Downloads VA – Relapse Records Fall Sampler (2014) October 3, 2014 1 min read Relapse Sampler 2014 by Relapse SamplerRelapse Sampler 2014 by Relapse Sampler DOWNLOAD Share this Facebook Messenger Twitter Whatsapp Reddit Email Tags: Abysmal DawnatriarchBlack Anvilblack metalBroughton's RulesColumnsCripple BastardscrossoverCulteddeathdeath metaldoomdoom metaldownloadEcstatic VisiongrindcoreGruesomehardcorehardcore punkheavy metalIndianiron reaganmetalcoremetallic hardcoreMortalsMyrkurnothingNux Vomicaobituarypost metalprimitive manPublicist UKPyrrhonrelapse recordsringwormserpentine pathshoegazesludgesludge metalstonerstoner metalThe Dripthrashthrash metaltombsUltraMantis BlackUsnea Karol Kamiński DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels. Contact via [email protected] You might be interested in September 8, 2015 MORE LEMONADE – “Like falling in love in September ’96” (2015) May 20, 2015 HERIDA PROFUNDA – “Herida Profunda” (2013) December 11, 2015 Texas hardcore band STARVE premiere their debut EP! February 10, 2015 CAMP KOALA – [DEMO] (2015) Previous Story TUTTI I COLORI DEL BUIO – “Tutti I Colori Del Buio” 7” (2014) Next Story END OF MAZE – “End Of Maze” [EP] (2014) Latest Santa Cruz hardcore act SCOWL shares “B.A.B.E.” SAETIA’s 26-year return: new single “Three Faces Past” posted! LA post hardcore act NINE NECKS premiere new single “Deadweight” COMEBACK KID re-release the iconic “Wake The Dead” SCARED LITTLE TOASTER unleash fuzz and chaos in new noisy single “Vibra”