New Music

“Possessed To Die” – wild thrashers INHUMAN NATURE return with new single

1 min read

Inhuman Nature are set to unleash their new single “Possessed To Die” tomorrow. It’s a thrash assault with a classic crossover backbone, pulling in hardcore, crust, death, and doom elements—a combination that’s more than enough to rattle skulls. The warning is real: proceed with caution if your neck muscles aren’t ready.

“Possessed To Die” marks the first taste of their new LP Greater Than Death, which arrives on April 25 through Church Road Records.

It’s their sophomore LP and the band’s first full-length under Church Road. This follow-up carries forward the crossover bite of their debut while sinking deeper into darker, heavier corners.

Inhuman Nature - Possessed To Die

There’s nothing subtle about the band’s aim—frontman Chris Barling takes issue with a culture overloaded by falsehoods and distressing headlines: “I’ve never wanted to write a song about the ills of social media, but when you’re living in a time where misinformation is weaponized, being bombarded from all directions with death, war, crime…more death, when most people are skint and struggling to live anyway, it was hard not to. Feels like we’re Possessed To Die.”

Inhuman Nature - Possessed To Die

Live sets this May promise no mercy—“Live victims will be possessed to headbang – or die!”—and the band is hitting multiple UK dates:

05.02 London @ Downstairs at the Dome
05.03 Manchester @ The Star & Garter
05.04 Birmingham @ The Flapper
05.15 Norwich @ The Waterfront
05.17 Bristol @ Rough Trade
05.18 Brighton @ Dust
05.22 Leeds @ Boom
05.23 Glasgow @ Garage Attic
05.24 Newcastle @ Lubber Fiend

Karol Kamiński

DIY rock music enthusiast and web-zine publisher from Warsaw, Poland. Supporting DIY ethics, local artists and promoting hardcore punk, rock, post rock and alternative music of all kinds via IDIOTEQ online channels.
Contact via [email protected]

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