Music Videos

Dogs Will Bark – Top 10 Tough Guy Hardcore Videos, by Belgrade heavy hitters BLANKFILE!

5 mins read

Just a couple of weeks after their top 10 records of the year special here on IDIOTEQ, we’re stoked to be partnering with Serbian metal infused hardcore punks BLANKFILE and, in conjuction of the recent premiere of their new video for the song “Dogs Will Bark” (watch above), give you their (partly tongue-in-cheek) ranking of best tough guy hardcore music videos worth checking out.

If there is anyone who didn’t get it with the “#O4TF” single, or still trying to understand what happened with the old melancholic Blankfile after they introduced their new EP “Truth Be Sold”, should finally get it with the new video featuring “Dogs Will Bark” – Blankfile has set off towards new course, ready to face a new challenges and possibly never be the same again. One can still see and hear fragments of the same band, but with so much new to offer.

The new video is going down that road, as well, while following up the song’s dynamics in every bit of it. Form the brutal opening with a bass and the chorus punchline “You Do Your Thing And Let Me Do Mine“, over almost rapcore verses to the closing breakdown, you can witness that the guys can do different styles successfully, but always coming back to the one they do the best – communicating their emotions, rage and disgust in this case, through playing heavy riffs and mental breakdowns. Even the ending scene where we see the band walking out without a backward glance can be intepreted like they are burning some bridges behind them. Reading the lyrics, watching the video, for sure some people will get the message.

BLANKFILE by Andrej Nihil
BLANKFILE by Andrej Nihil

In this case, the main message is for the ones always pointing fingers, barking at a tree and „selling their tricks“ as mentioned in the song. Among everything, a few hand moves and gestures in the video will break it down for dummies. At last, the lyrics such are „my world has never needed a scumbag like you“, „hate me, hate what I do, I don’t give a fuck“ can hardly be more simple to understand.

Visual storyline is designed by Dusan Jaukovic, the director of photography and the main editor for „Dogs Will Bark“ video. Dusan has major references in pop music genres, so, although he is originally a hardcore fan, it is not a surprise to see how the night club ambience making it through the whole video. Obviously, it was done on purpose. Blankfile and Dusan’s team clicked quite good, because the video reflected exactly the same intention the band has – simple, but loud and clear messages.

The video itself has drawn a new dimension of the band, offering a non-standard hardcore/metal scenography, unless you are a metalhead fan of Cyberpunk 2077. But, it has certainly preserved few key patterns characterizing many hard’n’heavy music videos, so yes, you are still watching a hardcore/metal video. So, the video is a proper balance between the music and visuals – while the band’s behaviour on set is atrracting your attention, the guitars are grinding your bloodstream and methematically precised drum kicks dictate your heartbeat. One can somehow feel the bouncy rhytm of the song even when the sound is off. And, in the end, as mentioned, you will watch a classical breakdown sequence, but in a foggy atmosphere and dirt in the air, adding a movie ambience to the set.

The song should grow to heart of anyone who is into hardcore and metal, but adding this video on top of it, it will not be a surprise if some people not listenining of any heavy music get hooked up. And, it seems that Blankfile, exactly, wants to get those.

Top 10 Tough Guy Hardcore Videos, by BLANKFILE:

MALEVOLENCE – Keep Your Distance

This video is representing the maximum of this band in terms of energy and you can almost feel the power of the song, like you are there, kicking and moshing alongside with all the masses. When Bryan kicks in, the breakdown is getting a whole another dimension!

Kublai Khan TX – The Truest Love

Kubla Khan I heard just two years ago and immediately they have become a regular part of my gym training soundtrack. This video particularly. It shows they are basic, but again multilayer. In the chorus we see live shoots of brutality mixed with them banging the same move over and over again, while Matt’s biceps is getting bigger and bigger. Go, give me ten push ups, right now!


If I would make a ranking, which I don’t…but, if I would be doing it, this would be the number one, few empty slots and all the rest. Without hesitating. I love this band and this video is all they wish to represent. Tough guys making their way up. You have a desert, you have that post apocalyptic ambience, you see those crazy so-called cars drifting while bearing war items, and in the middle you see the band with bulletproof vests so pumped up to engage. In the breakdown you get to see a fight. Testosterone’s flying in the air, right? But, common, you can’t tell me you expect a sad song from LHHC?! The photo production is the best in hcpunk scene I saw so far.

Deez Nuts – Face This On My Own

Ok, these guys are not some macho heatheads, au contraire. I got to know them. But, this video is sharing the message they can be if you mess up with them and disapprove all they have done so far. I’m not saying they wander around and kick people’s butts, but I know they are a true and dedicated hardworking group of people, led by one and only, JJ Peters. He is not a tough guy, but he is doing a really tough job here.

Trapped Under Ice – Pleased To Meet You

I didn’t see more simple video with more physical engagements, meaning mosh pits, broken teeth, crowd killing, while everyone is smiling. Tough guys having a good time. Crazy, right?! And the song is one of my favourites hardcore tracks, so it fits prefectly.

MADBALL – Born Strong

One of the heaviest songs of this band got the heaviest video interpretation, if you ask me. A true power hardcore piece. The thing which is getting a spotlight to this video is the guest vocal appearance. Candace is the toughest “guy” in the video and she’s ruling Freddy over here.

Nasty – Shokka

Nasty has a tough hardcore style, evidently. Their videos, too. They are on the verge of bad taste, yet remains hardcore….and that is making them sooo fckn good. Matty’s acting is like a pro, he is very expressional in the videos, and you are hooked up by his muscle moves and gestures of hate. He is a star of the band and keeping Nasty….nasty.

BODY COUNT – Talk Shit, Get Shot

You hardly can’t get more tough than in this video. Ice T’s crew literally shoots people who are talking shit about the band. Beautiful.


Similar to the description I had for Malevolence, just featuring the higher beat rate. I literally have the urge to jump in the video and start moshing. The final breakdown is one of the heaviest in hardcore, that I heard so far.

….and you are wondering where is the 10th. Well, for me it is our Dogs Will Bark, but will let you come up with the explanation. Watch the video at the top of the article :)

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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