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Music Videos

NESSERIA – “Des Rues Ordinaires” video

1 min read

The new clip from NESSERIA was directed by Florian Belmonte. The story was written by Julien Robillard.

The band commented:

“Here is our first video, illustrating “The Ordinary Streets”, the opening track of our second album, «Fractures». These “ordinary streets” we chose to show in this video are those where we grew up, and spent most of our adolescences. We came back to these places that don’t, in themselves, have anything unique. We did it precisely because they are, in that, exactly identical to many we can find throughout France. In the anonymity of these empty places, stuck in their past, a whole population lives and drifts in silence. We thank Jean-Baptiste, Manuela, Delphine and Jean-Michel who have embodied immobilism, depression, alcool abuse and isolation. Thanks again to Florian Belmonte for his work, and to all those who helped us out.”

“And in this aging, mediocre country you grew up, and live your youth behind the shut doors of the ordinary streers. There, to ends of months succeed the end of social wages, to the wasted hours the total absence of choice. The sun rises whatever happends, and nothing stops your drift. Whether you wake up or not, the world keeps on turning, without you. Behind the shut doors, enough booze, dope and pills for all the early retirees. Keeping still, anticipating the recession promises, they’re watching the fire devouring the house.”

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
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