DESVENTURA live by Fabio Fernandes
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Share This Breath: Brazilian refined DIY label’s ‘best of 2017’

2 mins read

For a musical genre that some of you might say it’s rooted in the past, the world of screamo and emotive post hardcore gave us a surprising number of great records in 2017. From more noisy and spastic variations of emoviolence, to more refined and gentle modernity of progressive post hardcore experimentalists, we have been offered a wide range of different interpretations of emotional, sulful, creative, and inventive hardcore punk and punk rock. It hasn’t been easy to decide what artists and records shuld be included in our ‘Top 2017’ feature, so we decided to skip the single ranking and ask some of our fellow labels and artists to give their own selections. The one below is a pointed reminder of some of the most interesting South American offerings that caught our ears in 2017 thanks to this amazing, passionate DIY collective and label called Share This Breath. Check out their ‘Best of 2017’ selections and share your thoughts in the comments below.

Well, it’s a common knowledge that Brazil is facing an economical and political crisis*, and it surely had affected us in several ways. We got unemployed, so then we weren’t able to throw any gig, to support many bands and to release a lot of things. Basically, we compromised ourselves to make new friends and partners. Oh and there were a few internal changes on our “office”, breaking out with my long-time partner and getting new ones.

Since last September, I (Lucas) have been working with the latin collective Movimiento Circular de los Arboles (you’ll learn more about it soon, Karol!), discovering that borders are imaginary and showing to the world that the latin DIY scene exists and is strong.

And, for 2018, we expect a new decent president lol, new jobs and new challenges. We don’t plan to dominate the world, but humbly keep on making friends and supporting bands we love. Also, we hope to embrace bands with girls and LBGT+ people, because we support and stand for them in real life, so why our label won’t? We are always with our arms and hearts open to hear from you and give love.

– Lucas, João and Fernando.

* see our interviews with QUESTIONS and UNDERGUST, touching on many aspects on the Brazilian crisis.

Share This Breath!

Eu Sozinho – Mal Estar EP

They have an unique take on skramz, kinda unusual in Brazil. Their live performances are a blast, and the lyrics have powerful, clever meanings. You’ll hear more from them very, very soon!


This EP is our 3rd international release, this time in partnership with Siempre Llueve Records (from Colombia), and some cassettes were made in Germany by Damn Fine Tapes. How awesome is that? Surely it’s our most expressive release ever! 17 minutes of raw and intense emotions. So much love to the ecuatorian dudes!

Desventura – Sonhos Tangenciais EP

We’ve been friends for a few years (but it feels like forever) and finally we were able to put something out together. They’re able to translate anguishes onto powerful harmonies and we definately love it (and them).

Vistas – Marasmo EP

It was a huge surprise meeting these guys this year, and to have them joining our family. Who ever thought of composing atmospheric screamo tunes with flutes? All that entangled and complex elements complete each other, with tearful, soul-striking harmonies.

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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