records) out after only 3 shows, including playing the annual “For The Children Fest” in Los Angeles, Crow Killer has not looked back or slowed down. This is Hardcore Fest will mark only their 15th show. With emotionally charged downtuning “stompcore”, and scathing to growly vocals,  Crow Killer wants to send chills up and down your spine. With lyrics ranging from personal struggles with depression to fighting those that seek to hold you down, Crow Killer is positioning themselves to be a voice championing hardcore underdogs

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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