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THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN may call it quits after new upcoming album

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THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN guitarist Ben Weinman and vocalist Greg Puciato have shared their thoughts on something that might be one of the most shocking news this year, the band’s break-up, to be announced later this year. Is that so? See below.

THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN will release their 6th studio album ‘Dissociation” on October 14th.

Ben offered the following in his recent interview for Noisey:

We are going to do the cycle for this album and that’s it. But there are a lot of things that go into this cycle. We have a full US tour that we’ll be doing in the fall and then we’ll be doing a massive tour in Europe in the winter, and that will probably take us towards playing other areas like Australia or wherever we have to hit. Then I’m sure we’ll come back around and hit summer festivals and figure out what our very last shows will be around that time.

Greg Puciato commented for AltPress:

“Well, no big, calamitous thing happened. It’s just a natural part of the trajectory of individuals’ personal lives and goals not lining up with the lifestyle of doing this. Shit happens, man. [Laughs.] For me, the worst part of talking about all of this is that I don’t have a lot to say. I’m just focused on the reality of my surroundings and the fact that I literally just finished mastering a record a week and a half ago. I haven’t disengaged from the creative process, and I’m immediately now doing interviews and shows, and I already know what my schedule is for the next year. It’s weird.”

“…Who knows how we’re going to feel after the 200 more shows we still have to play. That’s what I mean: We’re about to announce our breakup, and I’m not even thinking about it. The only thing I care about is that the record is being announced and the release date is being announced and we’re finally going to have the fucking first song off the record for people to listen to properly, instead of a radio stream.

I’m not thinking about a breakup that’s not going to initiate until hundreds of shows from now. And definitely, creatively, I don’t know what the fuck I’m gonna be thinking two years from now when we finally play our last show.”

“…No one in this band is dumb enough to say something’s ever really done. If you’re smart and you look at every other band that’s done this, I mean, Guns ‘N Roses are fucking back, for Christ’s sake. Van Halen already came back. So the only thing you can do to make yourself not look like an idiot and not have to eat your own words is to leave it open for possibilities, because that’s reality. People are done when they’re dead.”

DEP live dates:

08/05 Toronto, ON – Hard Luck
08/06 Montreal, QC – Heavy Montreal
08/07 Boston, MA – Great Scott
08/08 Brooklyn, NY – Rough Trade
08/09 Washington, DC – DC9
08/10 Philadelphia, PA – Kung Fu Necktie
08/13 San Francisco, CA – Thee Parkside
08/14 San Diego, CA – Casbah
08/15 Los Angeles, CA – The Hi Hat
08/16 Santa Ana, CA – Constellation
08/20 Richmond, VA – Hadad’s Lake (‘Gwar-B-Q‘)
08/26 Reading, UK – Reading Festival
09/16 Chicago, IL – Riot Fest

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via www.idioteq.com@gmail.com

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